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Traffic Court Judge Booted Off Bench For Sexting

Generally, it is a good quality for judges to be open and transparent. However, Philadelphia traffic court judge Willie Singletary allegedly took this belief a little too far (and low).

He was recently relieved of his judicial duties for allegedly taking a cell photo of his genitals and, then, showing it to a female co-worker. It is further alleged that he was seeking sex asking “Don’t you want a piece of this?”.

Judge Singletary is a controversial figure. When he was elected, his own driver’s license was suspended and he owed roughly $11,000 in traffic court fines. He was also caught a few years on video asking for campaign contributions in exchange for his assistance in Traffic Court.  Singletary is heard saying to would-be donors “You all gonna need my hook-up, right?”. 

This could not have come at a worst time for the Philadelphia traffic court. It is already under a cloud amidst a long list of allegations of ticket fixing for political friends and family.

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