Suffolk County is experimenting with using of small planes to spot motorists engaging in reckless driving and other moving violations. Spotters aboard the plane will be hovering above the Long…
A 24-hour blitz on New York City motorists who are driving and using a cell without a hands-free device will be in effect tomorrow. A cell phone tickets carries 0 points…
A recent survey by Pew’s Internet and American Life Project concluded that adults and teens drive and text message about the same amount. However, when you measure both sending and…
In order to understand how to fight a speeding ticket issued as a result of a laser device, you need to understand basic mathematics and the science behind laser technology.…
Police officers are often the butt of doughnut jokes but one Gowanda village police officer prefers pizza instead. The Erie County District Attorney charges that former cop Jason Miller dismissed…
As a result of Tennessee resident Brian McCrary being issued a $90 speeding ticket from a speed camera, he ended up acquiring the Bluff City Police Department’s website. In researching…
Steve Jobs is often cited as the best business leaders in the world, but I place Tony Hsieh, CEO of, right up there with him. A business leader who…
With summer near approaching, it is the season that many college students work as interns for business owners. In most cases, the interns work for free or for very little money…