It's Confirmed … Hot Girls Are Less Likely To Receive A Speeding Ticket

It's Confirmed ... Hot Chicks Get Out Of Traffic Tickets
Young, Pretty Women Receive Less Traffic Tickets

This young lady claims to have been stopped by traffic cops over 30 times and almost always never gets a ticket.  Annoyed about being stopped so many times by amorous officers, her friends came up with an unusual way for her to avoid being stopped.  Click here to watch the KIRO 7 Eyewitness News interview.

Two economics professors have confirmed the obvious.  In “Political Economy at Any Speed: What Determines Traffic Citations?”, Professors Michael D. Makowsky and Thomas Strattman conclude, among other things, that young women are the least likely demographic to be ticketed by officers.

My personal experience is similar.  Having appeared in 100s of New York traffic courts for 18+ years, I can tell you that the odds are low of meeting beautiful, young women in traffic court.

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • I am a young (20s), attractive female and I think it is true. I have been pulled over numerous times. Once I ran a red light in front of a fire station when the fire trucks were trying to pull out (it was an honest mistake because I heard the sirens and did not see the red light and was trying to get out of the intersection so as not to block the trucks). Cop pulled me over….I was so shaken that when I pulled over I forgot to put the car in park and it was rolling away from me when I was talking to the officer. Then I couldn’t find my most recent registration. The cop (male) gave me a verbal warning. Just recently I was pulled over for doing 52 in a 35mph zone. I was with a friend (also attractive and female) and the cop asked us where we were going and we explained that we were not from that area and it was dark. I told him we were grad students at a local college (the truth) and he struck up a conversation with us. We told him we were going to an amusement park with friends for vacation starting the next day. Never asked for the registration. Just ran my license and gave me a verbal warning and said “have a great vacation.”
    Another time I was pulled over for speeding and I handed the cop my license and he told me I had a nice smile…let me go with a verbal warning.


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