A new law requiring trucks to have crossover mirrors installed is picking up steam. These special mirrors allow truck drivers to see people who immediately in front of their vehicle. A…
When it was first enacted, we reported that New York’s law prohibiting texting and driving was deficient in that it contained a major loophole. The loophole was that it was un-enforceable…
I finished “Marketing [Even More] Outrageously Redux” and can now confidently write (at least in this instance) that you can judge a book by its cover. In part 1 of this…
New York City will soon be using speed signs which depict a skeleton image in order to get motorist to slow down. The new electronic signs are designed to reduce…
Below is the text for the move over law. § 1144-a. Operation of vehicles when approaching a parked, stopped or standing authorized emergency vehicle. Every operator of a motor vehicle…
Started today, May 16, 2011, the Nassau County Traffic & Parking Violations Agency will be offering amnesty to parking ticket scofflaws, as reported by us last week. The amnesty covers…
This Summer, motorists who owe money at Nassau County traffic court located at 16 Cooper Street, Hempstead will be given a one-time “get out of jail free” card. In an effort…
A New York driver was pulled over and arrested for possession of stolen property. How did he get caught? He pocket-dialed 911 and accidently allowed the cops to hear him talking…
As we reported in “New York Move Over Law Takes Effect” at the beginning of the year, New York’s “move over” law went into effect on January 1, 2011. The…
Text your ticket to (516) 558-5586 or fill out the form below. We fight any New York State traffic ticket EXCEPT parking, red light and speeding camera tickets.