I’ve talked about it for quite some time but its finally here. Starting today (April 1, 2013), all traffic tickets currently returnable at the Suffolk Traffic Violations Bureau in Hauppauge will be heard at the nearby Suffolk County Traffic & Parking Violations Agency, located in the H. Lee Dennison Building, North Entrance, 100 Veterans Memorial Highway, Hauppauge, NY 11788. The Suffolk County Traffic Violations Bureau (“TVB”) will transfer its pending cases to the new court.
This is good news for motorists because, unlike, the Suffolk TVB, the Suffolk County Traffic & Parking Violations Agency will in most cases engage in plea bargaining. Plea bargaining affording motorists an opportunity to obtain a favorable result anytime they plead not guilty.
Below are FAQs about this new change for most Suffolk County traffic tickets.
Tickets issued Before April 1, 2013
If a moving violation traffic ticket was issued before April 1, 2013 and is returnable to the NYS DMV “Suffolk Traffic Violations Bureau,” you must answer the ticket with the NYS DMV Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB). If you fail to answer the ticket, your license or privilege to drive in New York State may be suspended. A suspension termination fee may be due regardless of the final disposition of the ticket. If you fail to answer the ticket after you are suspended, you may be convicted of the charge by default; your fine may be increased and an additional suspension termination fee may be due. If convicted by default, you may be subject to driver violation points on your driver record and a Driver Responsibility Assessment fee.
To enter your plea or for more information about your ticket answerable to the Suffolk Traffic Violations Bureau:
PO Box 2950-ESP
Albany, NY 12220
the DMV Offices page.
Tickets Issued On or After April 1, 2013
If a ticket is issued on or after April 1, 2013, and is returnable to the “Suffolk County Traffic & Parking Violations Agency,” you must answer the ticket with that Agency. If you fail to answer the ticket, your license or privilege to drive in New York State may be suspended. A suspension termination fee may be due regardless of the final disposition of the ticket.
H. Lee Dennison Building, North Entrance
100 Veterans Memorial Highway
Hauppauge, NY 11788
(631) 853-3800
What if I am suspended for a Suffolk Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) ticket?
If you are suspended for a Suffolk Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) ticket issued before April 1, 2013, contact the NYS DMV Traffic Violations Bureau for more information about how to answer your ticket and pay the suspension termination fee.
What if get a default conviction for a Suffolk TVB ticket?
If you are convicted by default for failure to answer a Suffolk TVB ticket issued before April 1, 2013, you can request to have the ticket reopened. Submit form AA-3.3 (Application to Reopen Default Conviction). You can request that the ticket be reopened only if:
- You have a valid excuse for that you did not answer the ticket, and
- You have a meritorious defense to the offense charged.
Can I appeal a conviction from a Suffolk TVB ticket?
If you are convicted of a violation at a hearing held in the Suffolk TVB prior to April 1, 2013, you can appeal the conviction to the DMV Appeals Board. You must appeal within 30 days of the conviction or hearing date. Submit form AA-33 (Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) Appeal Form).
I received a notice that my ticket was transferred to a different court. What does this mean?
The Suffolk Traffic Violations Bureau permanently closes as of April 1, 2013. So, there will be no venue to contest a TVB ticket that was issued in Suffolk County prior to April 1, 2013. To contest the ticket, you must enter a plea of not guilty, and the ticket will be transferred to the Suffolk County Traffic and Parking Violations Agency. See the information above about how to enter your plea. You will receive notification from that court about your appearance date. If you have any questions you can contact the court at the address listed above.
The address on my ticket is incorrect, how do I update my address information?
You can contact the Traffic Violations Bureau at 518-474-0941 to update your address.
If you have any questions about a Suffolk County traffic ticket, feel free to call us at 212-683-7373.