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Big Ideas From A Little Man

The Entrepreneurs’ Organization, New York Chapter, had a great event last week with personal growth coach Sean Stephenson. EVERYONE in attendance was touched by Sean and his message.

Sean was born with a rare genetic bone disorder called Osteogenesis Perfecta, brittle bone disease. He wasn’t expected to live more than a few hours and has broken bones in his body more than 200 times.

In October 2008, he sustained a very painful leg fracture and was reeling in pain for quite some time. His mother asked him whether his condition “Was going to be a gift or a burden”? The question gave Sean an epipthany. It made him realize that it is not “what you have” but rather “what you DO with what you do have”. Sean, who is only 3-feet tall, decided to take a STAND on the quality of his life.

Sean went on to become a trained therapist, worked at the White House and authored 4 books. Recently, he got engaged, and lives his life to the fullest. To say that he is an inspiration is an understatement.

Below are some key take-aways from Sean’s presentation.

-Get off your “buts” and stand – for what you want and who you are. By “buts”, Sean is referring to statements like “I’d like to start a business but …. or I’d like to revolutionize my industry but …”.

-Listen to your inner voice. It’s the most important voice to heed.  When you try something new (especially something audacious), there will be plenty of outside voices to discourage you. Listen to yourself first. Does your inner voice support or punish you? Is the conversation you’re having with the outside world matching the one you’re having with yourself?

-You are responsible for how others feel around you. Your enthusiasm and attitude controls and enhances your environment.

-When you leave your comfort zone, you will be learning something. We get too complacent and monotonous in our lives. Try something new!!

-When we interact with others we exchange information. When we “connect”, we exchange emotion. Try to focus on connecting.

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