Getting a New York traffic ticket of any type is never fun, but fighting it does not have to be complicated. In fact, it can be no big deal.
Reduce the hassle and stress associated with fighting any New York traffic ticket. Our traffic violation lawyer and staff will explain in plain English the process and will be honest about your prospects. Eliminate the need to wait on a DMV line or waste time in traffic court … hire us instead. Our traffic ticket attorney will appear for you so you can save time. At the end of the day, you’ll see we make it as easy and simple as possible.
How Does The NY Traffic Tickets Points System Work?
All New York traffic tickets carry 2 to 11 points each so having an experienced traffic ticket lawyer or a New York traffic violation attorney to fight for you is a good idea. Similarly, a NYC traffic ticket carries the analogous number of points as their NY tragic ticket counterparts. A motorist can be suspended for 11+ points so too many New York traffic ticket convictions and/or New York City traffic ticket convictions can “sideline” you from driving. Below is a chart of how many points are assessed for some of the more popular traffic tickets issued in New York City or elsewhere in New York State:
- Speeding traffic ticket: 3 -11 points
- Reckless Driving traffic ticket: 5 points
- Illegally Pass School Bus traffic ticket: 5 points
- Illegal Cell Phone Use traffic ticket: 5 points
- Illegal Electronic Device use traffic ticket: 5 points
- Tailgating traffic ticket: 4 points
- Improper Passing traffic ticket: 3 points
- Unsafe Lane Change traffic ticket: 3 points
- Disobey A Red Light traffic ticket: 3 points
- Failure To Yield Right Of Way traffic ticket: 3 points
- Driving Wrong Way traffic ticket: 3 points.
If not on the above list, then your moving violation likely carries only 2 points.
Even with an otherwise clean record, a New York traffic violations lawyer will tell you that, there are circumstances when a motorist convicted of certain NY traffic tickets can be suspended even without having 11 points. Even if you take a New York Driver Safety Class (which deducts up to 4 points from your point total), a traffic judge can suspend you in certain circumstances. For instance, our NY traffic ticket lawyers have seen motorists suspended due to multiple convictions for the same offense or due to the traffic judge feeling that a substantial safety risk exists. Such a suspension is based on public safety considerations. Further, such a traffic ticket in New York requires a personal appearance by either the person who received the ticket or by someone representing that person such as a New York City traffic violations attorney.
Do Insurance Rates Go Up If I Get A NY Traffic Ticket?
Even when your conviction does not result in a suspension, we often recommend fighting any traffic ticket issued in New York and consult with, if not retain, a traffic violation lawyer in NYC.
Why? An experienced New York traffic ticket lawyer knows that some traffic tickets in New York can result in your insurance rates being raised even if you have an otherwise clean record. Specifically, any New York traffic ticket conviction that is 16+ mph is enough to allow an insurance company to raise your auto insurance premium for 36 months. Similarly, if you have two moving violation convictions within 36 months, then your insurance company could raise your rates.
Why Should I Fight My New York Traffic Ticket?
A New York traffic ticket lawyer will tell you that another reason to fight your New York traffic ticket is money. You often can save monies when you do so. Specifically, in New York State when you accumulate six or more points, you have to pay a Driver Responsibility Assessment Fee (it is really a tax but DMV does not call it that) of $300 for six points and $75 for each point above six.
Further, if imposed, New York drivers, as well as out-of-state drivers, must pay the Driver Responsibility Assessment Fee. Otherwise, your license or privilege to drive in New York will be suspended. Even for those with a clean driving record, a conviction to one or more NY traffic tickets and/or NYC traffic tickets can result in this fee being imposed. The Driver Responsibility Assessment Fee must be paid in addition to the fine and surcharge paid to the court.
The fine is subject to the traffic judge’s discretion and falls within a range that is authorized by statute. The surcharge is required by New York State law and is added to the fine. A New York traffic ticket lawyer or an NYC traffic violations lawyer can possibly help save you fine money but is often more able to reduce or avoid the Driver Responsibility Assessment Fee.
Of course, if you or your New York traffic ticket lawyer fights your NY traffic ticket, then you may be able to save points money and possibly avoid an insurance hike. In regard to a New York City traffic ticket, these cases are resolved at the Traffic Violations Bureau. Unfortunately, they do not plea bargain cases at the Traffic Violations Bureau but, in our opinion, it is often worth fighting your New York City traffic tickets too.
Are Weiss & Associates Willing To Go To Court For Me?
When you plead not guilty to a New York City traffic ticket, you or your New York City traffic ticket lawyer will be scheduled with a hearing date and, on that date, you or your New York City traffic ticket will either win or lose your NYC traffic ticket (i.e., there is no room for settling it for something less serious). Further, it is hard to win any NY traffic ticket at the Traffic Violations Bureau but it is particularly hard to beat a New York City traffic ticket there. This is true even for an experienced New York City traffic ticket lawyer.
Outside New York City (and Rochester), New York traffic tickets are resolved in local traffic courts. Fortunately, in these courts, they do engage in plea bargaining with motorist or NY traffic ticket lawyers and often motorists (or their NY traffic ticket lawyers) with a New York traffic ticket can negotiate their case down to a New York traffic that carries fewer points (or even sometimes a non-traffic ticket). You or your New York traffic ticket lawyer’s ability to negotiate a New York traffic ticket down depends on a few variables including whether you have a New York traffic ticket or New York City traffic ticket on your record.
Should your New York State traffic ticket or your New York City traffic ticket need to go to court, a New York City traffic ticket lawyer or New York City traffic ticket will vigorously defend you anywhere in New York State, including at the New York City Traffic Violations Bureau. You do not have to be inconvenienced. Let a New York traffic ticket lawyer appear on your behalf instead and make the whole experience as easy as possible. Our flat fee means no surprises for you. And our experienced team of New York traffic ticket lawyers really knows how to fight your New York State traffic ticket or New York City traffic ticket.
What Makes Weiss & Associates’ Team of Traffic Attorneys Special?
Whether it is illegally using an electronic device, disobeying a sign, running a red light, tailgating, etc., you do not have to be inconvenienced. Let a or New York traffic lawyer appear on your behalf instead and make the whole experience as easy as possible.
Read how Weiss & Associates, PC has helped motorists with their traffic tickets issued in New York City or elsewhere in New York, now for a free consultation with our traffic violation attorneys, or just call us at 212-683-7373