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How Does A NY Electronic Device Ticket Affect My New Jersey License?

A New York electronic device and cell phone ticket does not currently carry points in New Jersey.  Therefore, a New Jersey motorist that is convicted in New York of either such offense will NOT get any New Jersey points added to their New Jersey license.  The reason for this is that points for an out-of-state conviction only transfer onto a New Jersey license when New Jersey assigns points for that same offense (and only 2 get transferred per offense even if New Jersey would assign more points had the offense occurred in New Jersey).
However, a New Jersey motorist convicted of such an offense in New York will get points in New York and New York will keep track of those points. If that New Jersey driver gets too many New York points on their New York record, then they can be suspended (just like a New York driver).
Further, a NY conviction will be reported to NJ and, if a New Jersey driver is convicted of 3 cell phone and/or electronic device tickets (including ones issued in New York), then New Jersey will suspend that motorist.  Finally, such a NY conviction can negatively impact a NJ driver’s insurance rates.
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