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When Social Media And DMV Collide

Today I am pretty happy.  For those of you who regularly read my blog, you know that I actively write about social media as well as vehicle and traffic law issues.  It therefore was exciting for me to read tweets from two social media giants about their traffic problems.

First, Peter Shankman of HARO complained about his trip to the Manhattan office of the Department of Motor Vehicles. He apparently needed to renew his license and remarked that being there was like watching “time stand still”. Peter, welcome to my world.

Peter added that he was surprised by how crowded it was given that most people in Manhattan don’t even have cars. I can tell you that your experience of waiting on long lines is typical. It is a rare day indeed when a NYC DMV office is not crowded. In fact, the most acute pain my firm solves is going to court so our clients can stay at home (the close second one being that we get mis-treated by civil servants instead than you).

Just a few minutes after reading Peter’s DMV tweets, I read a tweet by another social media giant — Chris Brogan of New Marketing Labs.  Chris wrote that he just got pulled over … presumably for speeding. Chris, your timing could not be more perfect. I just completed a Traffic Ticket Tip sheet which will be available for free to any web user who wants it.  You officially will receive the first copy of this helpful document.   Of course, feel free to call me if you want any further help.  It would be my pleasure.

Anyway,  this was a good day (I mean, a good day for me).

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