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Can You Go To Jail For A Speeding Ticket?

Can You Go To Jail For A Speeding Ticket?

Believe it or not, the answer is “yes”.  In New York, you can be sentenced to up to 30 days for speeding.  Of course, imprisonment for speeding is rarely imposed.  Rather, it is relegated to only the most egregious instances.  You can read a funny anecdote about one of our client’s who was faced with this “honor” but today I write about another even more serious situation which recently occurred in Monroe County.

A police officer clocked a 2001 Audi at 110 mph this week in the up-state New York town of Greece.  The motorist tried to get away and a 13-minute, high-speed chase through various residential neighborhoods ensued.  The speeder temporarily lost the officers by turning off his lights but neighbors called 911 to help the police re-locate him.  Eventually the 21-year old motorist was cornered.  Instead of giving up, he made a very poor decision … he backed his Audi into the police car.  The officer tried to arrest this speed demon but he resisted.  You can see photographs and a video report of the incident.

Fortunately, no was hurt but you can bet that this young man will be getting more than a few points and a fine.  He was charged with driving while intoxicated, reckless driving and a whopping 56 traffic tickets.

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