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Failure To Signal In New York: A 2-Point Moving Violation

Taxi in turning lane

UPDATE: Effective November 6, 2024, points from a moving violation conviction count against for DMV purposes for 24 months (formerly 18 months).

In the state of New York, a driver is required to signal before making a turn. Any time you turn or change lanes on the roadway, you must use your turn signals (electronic or hand) and wait until it is safe before turning. The law applies whenever you turn or change lanes on the roadway. It also applies if you are turning across traffic into a driveway and not just at an intersection. Nonetheless, sadly, many motorists view signaling as an optional activity. 

The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles lists several situations in which a driver is required by law to signal, which can often confuse some drivers. 

If you have been issued a failure to signal ticket and feel you acted within the law, Weiss & Associates, PC, can help you fight it. We can present your side of the case and get the ticket overturned. If you received a failure to signal ticket in New York, call us at 212-683-7373 or get in touch for a free case consultation.

What is New York’s Law on Failing to Signal?

Article 28 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law contains various sections governing turning and using signals in multiple situations. Specifically, VTL 1163(a) and 1163(b) explain improper or unsafe turns or lane changes without using a signal. 

Drivers should signal at least 100 feet before turning or changing lanes. The New York State Department of Motor vehicles lists several situations in which a driver must signal:

Whenever you change lanes or make a turn, use your turn signal continuously. This includes lane changes or turns when no one else is seemingly around.  Signaling is important for safety and legality. If you signal, it is easier for others to anticipate what you will be doing. Signaling also helps pedestrians. 

Common Defenses for a Failing to Signal Ticket

A person is not required to plead guilty to any traffic violation. If you fight your failing-to-signal ticket, here are some common defenses that you or an experienced traffic attorney might look into advancing:

Most of the time, attorneys negotiate with the prosecutor to reduce the charge to a lesser offense. However, in New York City, they do not negotiate in traffic court so your failure to signal case will be decided at a hearing (if you plead not guilty). Although failure to signal tickets carries only 2 points, they still affect your driving record.

What Happens If My Failing to Signal Resulted in an Accident?

A simple failure to signal ticket can turn serious when an accident occurs. In this case, not signaling can be considered an act of negligence. A conviction for this offense can be used as evidence of negligence in a related civil action. We, therefore, strongly recommend fighting a failure to signal ticket when there is an accident involving personal injury or property damage.  

Penalties For Failing to Signal in New York

Penalties for failing to signal can be:

How a New York State Traffic Ticket Attorney Might Be Able to Help

A traffic attorney who understands traffic laws can pursue different avenues to help you get the ticket dismissed or reduced.

This is particularly important if the failure to signal violation involved an accident or you have other convictions on your record (or other open moving violation tickets). Working with an experienced New York attorney is helpful and helps you maximize your chances for a successful outcome.

If you or someone you know has been charged with a failure to turn traffic violation, contact Weiss & Associates, PC, today. Our traffic defense attorneys have helped thousands of drivers get traffic tickets dismissed and avoid personal injury lawsuits in traffic accidents. Call 212-683-7373 or get in touch with us for a free case consultation.

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