VMV Hypoallergenics sells skin care products and provides facial and skin services. It has a large online presence and 15+ stores and various other retail outlets worldwide. Its products are…
Between April 23, 2012 and April 29, 2012, police officers statewide (especially along the New York Thruway) will be strictly enforcing the distracted driver laws. Dubbed “Operation Hang Up”, any…
The New York Post reports today that ex-Giant running back Jacob Jacobs and some of his friends were recently escorted by New Jersey State Troopers (with emergency lights flashing) along…
Michael Baker, a Kentucky man, was recently arrested for stealing gasoline. He committed three mistakes that led to his arrest: He siphoned it from a police cruiser He allowed his girlfriend…
UPDATE: Effective November 6, 2024, points from a moving violation conviction count against for DMV purposes for 24 months (formerly 18 months), and a conviction to illegally passing a school…
One more reason to hate Tax Day … increased car crashes. That’s right, based on 30 years of statistics analyzed in a Journal of Medical Association study, during the week…
The PBA recently started running a radio campaign attacking the NYPD for taking away vacation days when police officers lose traffic ticket cases at the Traffic Violations Bureau due to…
Like other parts of the state, since October 2010, the City of Rochester has a red light camera program. This program works like those in other parts of the state (i.e.,…
Some of the best ideas are the simplest. Kevin Richardson came up with one of those ideas to encourage motorist to obey the speed limit. It’s called the speed camera lottery. Motorists…
The below are the rules for appealing a guilty conviction at the Nassau County Traffic & Parking Violations Agency (TPVA), located at 16 Cooper Street, Hempstead. You must file a…
Text your ticket to (516) 558-5586 or fill out the form below. We fight any New York State traffic ticket EXCEPT parking, red light and speeding camera tickets.