We are often asked the question: “How Much is a Speeding ticket in NY?”. The literal answer for a first conviction is that a New York state speeding fine costs between $45 and $600. For speeding 1 to 10 mph over the limit the range is $45 to $150. For speeding 11 mph to 30 mph, the range is $90 to $300. Finally, for speeding 31 mph or more, the range is $180 to $600. For a second speeding conviction, the maximum fine can be increased by up to $150 and for a third, it can be increased by up to $375.
Of course, these ranges of fines do not include the $88-$93 additional New York State speeding fine surcharged imposed on all moving violations. Additionally, it does not include the Driver Assessment Fee that is imposed on motorists who accumulate 6 or more points on their licenses. This fee is $300 for 6 points and $75 for every point above 6.
However, there are many other NY speeding ticket costs. For example, it is not widely known (or enforced) but a judge can also impose up to 15 days in jail for a speeding 1 to 10 mph speeding ticket, and up to 30 days for 11+ mph speeding ticket.
New York Speeding Ticket Fines and Points
On the other hand, most of you know that speeding tickets result in points being added to your driver license. In the state of New York, a speeding ticket carries a total of 3 to 11 points. Below is an overview of NY speeding ticket points:
Speeding 1 to 10 MPH: 3 points
Speeding 11 to 20 MPH: 4 points
Speeding 21 to 30 MPH: 6 points
Speeding 31 to 40 MPH: 8 points
Speeding 41+ MPH: 11 points
Beyond the points, another speeding ticket cost is that it can result in a license suspension or revocation. Some judges will suspend a motorist for just one 8-point or 11-point speeding ticket conviction. Some will suspend for two speeding convictions. The DMV can suspend your license if you accumulate 11 or more points within 18 months (from speeding convictions or otherwise). Finally, three speeding convictions within 18 months will result in an automatic and mandatory 6-month revocation of driver’s license.
Another cost of a speeding ticket conviction involves your automobile insurance rates. By law, a New York insurance company cannot raise your rates for one speeding conviction of 15 mph above the limit (or less) if you have an otherwise clean record. For a higher speeding ticket or multiple convictions, however, your auto insurance rates can be hiked. The only option to address a hike is to take the Driver Safety Class that takes 10% off your insurance rates.
As you can see, there are many NY speeding ticket costs. You, therefore, should always be aware of speed limits and heed your speedometer. For 20+ years, our NYC law firm has helped thousands of motorists each year fight their traffic tickets throughout New York State and keep their licenses as clean as possible. Feel free to call us at 212-683-7373 or email us at lawyer@nytrafficticket.com for a free consultation.
2297 Comments. Leave new
I’m 17 and got a speeding ticket down a country row in Lewiston, Ny the only thing I’m worried about is getting my license taken away. It was 55 in a35
Do you have a junior license or are you on probation? If not, then you will not lose your license for this one ticket.
Matthew Weiss
Hi. Today I received a 73 in a 55 on the taconic. No one on the road and I didn’t even know how fast I was going. About a year ago I received a no turn signal use ticket in NYC. The cop asked if I have any other violations in the last 18 monts but I said no. Honestly can’t remember when the turning signal ticket happened. Anyway, thought he was going to let me go, but no.
I have no other moving violations in 25 years of driving. Any thoughts how this will affect me insurance. What are the points here and the price of the ticket? Am I at a disadvantage becaus I live in NYC?
How should I proceed? Your thought are very helpful.
Thank you.
This ticket carries 4 points, roughly a $150 fine and can hurt your insurance rates. We therefore recommend that you plead not guilty and fight this ticket. If you do, you likely can avoid an insurance hike and save points.
Matthew Weiss
Hello Mathew,
I am currently seeking advice as to how to proceed in my case.I recently got my license but moved from NY to NJ therefore my license is from NY but has the NJ home adrress.While I was on my way to the supermarket I was pulled over and recieved a ticket according to the officer I was driving at 47mph on a 25mph zone.I am a bit affraid because I am uncertain of the implications (point wise) and Ido not want to risk my license.I would appreciate some advice .
This ticket carries 6 points, roughly a $200 fine and a $300 Driver Assessment Fee. It also can hurt your insurance rates.
We therefore recommend that you plead not guilty and fight this ticket.
Matthew Weiss
I got three tickets yesterday, one for speeding I was driving 59mph and the speed limit was 30 and the second one for passing Flashing red light and the last one for carrying non-valid insurance. Do you guys recommend me to hire attorney or just wait for the court appointment . And what do think is going to happen if I get the valid insurance today or tomorrow
Because you are looking at a total of 9 points, I do recommend that you hire a New York traffic lawyer. The insurance ticket is actually even more serious because it involves a 1-year revocation of license.
Matthew Weiss
Just like everyone else who commented on this forum, I got a speeding ticket for going 86 in a 65 on 17w. I have a court date in a month, and I think I should plea not guilty. The situation was that I was maintaining a 70 mph speed to keep up with traffic on the road, and got up to a hill. So I added more power to the engine to maintain the speed, and after going to the top of the hill, I keep the pedal down. About 1/2 down the hill, realized that I was going 88 and I immediately hit the brake, but the State Trooper caught me. My question is, what should I be saying in court after pleading not guilty to reduce my sentence? Should I state this story and hope for them to reduce it to 75 mph or should I just profusely apologize? Also, my Jeep has a problem getting caught between gears so I have to add more power to shift between gears in my truck (this happens around 70 mph too).
Thanks a lot for helping everyone, myself included!
Thanks for your kudos.
You should definitely plead not guilty. If you do, you likely can save points and money.
Matthew Weiss
I just got a ticket on I 81 south, in Binghamton for 82 in a 55. I do not think I was going nearly that fast, but the cop says he got me on laser. He required me to get out of my car to go to his car for some questions & LEAVE my 2 year old son alOne in my car on the side of the road. I begged him to let me take my son with me at least but he said no. Although my son was only there for a few minutes I am so shaken up. I’m a single mother in college & cannot afford this full fine. When you say to fight the case what do you mean? Should I plead not guilty? This is my first ever ticket
You should plead not guilty. If you do, you likely can save points and money.
As a parent, I can relate to how upsetting it must have been to leave your 2-year old un-attended. The officer should have come to you.
Matthew Weiss
I got tagged going 90 in a 65. Cop reduced ticket to 74, and 2 other violations for not having kids in booster seats. Do I fight the ticket, or just pay the fines? I am a CT resident, with CT license, this would be my first 3 tickets in 1 swoop.
Normally, I caution against fighting a ticket when, as in your case, the officer has already given you a brake. But, because you received two other child seat belt tickets that carry 3 points each, I think you should plead not guilty.
Good luck.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew,
I recently got a ticket for going 81 in 65 zone on I81, even though it seemed like i was going no faster than everyone else. Also, to add insult to injury the officer cited me for not using my turning signal as he was pulling me off the road.
I am a Canadian resident, with American citizenship, and a Californian drivers license. I am a graduate student as well, so i am afraid that this ticket would push me well over my budget, something i cannot afford. I am also angry that it seems the officer simply wanted to hand out as many tickets/citations as possible, and cite me for not signalling my way off the road as he was flashing behind me.
This is my first speeding ticket, and i want to know how best to handle it, so i can minimize my fine and protect my insurance. Thanks for all the help you’ve given people!
Your best bet is to plead not guilty and, on your court date, negotiate a reduction to a lesser charge. A NY conviction will transfer onto your California license so you definitely should fight it.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew,
In June of last year, I received a ticket for allegedly going 53mph in a 30mph zone in Queens, NY. This was on a 4 lane road leading into the highway so it wasn’t on a local street where pedestrians are frequently crossing left and right. Also, the 30mph speed limit is NOT posted anywhere and the officer actually wrote “UNPOSTED SPEED” in the description box on the ticket. He actually encouraged me to fight it as he sheepishly handed me the ticket.
This is actually my very first ticket (I’ve been driving for about 10 years). I sent in the ‘Not Guilty’ plea but I never received a letter with a court date. So it completely slipped my mind until yesterday. I’ve been gone since late December 2011 on business and I learned yesterday after getting back home that my license has been suspended. Apparently the court date was on 12/23/2011. I found a letter in my mailings stating that my license was suspended 1/23/12 and if I don’t answer by 2/22/12, I will be default convicted of this charge.
Is it too late to fight this ticket again and try to request a new court date? Also, to make matters worse, I haven’t been able to renew my auto insurance. My policy ended last week but they said I can’t renew until I have this suspension lifted. Will I be liable for the daily DMV fine for being uninsured even though my license has been suspended since 1/23/12? It doesn’t make sense that I should be responsible for having insurance when my license is suspended does it?
I apologize for this lengthly post. I just wanted to fully explain the situation. I thank you so much in advance for your time and help.
At this point, the only way to fight your speeding ticket is to make an application to vacate your default conviction. In order to do so, you need a meritorious defense to the charge as well as a reasonable excuse for failing to timely answer the summons. You can find the form on my website, nytrafficticket.com, under Tips And Resources>Traffic Forms.
In regard to insurance, you must maintain continuous insurance coverage whenever you have a license plate registered in your name. You may not cancel (or allow it to be cancelled) your insurance until you surrender your license plates. The status of your license is irrelevant to your obligation to maintain insurance.
The insurance issue is quite serious so feel free to call us with any further questions.
Matthew Weiss
Dear Mr. Weiss
Thank you for providing such an online discussion board. It is really hopeful for me to read each post.
Can you help me with my speeding ticket?
I was pulled over in the county of Montgomery (near Fultonville). I was speeding 84/65 on I-90. It was first time that I received my speeding ticket. I am scared. What should I do now? How many points will be deducted if I plea guilty? Is it a chance for me to reduce points and fees by paying not guilty?
I have one prior ticket for disobeying a traffic control device in New York City.
I am totally scared and sorry for my poor English.
You should plead not guilty. Make copies of your paperwork before you send it in and make sure you use delivery confirmation.
ON your court date, you or your traffic lawyer can likely negotiate a less serious charge (perhaps even a 0-point ticket).
Good luck.
Matthew Weiss
Thank you for you advice, Mr Weiss. I really appreciate that. How much for hiring an attorney? If I go by myself, how many percent can I get a 0 point ticket? And how about a lawyer?
A NY traffic lawyer will charge between roughly $400 and $600 to appear for you. It is impossible to predict results or provide your percentage for success. However, if you call our office we can look up our past results in your court. Of course, past cases do not guarantee similar results for you but they do provide a good guide.
Matthew Weiss
Mr. Weiss,
I first want to thank you for the service you are providing on this site. It is very rare that someone is willing to be as informataive and attentive as you are to what is areguably, a group of complete strangers. I rtuely hope everyone recognizes your efforts and if/when they need representation they contact you.
Unfortunatley, I have a questoin which means I may be in trouble. I just received a ticket for 84/55. I was shocked to hear this because I truely hate speeding but will not say it is impossible. I always fear the worst and the internet has been my enemy. Is this really a $300 fine, $100 for next three years and 6-pts on my lisecense? In 10+ years I have never gotten a parking ticket and never even been pulled over before. I was three hours from my home and reallam afraid that I will have to eppear in court due to the speed. Do you think there are any chances I can get any of the above reduced? I sound silly saying this but the situation is making me sick to my stomach.
Please help and thanks again.
Thanks for your kind remarks. I’m real glad that you like the blog. It’s time-consuming to answer everyone’s questions but well worth it in the end.
You should plead not guilty. If you do, you likely can get this speeding ticket reduced to a less serious charge saving points and money. If you do not want to travel 3 hours to court, then you can retain a New York traffic ticket lawyer to appear for you.
Matthew Weiss
I need your advice ASAP…I was caught doing 98 in 55, and 78 in 55 (same trooper, same area) yesterday in the county of Cattraugus NY at around 3 am in the morning. My GPS diverted us to back routes and was really scared to be in an area which seemed like a “ghost town” around that time. I was trying to reach the nearest highway so I was speeding in the county area when I was spotted by the trooper. For the second offence the “trooper” was literary tailgating me…and this scared me as I thought i was being followed by someone…I am from Ontario Canada, have been driving for 6 years with clean record. I was given a ticket and given the option of pleading guilty or NOT
Because points from New York transfer to Ontario, we recommend that you fight this ticket. You can be suspended in New York for these tickets and Ontario will honor a NY suspension.
We represent many drivers from Ontario and are very familiar with your demerit point system. We therefore know that these tickets will have serious consequences for you in Ontario too. If you fight the tickets, you likely can save points, demerit points, money and avoid a suspension.
Therefore, definitely plead not guilty.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew,
I recently got a court date for a speeding ticket that I plead not guilty to. Would you recommend adjourning it? I’ve been told it could help to push off the court date.
I may help. It depends on the court, your driving record and a few other variables. Sorry to be vague but I need more info. Feel free to call me if you want to discuss.
Matthew Weiss
i got speediing ticket in cattaragus county ny on rt219 55 in a 40 not sure what the fine is officer said if i show up at court it may be reduced, i live 4hours from this area is this worth it, no priors in ny, from pa with claen driving record.
Because you live so far away, have a clean driving record in NY and PA and the 15 mph above the limit is not terrible, you may not want to bother fighting this particular ticket. Instead, you may want to just plead guilty.
Matthew Weiss
I was driving from Ithaca, NY to Boston, MA and got pulled over in Schoharie County. The officer asked me to tell him how fast I was going and I answered about 75. He told me that when I went by him I was doing about 85 which is entirely possible. I’ve never gotten a speeding ticket so I had a clean record. He came back and told me that he reduced it to a 75 in a 65 rather than an 85 in a 65. I’m in Boston now for school so I’m a good three hours plus away. Should I go to court for this?
Broke Student,
Since you got a brake already and live so far, you may not want to fight this one (especially if your MA driver’s license is otherwise clean). If you fight it, the charge could be amended back to the higher speed.
Matthew Weiss
How long do I have to mail in a speeding ticket from Schoharie county? And what are the penalties if i haven’t yet? I got this ticket about a week and a day ago and forgot it in my car which is parked somewhere else because I’m going to school in Boston.
Just send it in ASAP and send it with delivery confirmation. You should be okay.
Matthew Weiss
Hi there,
I live in Ontario and received a FLD DUE CARE FOR EMERG VEH STOPPED OR STANDING (1144-A) traffic violation this afternoon for a police car that was stopped with his lights flashing and no other vehicle present with him. I have been scheduled to be handled on the appearance date of Mar 27, 2012 at Lewiston Town Court. It would take me over 2 hours to drive there so I wanted to see what options I have and what the penalties are? If I plead not guilty, what are the chances that it will be reduced to 0 demerit points and a lesser fine? Can all this be done over mail or will I have to show up in person?
Thanks in advance.
If you plead not guilty, you likely can get this reduced to a 0-point ticket. If you do not want to travel that far, then you can retain a NY traffic ticket lawyer to appear for you.
Matthew Weiss
Was pulled over on 287 (Cross-Westchester Expressway), for 80 in a 55 zone. The officer advised me to plead not guilty, and that he would speak to the judge, since I was polite and compliant. I think it is definitely a good idea in this case, to plead not guilty. Do you think there is a good chance it will be plead down? I am nervous about facing a potential six points to my license.
Yes, I believe it is very likely that you can plead your ticket down to less points. Definitely plead not guilty.
Matthew Weiss
Hey I received a traffic ticket tonight for “failing to stop at a stop sign”. I did not go right through it, and the officer even noted that i slowed down. I am seventeen years old, and have no marks on my license. With this being said I have no idea whether to plead not guilty or guilty, and what steps i should take in regard to possibly getting the ticket reduced. The conditions: 8:30 at night, very dark, no street lights, some snow on the ground, none in the road, but it has been melting so possibly some black ice because tonight it is 26 degrees out.
You should plead not guilty. On your court date, ask to speak with the prosecutor, and try and negotiate a reduction of the charge.
Matthew Weiss
I was given a ticket for failure to stop at a stop sign. This was when I was entering my school. This is the first time I have ever got a ticket. There is no fine charge written on the ticket. What should I plead and is there a way I can reduce my points and fine. I am a broke college student so I really need to save money. I told the cop Iw as just stressed out about my exam which is tomorrow.
Thank You so much Sir.
Plead not guilty. This is the only way to possibly avoid/reduce points and save money. Read some of my prior posts on this topic to get more helpful information.
Matthew Weiss
I am a German on a temporary work assignment in Malta, NY. I have a NYS driver’s license. I was clocked at 66 on Rt. 9 in Malta, NY. The officer wrote that it was a 45 zone, but actually it is a 55 mph zone, which I can verify with photos. How should I handle this?
Plead not guilty and, on your court date, have a friendly discussion with the prosecutor. You can always take the case to trial but see if you can first amicably resolve it.
Matthew Weiss
My spoken English is not good. Would I need a traffic lawyer to help me? How much will a lawyer cost? Can I bring an interpreter-friend with me to talk to the prosecutor?
What can I reasonably expect as a fine and points? I WAS speeding. Just not 66/45.
Given that you don’t speak English well and this is a serious speeding ticket, you will definitely need an interpreter or (even better) a NY traffic ticket lawyer to help you. A traffic lawyer will charge around $350 to $500 to fight your case. If you fight it, you likely can save points and money.
Matthew Weiss
I’m impressed by the amount of information you have provided on this site and here within the comments. I hope everybody realizes how rare it is to find an attorney who is actually this willing to help others.
Like most people here, I, too, was recently pulled over and I’m thinking of retaining your firm to handle my ticket (75 in a 50 in NYC). I undersand that, by law, you cannot guarantee any particular result, but can you briefly discuss in general terms your experience regarding the likelihood of obtaining a “not guilty” verdict in NYC assuming that the officer shows up in court with his or her notes in hand that relate to the citation?
Thanks for your kind remarks. You’ve given one of the nicest compliment here in the 4 years of this blog.
In regard to your NYC speeding ticket, these are very hard to beat. We are the only traffic law firm to post our New York Traffic Ticket Lawyer Success Rates. Click on the link to see how we’ve done overall in your particular court.
Matthew Weiss
Not a problem. Just giving credit where credit is due. Thanks again for that info.
I called your firm yesterday and spoke with a legal assistant and with one of your attorney associates. I’ve spoken with a few other law firms in NYC that do this type of work, but based on the answers your staff provided in response to my questions, I’ve decided to retain your firm to help me with my ticket.
Again, thanks.
Matthew Weiss
PS Court success link fixed.
I am a CT driver and just got a speeding ticket in White Plains 54 in a 30 zone. My question is, How many points is this and will they transfer over to CT?
This ticket carries 6 NY points, roughly a $200 fine and a $300 Driver Assessment Fee. If you fight it, you likely can save NY points and the $300 Fee. Points from NY do NOT transfer to CT but a NY conviction will be reported to CT and can be used by your insurance company to raise your rates.
Matthew Weiss
I’m from Connecticut, and I just got pulled over in the town of Kent in Putnam County in NY for “FLD DUE CARE FOR EMERG VEH STOPPED OR STANDING” (AKA the “Move Over” Act from what I understand). I previously got a speeding ticket in Connecticut in August, but paid that off. Should I try to fight it or pay the fine and take the points? Is there an option for me to take a driving safety class to reduce the points?
I recommend that you plead not guilty. If you do, you likely can get your “move over” law reduced to a less severe 0-point ticket. Alternatively, you can take an online NY Driver Safety Class and get the NY points removed.
Matthew Weiss
Thanks so much! In you opinion, should I request a Supporting Deposition? Do you think it would hurt my case to do so?
Generally, requesting a supporting deposition will not hurt your ability to plea bargain. However, some courts will hold it against you. Therefore, if you have a clean record and the speed isn’t too high, then you may want to forgo it.
Matthew Weiss
Hi, today I was pulled over in my personal vehicle on 87 in Albany for doing 77 in a 55 zone. When the cop pulled me over and asked if I knew why he had stopped me, I replied “yes i was speeding”. I am from PA and have a PA license, but I have a class A CDL. Will my drivers license be suspended for this violation? Also do the points double because of my CDL and will the points transfer to my PA license? Should I fight this and if I do will that self admission of my guilt hurt my case? What fees/suspensions am I facing and what could they be if I fight the charges?
I’m sorry for all the questions, but I really appreciate this site and suggestions you have to offer.
Thank You
PS Also I had a ticket in Pa like a month ago about for “disobeying traffic devices”
and also in 04/09 I had a DUI and Careless Driving charges. How will that affect the ticket?
New York will no suspend a motorist for one speeding ticket of this nature (77/55). It will assess 6 points, roughly a $200 fine and a $300 Driver Assessment Fee.
Points from a NY conviction do not transfer onto your PA license but a NY conviction will be reported to PA.
We recommend that you fight this ticket because you have a CDL license and because, if you do, you likely can save NY points and money.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew,
I was doing 48 in 30 mph zone at 1 am. To be more specific, I was in Route 7 in Brunswick, Rensselaer NY. I was on my way to Vermont and thought I was lost. I stopped to look at the map and compared with my GPS, realized I wasn’t lost then I continued to drive. Not realizing its a 30 mph zone and its getting late, I was trying to get to 40 mph which is the typical local speed limit. Guess I used too much gas but I honestly didn’t know I was at 48 mph already (which I don’t think I was but the ticket said the radar detected it). My question is do you think it worth to have a trial and see if I will get a plea bargain?
Thank you in advance for your advise.
Plead not guilty and, on your court date, you likely will be able to negotiate a favorable reduction of this 4-point speeding ticket.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew,
Thank you for providing such a valuable service on this blog! Now, on to my question:
On 3/3/12 I received a speeding ticket for going 73 in a 55 on the Taconic, in the town of Stanford. I understand this is a 4-point violation.
Roughly 19 months ago, I received a speeding ticket for going 65 in a 55, also on the Taconic.
Since these events were more than 18 months apart, will I be charged the Driver Assessment Fee?
And given my record, do you recommend I fight this ticket? If so, what should I do? Show up in court on the specified date and time? Mail back the ticket pleading “non-guilty”?
Thank you in advance for your advice.
I’m glad you like my blog.
No, the Driver Assessment Fee is only imposed upon a motorist who accumulates 6 (or more) points within an 18-month period. The 18-month period is measured from the dates of offense.
We do recommend that you fight this speeding ticket. If you do, you likely can save points and avoid a possible auto insurance hike.
Matthew Weiss
I got pulled over about a week and a half ago in Chatham, NY. I was doing 80 in a 55, and it had just turned from 65 to 55, which is why I was doing about 10 or 15 over to stay with the flow of traffic. It didn’t register in my head that the speed limit dropped so rapidly and right after it changed I was pulled over. I am a Virginia resident with a Virginia license, but I am going to school in Massachusetts. My problem is that I already sent in the form with the “Plea of Guilty” section filled out, and I just now have found this page, so I’m starting to feel like that was a bad idea on my part. I just didn’t think I had any way to prove why I wasn’t guilty. It was my first ticket ever and I have an excuse (which I explained above) but nevertheless the radar doesn’t lie and I was indeed speeding. I just don’t know where to turn, I don’t have very much money and any reduction in the fine would help greatly, I just didn’t know it would be possible so I already mailed it in. Please help
Call the court TODAY and see if the clerk will allow you to change your plea to not guilty. If you act quick, there is a good chance that you can change your plea.
If you are able fight this speeding ticket, you likely can save points and money.
Matthew Weiss
Got pulled over on 02/22/12 on the Taconic state parkway near Stanfordville (Stanford Town Court) , for 77 in a 55 mph zone in a rental car. Do not own a car so would cost me a day off work + $150 rental to attend court (I live in NYC). Have a totally clean license. Should I plead not guilty? Does this court plea bargain? Will the fine by 6pts+200+300?
Yes, the Standford town court does plea bargain. If you fight this ticket, you likely can save points and money.
If you cannot or do not want to travel there, then you can retain a NY traffic lawyer to appear for you.
Matthew Weiss
What kind of violation is ” backing unsafely ” when issued to me for backing up on a brooklyn residential street ? the officer wrote code 1211 & I looked it up & it seems to me that I did nothing wrong
Unsafe backing is a 2-point moving violation that carries roughly a $150 fine. I wrote a blog post about unsafe backing a few years ago that may also help.
Matthew Weiss
Got pulled over on 02/17/12 in the town of Chatham in NY state, for going at 75 in a 55 mph zone on my way from Westchester Co. to Montreal (I was out of the country for about 3 days). Officer put the wrong licence plates on the summons (but do have a court date set for 03/21/12 at 5PM). Should I even show up? If so, since I want to plead not guilty (best option I think) and fight the ticket, do I have to plead not guilty now or is it done in court (on the court date)? How do I do that? How much money can I expect to have to pay? I did get a speeding ticket in Vermont about 5 years ago, although I think no points were added to my DL.
Thanks in advance for your response.
We recommend that you plead not guilty now via certified mail, return receipt requested. You can expect to pay about a $200 fine but, if you fight it, you can likely save some points.
Matthew Weiss
Thanks for the response Matthew.
The problem is that the ticket reads that if I want to plead “not guilty” I have to sign and mail the ticket within 48 hours… the problem is that I was out of the country for 3 days so… do I still have a right to plead not guilty?
Yes, send it in ASAP via overnight mail. Also, call the court and tell them that your plea is “in the mail”.
Matthew Weiss
Hello Matthew.
Thanks for the response.
Isn’t it too late for me to plead not guilty though? They state that to plead (not guilty) you have to “sign and mail” the summons and return it via mail within 48 hours. That was on 02/17/12. I was out of the country… Can I still send it?
Thanks in advance.
Often you can enter a not guilty plea after the 48-hour period listed on the ticket. Call the court TODAY and send via overnight mail your ticket with the not guilty portion of the ticket completed.
Matthew Weiss
I am a VA resident who received a speeding ticket, 86 in a 65mph zone, a week ago on Interstate 390N, driving through the town on Wayland NY. I have a very good driving record and from reading your answers to others, it sounds like I should not plead guilty to the charge, if I am hoping it will be lowered. I am wondering how one goes about doing this. Do I just write a letter and mail it back to the court? The only real justification I have is that I was driving my husband’s 2010 car (he was with me and working on a laptop while I drove us to visit relatives) and not my own, and on a road I had only even been on once before in my life. I just noticed something on the ticket about mailing within 48 hrs for not guilty plea. Is it too late? The court date is Mar 14, but I live about 9 hours drive away (and have a job), so I don’t want to have to travel for my day in court. If it is not too late, should I get a proof of my driving record here in VA to send with any request? I got a lesser speeding ticket in my state approx 2 1/2 yrs ago. Thanks for your advice!
You can write a letter pleading not guilty or you can complete the not guilty portion of the ticket. Since you are late, you should call the court and let them know that you’re sending in your plea and perhaps even send it in via overnight mail.
Your justification won’t work but you’ll still likely be able to negotiate a reduction on your court date. If you do not want to travel to the court, then you can retain a NY traffic lawyer to appear in your place.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Thank you for your response. If I do decide to fight it, would I have a slight chance of winning being that this is my first offense?
How you fight it depends on the court. However, your clean record will help you in a court that engages in plea bargaining. However, at a trial, it is irrelevant whether this is a first offense.
Matthew Weiss
Hi there, this site has been really helpful and you have been wonderful to these people helping them with traffic ticket issues.
I just got a ticket for driving while talking on my cell phone. This is my first offense and I got my license in November 2011. My questions are:
1. Do I get any points on my license for this?
2. Should I plead not guilty and fight it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Thanks for your kind remarks. A NY cell phone ticket carries 3 points and roughly a $150 fine. We therefore recommend that you plead not guilty and fight this ticket.
Matthew Weiss
I got a speeding ticket a month ago for doing 75 in a 55 on the hutchinson park way near White Plains NY. I am wondering should I fight the ticket because my license is other wise clean. I am just not sure if it is worth me fighting or pleas guilty. I am nervous about what I should do about this.
You should fight this speeding ticket because it carries 4 points, roughly a $200 fine and can lead to your auto insurance rates increasing. If you fight it, you likely can save points and avoid an insurance hike.
Matthew Weiss
I am a PA. license holder and received a ticket on route 81 in Cortland County (Cortlandville Town Court) for doing 80 in a posted 65. I have read that this can be a $90 to $300 fine. Do you have a better idea of where the fine would fall? This is my first traffic ticket in NY.
For a first offense, my best estimate is that the fine will likely be around $150. You may want to fight this ticket because, if you do, you likely can save points.
Matthew Weiss
Great site. Very helpful. I just wish I had found it before I pleaded guilty to a 83/65 ticket. The fine is $185 and four points. And a few months prior I got a ticket for an illegal turn. (The speeding ticket was in Rockland County [Sloatsburg] and the illegal turn ticket in Ulster County [Kingston]). I also had a DUI in 2009. My questions:
1. What could have happened if I pleaded not guilty given my recent driving history? (The ticket says I still can plead NG, in writing, within 10 days.)
2. How is my insurance company notified about my points?
3. How much do the “safe driving” classes cost? And how do I benefit? Do points come off after taking such a class?
Thanks for your time and insight.
Answers to questions below in bold:
1. What could have happen if I plead not guilty given my recent driving history? (The ticket says I still can plead NG, in writing, within 10 days.) You definitely should plead not guilty. This is the only way to minimize your damage.
2. How is my insurance company notified about my points? If you are convicted, your insurance company may learn about it when you are up for renewal (assuming they run your record at that time).
3. How much do the “safe driving” classes cost? And how do I benefit? Do points come off after taking such a class? The Driver Safety Class is 6 hours and removes 4 points from your record and saves you 10% off your insurance. The class is about $30 to $40.
Matthew Weiss
Hi. I was pulled over today in palmrya, ny around 1400 hrs. 34 in a 20 in a school zone i am not familiar with the area and saw the sign say 30 but didnt see the school zone sign and wasnt paying attention my first ticket in 5 years what can i expect on my april 3rd court date>?
Ronnie H.,
You should ask for a conference and try and negotiate a reduction. This ticket carries 4 points and a pretty high fine. Assuming you have a clean record, you (or your traffic lawyer) can likely negotiate this down to a 2-point non-speeding ticket.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hello, for my 32 belated-birthday present, I received my first speeding ticket! Supposedly clocked at 44 in a 30, coming off the transition from a 45 zone to a 30 zone in the Village Of Macedon, Wayne County, 4 miles from my house. I suppose I wasn’t slowing fast enough. Everyone was pleasant and cordial during the stop. I’m not trying to whine or offer excuses, if you broke the law, you broke the law. Either way, it’s my second ticket ever (first was a parking violation of one of those “no parking on side streets at night during winter” laws, maybe 10 or 11 years ago) and my first speeding ticket ever. I took pride in my no-ticket-record, but I suppose 1 speeding in 32 years isn’t bad. What can I expect or should I do at my court date? Do I just mail it in and be done with it? Thanks in advance, your site has helped ease my mind!
Even though it is your first ticket, you should definitely plead not guilty. Otherwise, you’ll get 4 points on your license. If you fight it you likely can negotiate it down to a less serious charge.
Matthew Weiss
I was pulled over for doing 46 in a 30 on Riverside Dr. in Manhattan. I received a ticket even though I had a PBA card (I didn’t initially show it). This is my first ticket ever and the officer put the wrong home zip code and the wrong precinct. Does this have any affect? What steps should I take next? I have 2 weeks before I need to respond. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Those two minor errors do not render your ticket fatally defective. Therefore, my recommendation is to plead not guilty and fight this NYC ticket. For details about fighting a NYC ticket, take a look at some of my prior responses discussing fighting a ticket at the Traffic Violations Bureau.
Matthew Weiss
Well i got pulled over this morning going 60 in a 45 (i was going around 58 according to my gauges but the officers radar mustve said 60…) I overslept and tried to get to school asap. The NYS trooper was about half a second behind a truck and i realized it was a cop only until we passed, i looked in my rear view and of course he flips on his lights and pulled a u-turn. I pulled right over and was compliant, and didn’t give any attitude. So he wrote me a ticket for going 60 in a 45 in albany county.
How do i address this sort of thing? I know I’m going to plea not guilty and try to get it reduced WITHOUT a lawyer. I cannot afford anything right now, I’m a 17 year old kid with a 7 month old junior license, without a job and today i went back to 4 places ive applied already for a job to try to get an interview or something so i can get money for this thing.
So when i go to my first scheduled court date, and plea not guilty, will they schedule me for another date to come back at? and then they review my case and the judge will give me the penalty? what can i do until my first court date, or after, to try to lower the violation to a parking infraction or something like that and try to get no popints on my license.
Thanks for the help, im desperate and need guidance
You’re summary about next steps is pretty accurate. One thing you can do to give you some “ammunition” for your plea negotiations is to take an online NY Driver Safety Class. Proof of completion allows you to say how much you learned from it. Also (and assuming it’s true), make sure you point out your driving record is otherwise clean.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I got a speeding ticket for going 87 in 65 on I-87N. I am from 19 and from NJ and still have my provisional license because I never had the time to renew it. I was wondering how would this affect my State Farm insurance rates and if I would get any points. This is my first ticket.
Dan Down,
This ticket carries 6 points in NY and will transfer as 2 points on your NJ license. You need to contact State Farm to find out how (if at all) a conviction to this charge will affect your insurance.
Matthew Weiss
I got a speeding ticket in Newburgh new York the other day for going 80 in a 55. I thought it was a 65 but it changed without me seeing a sign. I sent in my ticket pleading not guilty. What do you think the chances are that my fine is reduced? I’m a broke college student and really don’t like the idea of paying 500+ dollars. What can I do to get that reduced?
John G,
Assuming you ave an otherwise clean record, you likely can get this ticket reduced to a 2 or 3 point ticket.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I’m from Toronto and I was doing 94 in a 65 mile zone in Glen (county?). What would be the fine and options I have?
Because points from New York transfer to Ontario, we recommend that you fight this ticket. If you plead guilty, you’ll get 6 points in NY, roughly a $200 fine and a $300 Driver Assessment Fee. This ticket will transfer as 4 Ontario demerit points. If you plead not guilty, you likey can save points, demerit points and the $300 Driver Assessment Fee.
Matthew Weiss
My daughter received a speeding ticket last night by a nys trooper, outside of Scriba, NY. The ticket shows her going 70 in a 55 zone. She has never received any prior tickets, and has never even been pulled over before. She does not not deny speeding up, but only did so inorder to move away from 2 tractor trailer trucks who were hovering on her right side making her nervous. She attends college over 3 Hrs, away, and it would be difficult to return to court there. She is currently under our insurance. She is 21. Any suggestions?
Your daughter’s choice is to plead guilty or not guilty. If she pleads guilty, she will have to pay the fine and get 4 points. If she pleads not guilty, then she will be scheduled a court date and she (or her traffic lawyer) will have to appear. These are the only two options.
Matthew Weiss
I got puller over in Herkimer Co. going 87 in a 65 in a rental car. The ticket states 85, so looks like he saved me a few extra points. I live in Syracuse and I’m a single mom and have no way to appear in court. Is there any thing I can do to reduce fines? I really don’t have the funds/time and unfortunately this is not my first offence. Please any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Super sad speeder
Your choice is to plead guilty or not guilty. If you plead guilty, you have to pay the fine and get 4 points. If you plead not guilty, then you will be scheduled a court date and you (or your traffic lawyer) will have to appear. These are the only two options.
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket in Westchester County for going 85 in a 55 mile zone. I had no idea that I was even going that fast but the officer he approached and he let me know that he was behind me the whole time and I went from 70 to 85. What would you recommend that I pay the fine? And I can’t travel like that all the time to await a court date as I move around a lot cause of work.
This ticket carries 6 points, roughly a $200 fine and a $300 Driver Assessment Fee. Additionally, your auto insurance can be increased for 36 months if you are found guilty of it.
If you cannot make it to court, then you can retain a New York traffic lawyer to appear for you. To save points and money, I recommend that you, at least consult with one (and hire one).
Matthew Weiss
Mr Weiss,
Thank’s in advance to answering this question.
I was driving over the Rhinebeck bridge, the state trooper was driving opposite of me, off the bridge he caught up to me and pulled me over for doing 64 in a 40. I live in CT, and I haven’t received a ticket in roughly 4 years.
Also, I’m a little confused about the trial. Here in CT, I would get to the court house, and I would meet with what seemed like a Judge’s helper, who took a minute to listen to my side of the story and then offered me a lower fine. It almost sounds like teh NY process is different, as in I’d meet with multiple people and the officer is going to be there?
Thanks again.
In Rhinebeck, the process is very similar. Plead not guilty and, on your court date, you will be able to conference the case with the prosecutor and likely negotiate a more favorable result.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Thank you, I guess the real question is do cops actually make mistakes. I find it hard to believe I was going that fast as I had a donut on my front right tire so I was keeping my speed around 50-55. I’m not sure if he picked up someone else or what. I feel if I say this to the prosecutor they’ll just take it as BS.
Any more insight would be helpful, thank you.
Yes, police officers make mistakes but, if you take your case to trial, you’ll likely have to prove it as part of your defense. What you are missing is that prosecutors prefer to plea bargain most cases rather than spending a lot more time conducting a trial. If you are polite, you likely can therefore work out a favorable outcome.
Matthew Weiss
Mr. Weiss,
I am a NJ resident and received a speeding ticket in NY.71 in a 50. I am wondering if I will receive points? Also, if I plead not guilty how should I go about that?
Thank you,
If you are found guilty, you’ll get 6 points in NY, roughly a $200 fine and a $300 Driver Assessment Fee. Plus, a conviction of this nature will transfer as 2 points on your NJ license.
We therefore recommend that you plead not guilty and fight this ticket. You also may want to consult with an experienced New York traffic ticket lawyer.
Matthew Weiss
My son received a speeding ticket just outside Buffalo, on the I-90. The officer told him he was doing 88 mph in a 55 zone but reduced the charge to doing 6 mph over. We live in Canada (he was visiting his girlfiend in Ohio). On advice of a friend, he plead not guilty. The court date is tomorrow at West Seneca Town Court. We are confused with the process. Will someone provide him with a plea offer before trial or will he have to plead his case to a judge?? His driving record is okay .. 2 minor convictions over 6 years (failure to properly stop at a stop sign and a 7 mph over speeding ticket). HELP. ADVICE PLEASE
Mac Jack,
If the prosecutor is willing, any offer will be made before the trial. Because your son already received a break, he may not be offered a further reduction. Of course, I hope he can get a better deal.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket in Chautauqua County, NY. I was stopped by a State Trooper. The ticket was for 73/55. I have a ticket 6 years ago that was reduced. I did plead not guilty and my court date is 3/1. What am I looking at? Thanks.
You are looking at a 4-point ticket and roughly a $200 fine if you plead guilty. Despite your excellent driving record, your insurance rates can be raised based on this one conviction. My advice would be to fight it to keep your record as clean as possible.
Matthew Weiss