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Brooklyn Traffic Ticket Lawyer

Getting a traffic ticket in Brooklyn is not fun. We appreciate that simple fact more than anyone. That is why our team is ready to help you out. If you have been issued a citation in Brooklyn or the surrounding New York area, our traffic ticket attorney services can help. Dealing with the state seems like an impossible task, but it does not have to be with a Brooklyn traffic attorney by your side. With years of experience helping local NYC residents with their traffic violations, Weiss & Associates, PC should be your first call if you have received a ticket in Brooklyn or anywhere in the NYC area.

Common Traffic Tickets Violations in Brooklyn

There are many reasons motorists get pulled over by the police while driving in Brooklyn. The most common ones include:


Speeding is by far the most common traffic violation. We get it. It happens. You are just trying to get from Point A and Point B and you are in a hurry and the next thing you know you see those flashing blue and red lights behind you. The DMV does not quite understand what a New York minute is, which is why you need a local Brooklyn area traffic ticket attorney that knows the ins and outs of our local NYC traffic court system.

Traffic Control Devices

Disobeying a traffic device is just a fancy way of saying running a red light. That is going to put two points on your driver’s license, and there is going to be a fine as well. If you roll through a stop sign or go the wrong way down a one-way street, you may also be breaking this law.

Distracted Driving

Using a cell phone while driving is also very common, but illegal in the State of New York. Brooklyn area cell phone tickets are common, but we can help. Everyone is busy, answering emails from the boss, texts from the kids, or checking their favorite social media site. If the NYPD catches you looking down at your phone and not up at the road, you are going to be facing a fine and five points on your license.

Failure to Yield

New York’s Vehicle and Traffic Laws Section 1140, et. seq. establishes the rules of the road when special stops are required. Specifically, failing to yield occurs when a driver does not come to a full stop when a pedestrian or cyclist has the right of way. For example, if you are at a crosswalk, or have reached a stop sign, yield sign, or a clearly marked stop line.

Improper Turns

An improper turn ticket is issued when a driver makes a turn from the wrong position. While this may seem like common sense, it becomes more difficult to be mindful of it if you have been waiting for a long time to make a left turn at a traffic light, or if there is so much traffic, that people try to bypass a turn lane by turning from the wrong lane.

Reckless Driving

There are many scenarios that constitute reckless driving, including racing with other vehicles, weaving in and out of traffic, running a stop sign or red lights, driving at excessive rates of speed, or anything else that may pose an unreasonable risk to other people on the roads.


Tailgating refers to following the car in front of you too closely. What makes this problematic is that New York law does not specify what distance constitutes too close. Drivers are supposed to keep a reasonable and prudent distance. This is because the shorter the distance, the less reaction time you have in case you need to stop. Therefore, motorists should take into account the speed of other drivers, as well as weather, and road conditions.  A good rule of thumb is one car length for every ten mph.

Leaving the Scene of an Accident

Any time anyone in New York is involved in a car accident involving personal injury or property damage, they are required by law to stop, and exchange information with the other driver (full names, driver’s license, license plate, and insurance information). This is a serious offense. In addition to traffic tickets, the person can also face imprisonment and, with personal injury, potentially a criminal record.

Move Over Law

New York’s Move Over law requires drivers to operate their motor vehicles with due care whenever they are approaching a stopped or parked emergency vehicle. This includes reducing speed, moving over a full lane, and anything else that may be necessary to keep everyone safe.

Brooklyn Traffic Violations Can Be Serious

If you have been charged with any of the violations mentioned above (and those we did not mention) it can be really scary. You get all these legal documents with writing on them that seems like it was written by an alien. That is where we step in. Going in front of a judge and dealing with all of the hassles of the court can be seamless and easy with one of our experienced team members at your side.

A lot of people think that they can just pay the fine and go on like nothing really happened. Based on which violation you are found guilty of, you might get points on your driver’s license which can be a problem if you get nailed with another ticket — if you accrue 11+ points within 18 months, your driver’s license may be suspended. Another potential problem is that your insurance rate will go up. Having an experienced traffic lawyer by your side means that you can get your ticket reduced or even dismissed.

Brooklyn Traffic Ticket Costs

The amount of the fine will depend on the reason why you are being pulled over — and whether there are additional circumstances, such as being in a school zone or work zone, driving while intoxicated, or having a history of similar offenses. Generally, tickets for common traffic violations are:

Speeding $45 to $600, depending on the speed. 
Tailgating $150 to $450, depending on how many times you have been caught. 
Failing to Obey a Traffic Control Device $225 to $450, depending on where you were pulled over. 
Not Wearing a Seatbelt $50 per person not wearing a seat belt
Distracted Driving (Texting or Phone Use) $50 to $450, depending on your number of violations.
Failure to Yield $50 to $250, depending on whether someone was injured.

Never admit liability. Even if you think you are in the wrong, there may be other factors that can affect your case, such as whether the law enforcement officer’s radar has been recently recalibrated, or if you have a dash cam proving something else. Give all of the information to an experienced NY traffic ticket lawyer, and let them tell you how to best move forward.

What Happens When You Get a Traffic Ticket in Brooklyn

The first part is the most straightforward. A cop flashes his or her lights and pulls you over. He or she will give you a ticket with what you did on it. If they are feeling nice, they may give you some instructions on what you can do after you receive your ticket.

Once you get home, you are going to need to act right away. Give us a call, and we will be able to take care of it. There are a few other parts to the process. Scheduling a hearing is a crucial step, as is going in front of the judge. If you call us, the premier traffic ticket attorneys in the Brooklyn and NYC area, we can be with you every step of the way.

And you very well may want to get a lawyer to help you, because, in addition to the fine specified on the ticket, you may also have to pay additional mandatory fees and surcharges, which get expensive, really fast. You may also be required to pay a Driver Responsibility Assessment Fee, if you are convicted of a drug or alcohol driving-related offense or if you have too many points on your driving record.

What makes this penalty even worse is that you would have to pay it for three years. How much you will have to pay depends on the number of points and the violation you are convicted of:

Drugs or alcohol driving-related offense $250 min x 3 years = $700 minimum
Refusing to take a chemical test $250 min x 3 years = $700 minimum
Receiving 6 points in 18 months $100 min x 3 years = $300 minimum
Receiving more than 6 points in 18 months $25 for each additional point x 3 years = $75 for each additional point over 6 points

If you fail to pay the amounts owed by the deadline in each of the three years, your driver’s license will be suspended.

Depending on the circumstances, there may be ways to fight a traffic ticket or to at least get the charges reduced. So always speak with an experienced attorney.

Speeding Ticket Lawyers in Brooklyn

There is this common conception of speeding tickets as something that is an annoyance, something that will just go away. We are here to inform you that this is not the case. As mentioned above, the fine is not the only problem that you might be dealing with if you get a traffic ticket. You may get points added to your license, and you may have to face rising costs of insurance.

We mentioned points on your license a few times, and now would be a good time to really explore what that means. Every conviction that you get adds points to your driver’s license. Some violations carry a low number of points. For example, failing to obey a traffic control device is 2 points. Others — like speeding at a velocity significantly higher than the posted speed limit — carry 6 to 11 points.

We also brought up the increasing cost of insurance. Your annual premium for your car insurance can increase up to 13% if you get a speeding ticket. That could represent a couple of hundred dollars. We would rather spend those couple hundred dollars on anything other than insurance, and we think that you have better uses for that money as well. In the long run, fighting a speeding ticket can help save you money.

Where is the Traffic Violations Bureau Office in Brooklyn?

Before showing up at a Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) office, make sure to first schedule an appointment. Otherwise, you will not be admitted into the building. Brooklyn has two locations:

Brooklyn South (Coney Island)
2875 W. 8th St.
Brooklyn, NY 11224

Brooklyn North
Atlantic Center Mall
2nd Floor
625 Atlantic Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11217

If you cannot show up to a scheduled appointment, make sure to go back to the DMV website to reschedule or cancel it. If you are thinking of canceling it because you cannot miss work, keep in mind that if you have a lawyer, they can go to the hearing for you while you go to work. So before changing or canceling your date, speak with us first.

Weiss & Associates, PC Brooklyn Traffic Attorney Services:

  • Speeding Tickets
  • Traffic Violations and Tickets
  • Truck Tickets
  • Suspension
  • Reckless Driving
  • Disobey a Red Light
  • Disobey Traffic Control Device
  • Obstructing Intersection
  • NY Driver Responsibility Assessment
  • Stop Sign Tickets
  • Cell Phone Tickets
  • Leaving Scene of Accident
  • Move Over Law
  • Improper Turning Tickets
  • Failure To Yield
  • Following Too Closely

We have what it takes to help you out. Our experienced team has helped our local Brooklyn neighbors from the stress, and costs, associated with traffic tickets and violations. Our flat fee means that there are no surprises. We are ready to fight for you today. Contact us today for FREE ADVICE!

Call us at 212-683-7373 today.

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