Matthew J. Weiss, Esq. graduated Hofstra Law School in 1984. He was Law Review and won the law school’s prestigious Procedure Award. Upon graduation, he became one of the first Hofstra Law School graduates to work at the New York State Court of Appeals (New York State’s highest court) working on various appellate matters.
I got my very first ticket and it was for disobeying a flagger. He had his sign against his hip facing out and he had waved to the car in front of me to go and I didn’t see any other cars so I thought it was okay for me to go to. I didn’t know he didn’t give the go and I got a ticket for it. It was my first ticket and first time driving. What will happen? I can’t go to jail for that can i?
I just received my first ticket of the New Year and it hasn’t been 2 months yet since I started driving in November. Just got my license in July. I sped through a yellow light on a two way intersection at 1:20am not more than 40mph in Kings County. I didn’t know where the cop car came from but the officer exact words were, “did you know you ran a red light and you must have been going at 60, maybe 55, I’m just approximating because even my car shook”. I don’t understand where he felt his car “shaking” due to me. I frankly told him I was under 40 and only do 60 on the highway, where he ask if I was sure. So in the end he gave me a ticket for disobey steady red light and that I need to go to a summon and just slow down a bit more. The violation was 111101 or 1111D1. I don’t know what I am suppose to do now, should I plead not guilty? Will this have an affect on my insurance and license? What would be the cost if I do plead guilty? I’m a recent graduate and have a part time job only, I can’t afford to pay!
It sounds like your license was still on probation when you got this ticket. If so, you MUST fight this ticket. I wrote an article entitled “How A New York Traffic Ticket Impacts A Probationary License“. This should help you understand the seriousness of this ticket.
Text your ticket to (516) 558-5586 or fill out the form below. We fight any New York State traffic ticket EXCEPT parking, red light camera, and speeding camera tickets.
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I got my very first ticket and it was for disobeying a flagger. He had his sign against his hip facing out and he had waved to the car in front of me to go and I didn’t see any other cars so I thought it was okay for me to go to. I didn’t know he didn’t give the go and I got a ticket for it. It was my first ticket and first time driving. What will happen? I can’t go to jail for that can i?
This sounds like you were issued a 2-point ticket for failing to obey a lawful order. You seriously doubt that you will go to jail for this ticket.
Matthew Weiss
I just received my first ticket of the New Year and it hasn’t been 2 months yet since I started driving in November. Just got my license in July. I sped through a yellow light on a two way intersection at 1:20am not more than 40mph in Kings County. I didn’t know where the cop car came from but the officer exact words were, “did you know you ran a red light and you must have been going at 60, maybe 55, I’m just approximating because even my car shook”. I don’t understand where he felt his car “shaking” due to me. I frankly told him I was under 40 and only do 60 on the highway, where he ask if I was sure. So in the end he gave me a ticket for disobey steady red light and that I need to go to a summon and just slow down a bit more. The violation was 111101 or 1111D1. I don’t know what I am suppose to do now, should I plead not guilty? Will this have an affect on my insurance and license? What would be the cost if I do plead guilty? I’m a recent graduate and have a part time job only, I can’t afford to pay!
Thanks for any advises in advance!
It sounds like your license was still on probation when you got this ticket. If so, you MUST fight this ticket. I wrote an article entitled “How A New York Traffic Ticket Impacts A Probationary License“. This should help you understand the seriousness of this ticket.
Matthew Weiss