Failing To Stop For A School Bus in NY – VTL 1174(a)

UPDATE: Effective November 6, 2024, points from a moving violation conviction count against for DMV purposes for 24 months (formerly 18 months), and a conviction to illegally passing a school bus now carry 8 points (formerly 5) and a $450+ Driver Responsibility Assessment Fee.

We are often asked about New York school bus tickets under Vehicle And Traffic Law Section 1174(a). They are commonly enforced in order to protect you entering and exiting children.

So how much is a ticket for passing a school bus? A New York school bus tickets carry a whopping 5 points and there is a $250 to $400 fine for passing a school bug for a first offense.  For a second conviction for failure to stop for a school bus ticket, the fine is $600 to $750, and for a third conviction, the fine is $750 to $1,000.  The high fine amounts reflect the Legislature’s desire to deter these dangerous violations.

Of course, these ranges of fines do not include the $70 additional New York State surcharge imposed on all moving violations.  Additionally it does not include the Driver Assessment Fee that is imposed on motorists who accumulate 6 or more points on their licenses.  This fee is $300 for 6 points and $75 for every point above 6.  If a motorist has any other points, a school bus conviction will make him or her subject to the Driver Assessment Fee.

Further, if a motorist is convicted of this charge within 3 years of one another, the DMV will impose a 6-month revocation of license and there will be re-instatement fees following the revocation period.

There another issue involving school bus tickets issued under VTL 1174(a).  It is not widely known (or enforced) but a judge can also impose up to 30 days in jail for a first violation, and 180 days for a second or third violation.

One final cost of passing a school bus in NY ticket conviction involves your automobile insurance rates.  By law, a New York insurance company cannot raise your rates for one school bus ticket if you have an otherwise clean record.  For multiple convictions of moving violations, however, your auto insurance rates can be hiked.  The only option to address a hike is to take a Driver Safety Class that takes 10% off your insurance rates.

As you can see, there are many costs associated with school bus tickets.  You therefore should always stop when approaching a stopped school bus.

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247 Comments. Leave new

  • Diane Tenaglia
    February 7, 2013 9:05 pm

    My daughter got a ticket today for passing a school bus. She really didn’t pass it,she turned right at the intersection away from the bus. I can’t find any information in the NY DMV about making turns away from buses with lights on. Also the officer took the information off the registration, which is my name, so it is written that I got the ticket and I wasn’t even in the car, the only thing he wrote correctly was her Driver license number. Shouldn’t this alone dismiss the ticket? Thank you for any advice you have ….

    • Diane,

      Unless you are close to the stopped school bus, turning before you pass it is technically a violation of VTL 1174. The better argument is that your school bus ticket was issued to the wrong person. The ticket won’t be dismissed automatically but, at trial, you may win on this issue.

      Matthew Weiss

  • i was pulling out of a driveways while a bus was coming to a stop i was going the opposite direction and did not go through the bus lights or stop signs at all was not on the road untill i was past the back of the bus, there was no cops but the bus driver called it in and the cops showed up to my house and gave me a ticket. my firend got the same ticket same day same everything what can i do?

    • Jake K,

      Definitely, plead not guilty. Because the police office apparently did not see the offense, he will be unable to testify about it at trial. Further, it sounds like you never “passed” a school bus in violation of the statute.

      Matthew Weiss

  • Matthew,

    I received a letter today from NY State DMV regarding a violation of Section 1174 of the Vehicle & Traffic Law (passing a stopped school bus) which allegedly occurred on 01/08/2013. Is this a precursor to a ticket or just a warning notice? There is no contact information other than the DMV mailing address. Do I need to start preparing for a hearing?


    • Richard,

      This is weird. DMV doesn’t send notices about tickets unless they have been issued by a police officer. Fax me the notice and I’ll examine it for you (no charge of course). Please write your return phone number on the fax so I can call you about it.


      Matthew Weiss

  • I got a ticket today for failing to stop for a school bus. I am 17, and I have had my license for 7 months. Could I lose my license over this?

  • Hi i was wondering if u can give me an advice of what to do? i have a nj liscense and my record is pretty clean,I been driven for 9 years: i do not know what to do because on 10/26/12 at 7:00am ; I was driving on jamaica ave in queen; there are 2 lanes in each direction and 1 of them is where people park so it leaves only with 1 lane for traffic .I was going very slow beacause i was looking for a place, suddlendly i see a bus parked on my right along with other cars,didnt see any flashing light or stop sign or kids around when i realized i see a cop across from me on the opposite lane, he had stopped .I tried to stop but it was too late so i passed the school bus very slow and stop in front of the school bus to wait for the cop; i waited for him and he made a u turn and put his light on me like stopping me which i had already stop . he issued me a ticket and he put in the ticket that i passed a stopped school bus with stop signs/ light activator discharging thing i tell u i think the school bus was parked and maybe he put his lights right when i was by him which it didnt give me time to stop…since this happend i called several times to the number in the ticket and they always said call back because they didnt have my records yet because it takes about 30 or more days to appear in there system and so i have called again in january and they said that they have send a letter to my old address regarding this on dec 31 2012,and that my liscence is squeduled to be suspended by jan 22 2013 which is 2 days from today .another issue dont know if they are open on monday 21 which is a holiday and so i can only go on tuesday jan 22 but this is the day that my liscence will be suspended. I also wanted to know if in ny there are procecuters to help u reduce this fine or points that i dont want in my liscence im so scare and need advice of what to do …. thank u so much in advance ….

  • Hi, The other day I was on one of those 4 lane highways, with 2 lanes in each direction and a center turning lane. I was pulled over for the same thing along with another car. The officer claimed that there was a stopped school bus with flashing lights on the other side of the road in the opposite direction.

    I did not see any school bus with stopped or flashing lights. There was heavy traffic on both sides of the road, and cars in front of me and behind me did not stop.

    I have a clean driving record, and have never had a traffic infraction not even a speeding ticket. I am a little upset to hear about the jail thing. I didn’t do anything wrong here. Also I am unemployed so paying any fine would be difficult.

    The ticket listed the time, street and cross street of the infraction. So I looked up the school bus schedules for all of the buses in my school district. There was only one bus stop listed where the street on the ticket and the cross street are. However the time listed by the school district for the current school year is 1/2 hour before I was pulled over. So how could there have been a bus where the officer said if the school district schedules don’t match with that time. There are other buses that stop on the main street, but none others at the intersection of the main street and cross street.

    Would it be a good idea to plead not guilty, and bring this up in court, essentially calling the police officer a liar. I would never say those words exactly, but if I bring up the school district bus schedule in court? Or should I just stick to I honestly did not see the bus and be as sincere as possible. Again I have a squeaky clean record.

    Thankyou for your advice.

    • Drew,

      Because a school bus ticket carries 5 points, you should definitely plead not guilty and fight it. Depending on the court, you may be able to plea bargain it down to a lesser charge and, if not, you could take the case to trial and try and win.

      BTW, if you admit that you did not see the bus at trial (not during the conference), then you likely will lose. This type of admission is tantamount to accepting the officer’s testimony as true.

      Good luck!

      Matthew Weiss

  • Hi I am 17 and live in FL im a new driver, had my license for about 3 months now, clean record. I was on a 2 lane road I saw a bus stopped with its flashing lights and the sign out, i was slowing down but since it was on the left lane and there was no walk way across the street on the left, i didn’t know what to do so I just drove slowly forward and passed it and the bus driver honked at me, but i was not spotted by any cops or anything, im really scared if ill be getting a ticket in the mail if it had cameras or anything.

    • RP,

      It is very unlikely that you’ll receive a failure to stop for a school ticket for this maneuver. The vast majority of tickets (99.9%) are issued on the spot.

      Matthew Weiss

  • This morning I was driving on north bound (east side) of Halstead Ave., in Harrison Town, opposite side of Parsons Memorial School. My car was several cars behind the intersection of Halstead Ave. and Broadway where a crossing-guard was standing. I was following the traffic before me and driving my car at a slow speed. I did not see any flashing light or stop sign on my side or ledt, opposite side of the Ave. The crossing-guard standing on the intersection did not raise stop-side to stop traffic.

    The car before me and our car were pulled over by a Harrison police officer
    before the intersection and a ticket was issued to me.

    I have never received any traffic tickets since my license issuance 20
    years ago.

    What should I do?

  • I was pulled over in September for passing a school bus on Mamaroneck Ave in Mamaroneck. I didnt see the school bus’s stop sign. I was at a red light behind other cars and when the light turned green all of the cars passed the school bus on the other side which had 3 lanes , a concrete divider , and then another 3 lanes. My car along with 2 others were pulled over and got tickets for passing a school bus. The officer told me I should plead not guilty so I did but then recieved a letter of affidavit saying I had commited the crime. Will this hurt me when I go to court ? I have points on my license already from having 2 speeding tickets in a 18 month period but I am taking a defensive driving class this weekend so hopefully the judge will take that into consideration when I do go to court. What can I do to fight this so I dont get my license suspended?

    • Kelci,

      A school bus ticket is a serious charge. It carries 5 points and a hefty fine. I therefore recommend that you plead not guilty and fight this ticket. If you do, you may be able to save points and money. Given the other issues with your license, I highly recommend that you consult with (if not hire) an experienced NY traffic ticket lawyer.

      Matthew Weiss

  • I am a bit confused about passing a stopped school bus on a perpendicular street..

    This happened earlier today in Staten Island, NY

    I approached a stop sign. About 50-75 feet down the road to my right was a stopped school bus loading children from the school’s annex. I proceed to go straight through the intersection. The crossing guard didn’t say anything. Did i do something wrong?

    • Jason,

      I believe that this is NOT a violation of the school bus law. You should plead not guilty and fight this 5-point ticket.

      Feel free to call us if you’d like to discuss further.

      Matthew Weiss

      • Oh, I did not get a ticket. I am just worried that I did something wrong. I read VTL 11174 and it says “either direction”, which I interpret as approaching the front of the bus or behind the bus. It says nothing about perpendicular. If the bus was at the intersection that I would have stopped, but it was at least 50 feet down the road.

  • I live in Suffolk County, NY and my son’s bus stop is on a main road.
    Cars go around his bus (stopped/flashing lights) quite often and I
    have yet to see a cop around to give the violator a ticket. Seriously,
    where’s the justice in this?

  • Similar to others here I was driving northbound from the New Rochelle Station. I saw a stopped southbound school bus ahead with flashing lights but no stop sign. I turned right onto the Boulevard and was ticketed for “passing a stopped school bus” although the bus was about 200 feet ahead of me. I verified the location of the school bus stop with First Student and mapped it from where I turned.

    It appears the law does not state an exact distance but the DMV point reduction program suggests at least 20 feet before the stopped bus, even on the opposite side. Should I fight or accept a lower fine?

    • Steven,

      I agree. A turn 200 feet before a stopped bus is technically not a violation of the school bus law.

      Matthew Weiss

      • Steven Marcus
        January 5, 2013 5:08 am

        Thank you for your reply. I did plead not guilty and appeared before the judge yesterday. It turns out I was looking at the wrong bus. The officer produced a video that showed another bus much closer to me that I do not recall seeing and in theory if it did have the sign out and flashing lights, I should have stopped. But the video did not show my car. Furthermore, the officer said four other cars ahead me pass the bus and hje stopped me since I was the last car.

        As I now recall the video, I do not believe the sign was fully deployed nor do I recall seeing the flashing lights. It seems odd that all five cars wouild pass the bus so I believe none of us saw the sign or lights.

        I’m waiting for the judge’s decision but I don’t think I explained this clearly at the trial. And if I had been able to spend time before the trial looking at the video, I believe I could have mounted a better defense. I didn’t lean about the video until the trial and was not given an opportunity to study it before hand.

        If convicted, what should I do? Or is there anything I can do now to claim a mis-trial because I did not have all the evidence before the trial.

        • Steven Marcus,

          If you are convicted, you can appeal (although it doesn’t seem like you have a strong argument).

          You cannot claim a “mis-trial”. You apparently didn’t demand any discovery prior to trial that wasn’t furnished and I don’t even believe that there is discovery allowed for a NYC driving in a bus lane tickets.

          Matthew Weiss

  • i was driving to school and there was a bus in the opposite lane. the red lights weren’t flashing nor was the stop sign out. the yellow lights were flashing. the middle of me passing the bus, the red lights went on and the sign came out. the driver of the bus or someone honked. i’m scared i’m going to get a ticket in the mail if they saw my license plate. it was around 6:45 in the morning, so it was dark and raining pretty hard. any advice? am i going to get a ticket?

    • Alyssa,

      At this point, it is extremely unlikely that you’ll receive a failure to obey a school bus ticket. If a police officer did not observe the alleged offense and stop you on the stop, then you should be in the clear.

      In the future, be extra careful around stopped school buses. Whenever children and safety are issue, we always need to be extra cautious.

      Matthew Weiss

  • I consider existing American and Canadian school bus stop laws too unfair to be constitutional, due to failure to differentiate ultra-slow and fast passing speeds, like 5 vs. 55 mph with extremely different stopping distance.

    New Jersey per says, “If a school bus has stopped directly in front of a school to pick up or let off children, a motorist may pass from either direction at a speed of no more than 10 mph.” This is the only “fairer” law that I have seen around the USA.

    • Justin JIH,

      Interesting point. However, in my opinion, when trailing a school bus, you should be aware that it may have to pick up or drop off passengers anytime along the way and, therefore, be prepared to stop as well.

      Matthew Weiss

  • Hi, last week, I accidentally passed a stopped school bus going the opposite direction after making a left turn. I am absolutely sick to my stomach because of this. The bus was partially obstructed by trees while making the left turn. I also took the turn a bit too fast if I’m honest, and was up to 20-30mph when I saw the bus. I stood on the brakes. By the time I stopped I was 10-15 feet past the bus. I stayed there for about 30 seconds at which point I though I was already dead meat and drove off. No cops were present and I have not recieved a ticket. The bus driver didn’t honk and no one yelled at me. However I am worried that in the period of time I was stopped the bus driver reported my plates and I will recieve a ticket in the mail. This happened in Staten Island, NY. I have a clean license. At what point can I stop worrying that I will get a visit from the police or a ticket in the mail?

    • Steven,

      You can stop worrying now. It is extremely rare for someone to receive a ticket after-the-fact.

      Please be careful in the future. School bus tickets are very bad tickets and expose young children to an unsafe situation.

      Matthew Weiss

    • Steven,

      You can stop worrying now. It is extremely rare for someone to receive a ticket after-the-fact.

      Please be careful in the future. School bus tickets are very bad tickets and expose children to an unsafe situation.

      Matthew Weiss

      • Thanks for your response, I feel a bit better. If it makes any difference, this happened on September 12th (last week). I’m guessing that if the bus driver did report my license plate and I was to get a ticket in the mail I would have heard from the NYPD already? I’m pretty sure that school buses on Staten Island don’t have stop arm cameras. But even if the bus driver did call in my license plate number, I’m in the clear at this point?


    • Ted,

      While fines from traffic tickets are an integral part of governmental coffers, there is clearly safety concerns that such tickets address.

      Matthew Weiss


  • I received a ticket for failing to stop for a school bus, at the time when i was driving i saw the school bus in front of me and it had the stop sign open. I am a new driver, and I didn’t know what to do, so I stopped first, and then went around the school bus. I know what I did was incorrect now, but what should I do? Should I plead guilty in person, or try to fight it and how?


  • I’m a student in CT, I’m not sure about CT laws.
    I’m 19 yrs old and really scared how this may affect our insurance and how much they may bill me.
    I haven’t gotten a ticket yet, I’m afraid I may get a ticket.
    My situation is stated below, I need advises.

    I was lost around Downtown New Haven, so I kept looking for the street signs to find my way back, and there was one-way everywhere, so I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t see school bus beside me.

    All I know is the School bus was stopped on the right side of the two-lane One-Way Road.
    I don’t know if it was flashing red, I don’t “think” that the Stop Arm is out.
    The car in front of me went past the school bus, and thus I followed.
    The school bus did not honk at me or anything.
    I only noticed I passed it around 15 meters away later and passed, before I looked again, the school bus was already running (so I don’t know if it was flashing red), but I let the school bus through first before I ran again.
    There was a police car around, but he didn’t do anything (or there was Noone in the car)

    It happened at 1pm today, around DownTown New Haven, (Yale)
    And by Today, I mean a SATURDAY.

    1.) Are there any school bus at 1pm on Saturday that could have been unloading students around a downtown street?
    2.) Do you think the school bus was unloading or loading at that time?
    3.) Could they have ticketed me for it, even though there was no police who ran after me?
    4.) How much will this affect my insurance and how much does CT fine for it?
    5.) How long will it take for them to send me the ticket in case?
    6.) With my situation, is it smart to contest it in case they do send me a ticket? I’ve never been in court. Will I have a chance on getting off the hook?
    7.) If I do contest it, and they found me guilty, will it go even worst for my case? How long does is the wait for the trial usually?

    Thank you so much,
    I’ve just really been so frustrated thinking through this.
    I hope you can give me some answers.

    • Max,

      Questions and answers:
      1.) Are there any school bus at 1pm on Saturday that could have been unloading students around a downtown street? Yes, it is very possible (especially during the summer).
      2.) Do you think the school bus was unloading or loading at that time? I have no idea but, of course, it is possible.
      3.) Could they have ticketed me for it, even though there was no police who ran after me? Not likely.
      4.) How much will this affect my insurance and how much does CT fine for it? It cannot affect your insurance unless you are issued a ticket for it and are convicted.
      5.) How long will it take for them to send me the ticket in case? A police officer will almost always issue such a ticket on the spot. It is unlikely that you’ll receive one (but after 30 days I think you’re in the clear).
      6.) With my situation, is it smart to contest it in case they do send me a ticket? I’ve never been in court. Will I have a chance on getting off the hook? Yes.
      7.) If I do contest it, and they found me guilty, will it go even worst for my case? How long does is the wait for the trial usually? It will not likely get worse if you contest it. It takes 2 to 6 months for a case to be scheduled.

      Matthew Weiss

  • Hi,

    Today I was driving on Hartsdale Avenue, a very busy road in Greenburgh, NY, and a police officer pulled me over for failing to stop for a school bus. He also pulled the car in front of me over. The officer said that the school bus was stopped, while unloading passengers with the red flashing lights on and eventually honked. I do not recall passing a school bus, especially one with the red flashing lights on. I was not texting, on a call, listening to loud music or anything. I was concentrating on the road and the car in front of me.
    Also, when I got the ticket, I was on my way to a bus transportation meeting at the day camp that I work at. This is my second year as a bus counselor and I spent the past summer making sure the campers get on and off the bus safely, especially when crossing the street. Is this necessary to help in my plea of not guilty? Do you think I have a sufficient case in my plea?

    Thanks so much

    • Daniel,

      Your school bus ticket carries 5 points and a hefty fine. Therefore, I recommend that you plead not guilty and fight this school bus ticket. If you do, you likely can save points and money by plea bargaining this case at the Greenburgh traffic court.

      Matthew Weiss

  • Hi,

    Last Friday I was driving down Farm to Market Rd. in Endwell in Broome County New York. I was driving and saw a school bus but did not see the busses stop sign up or flashing. But as I was just starting to pass the bus, it was putting out its stop signs and the bus honked at me. I looked to my right and saw a Broome County Sheriff pointing for me to pull over to the side of the road. I was issued the standard failed to stop for a school bus ticket. I told the cop what happened on my part and he cop told me “you put in my tough spot here with this, in my opinion and not my professional opinon but my personal opinion, you should plead not guilty and see what happens.” How should I go about this situation? I have a clean record on my license and the cop even told me that sense I have a clean record I should have a better shot at getting this greatly reduced. Is this true?

    • Chris,

      The police officer gave you good advice. Plead not guilty to your school bus ticket. If you do, you will be scheduled with a court date. On that date, you can conference the case with the prosecutor and likely negotiate this charge down to a less serious offense.

      BTW, Broome County has an online system for plea bargaining cases. It is currently one of the few counties to have such a system. Try and resolve your case via this system. Make sure you point out that you have an otherwise clean record.

      Matthew Weiss

  • Hi ,
    Today morning , I was in Brooklyn and at 89th street i stopped my car near to school bus . Although i stopped but bus driver shown me hand and gave weird look . I saw him him taking out paper , pen and writing something and after which he told me go ahead .
    I do not know his intention and I am worried whether I will be slapped by school bus violation ticket. Can some one clarify?

    • Bhushan,

      Because you were not issued a school bus ticket on the spot, you very likely will NOT receive a ticket for this maneuver.

      Matthew Weiss

      • Thanks Matt for quick response and relieving the tension 🙂 , if I consider worst case , what is the time frame I get notification about any such violation .
        I hope I do not get any ticket, which is 5 pointer , because my history is clear and morning act was totally because of traffic chaos (obstructed view ) at Brooklyn and even I stopped after seeing him but i guess not enough distance as per driver -:( .

  • Thank u so much…

  • thanks for your reply. no i did not get a ticket.but i am scared are they sending it by mail because i heard that sometimes school bus driver take picture,plate number and send it to police and they give ticket i don’t know fully how does it work could please clarify me?…thanks again

  • I have passed a school bus from opposite side while school bus stop sign was on and the road’s signal light is green and the driver horned me but for instant I didn’t realized its for but I realized later.then it was too late and I could not stop.And 1st of all I didn’t see the school bus I just saw my signal light which was green and I passed it.i am so scared what should I do?

    • Maya,

      Were you issued a school bus ticket? If not, you are likely not in trouble. It would be extraordinarily rare for you to belated be issued such a ticket. On the other hand, if you were issued a ticket, then you should plead not guilty and fight this 5-point ticket.

      Matthew Weiss

  • Richard Arnold
    May 14, 2012 12:53 pm

    I have a question concerning stopped school buses. I live in the Albany area, and the other day, I was traveling on a 4 lane road (2 lanes west, and 2 east) split by a turn median. The road was very busy, and I was dealing with a very agrresive driver in my rear. All of a sudden, I heard a horn blast 3 lanes over on the other side of the road. It was a stopped school bus, going in the opposite directin, and I had just passed him. I’m not sure when he stopped, or if I had actually commited an offense. There were no police, and I didn’t get pulled over or ticketed. However, in researching whether I could get a ticket retroactively, I noticed a form on line to report such instances. It’s called “Report of Passing a Stopped School Bus”, and it goes to the Driver Improvement Bureau of the NYS DMV. I know in certain areas, buses have cameras, and so do certain streets, although I don’t know if that is the case here. So I don’t know if the incident was captured, or if anyone reported it. I’ve seen the answers you posted to similiar question, but given the above, would you still agree that I can’t be ticketed for this. The possibility that I passed a stopped school bus bothers me, and I don’t plan on using that road again. It’s just too nuts, especially knowing that buses are stopping on it. I just want to feel this is over. Any help you could provide would be very appreciated.

    • Richard,

      I doubt that the incident was captured or that you will be issued a ticket for disobeying a stopped school bus. This would be extremely rare in New York.

      Matthew Weiss

    • Dear Richard,
      Unfortunately, I was in a similar incident recently, and am in the same boat as you were. I am curious if you were issued a ticket.

  • My son was driving and I was in passenger seat. We were traveling south on a major roadway with 2 lanes on each side of a wide median. Suddenly, we saw a police car ahead of us blocking the 2 lanes with lights flashing. The officer told us and 5 other drivers to pull into a lot and wait for him. Our car was next to last. He then went to each car one by one and asked for license and registration. My son asked why he was stopped and the officer responded that he passed a stopped school bus on the northbound side of the highway. The officer eventually ran my son’s license and returned with a ticket for passing a school bus. He stated that my son should plead not guilty and meet with him on the court date prior to seeing the judge and this can be discussed because the ticket means 5 points and insurance problems. I have read your previous responses and noticed that insurance rates in NY can’t be raised for one passing school bus infraction, but, if my son pleads to a lesser violation which carries points, his insurance could be affected then; this seems like a “catch 22”. Do any of these details afford a reasonable ground to fight this or should we just split the baby and avoid the 5 points?

    • Frank B,

      I have to correct what you write regarding the effect of a conviction to a traffic ticket. If you son has an otherwise clean record, then pleading guilty to a reduced charge (or a school bus ticket) will NOT affect his auto insurance rates. Under New York law, an insurance company cannot raise your rates for one “small ticket”. The only time that one conviction to a basic traffic ticket can result in your rates being increased is when you plead guilty to speeding 16+ mph or reckless driving.

      For further information, read my article entitled “How Traffic Tickets Affect Auto Insurance Rates“.

      Matthew Weiss

  • I just received a ticket in NYC for passing a stopped school bus. Today I was driving south in the left lane on 9th ave, on the far right lane (adjacent to the curb) there were multiple school buses. There was heavy traffic and I was traveling about 5 miles per hour; the traffic was due to the number of police officers standing in the middle of 9th avenue pulling cars over. My view of the school buses was obstructed by trucks and other vehicles when I drove past the school myself and about 10-15 other vehicles were asked to pull over. This was a total set up, I took pictures of how my view would have been and was wondering if this would help in court.
    Thanks for help

    • Mike,

      Because this ticket carries 5 points, we definitely recommend that you plead not guilty and fight it. And, yes, photographs can definitely help (especially if they can show that your view of the buses was obscured).

      Matthew Weiss

  • Satnam Singh
    April 18, 2012 5:05 pm

    I was going to my college through Bell Blvd and 75ave Queens. there was a school bus parked near a school and the bus had no sign of “Stop”. i passed it and there was a cop in the front. there were two more cars that got pulled before me . all of us got a ticket. i pass through that road everyday approximately same time and i stopped when i saw school bus stop sign. this time there was no school bus stop sign and i didn’t stop. what should i do please help.

  • I was on 85th, crossing York. Traffic was heavy, and an ambulance was trying to get down 85th. I crossed York, and pulled over to the curb, stopping behind a municipal bus and across the street from a school There were a number of school buses around, and some had stop signs up. When it became clear that I was not in the way anymore (the ambulance turned left onto York), I started to pull away from the curb. At that time, I did not see any buses with stop signs open or flashing lights, although it was in front of a school at 2:30. I was instantly pulled over (along with what appeared to be about 5 other cars) and ticketed.

    What are your thoughts on fighting this ticket? My record is otherwise clean.

  • Yesterday, I was stopped by a police officer because I failed to stop for a school bus. He gave me a traffic ticket. I was pulling out of a parking lot and turning to the right. I was in front of the bus and driving away from the bus. The school bus parked approx. 40 feet away from my car when I was leaving the parking lot.

    • Karen,

      Illegally passing a school bus is a pretty serious ticket. It carries 5 points and roughly a $250 fine. We therefore recommend that you plead not guilty and fight this ticket. How you fight it depends on a few variables including the court, your driving record, etc. Feel free to call us if you want to discuss further.

      Matthew Weiss

  • A friend of mine was driving in Merrick NY today and was at a intersection where he turned left. On his right (meaning perpendicular to my friend at the intersection) was a stopped school bus with lights flashing but he didn’t see the lights flashing because it was very sunny and he didn’t see a stop sign either. He said the bus driver honked at him and appeared to write down something. Can a bus driver and not a police office cause my friend to get a ticket in this case or points? How can they know who was driving the car anyway ?

  • Got a ticket going the other direction of the stopped school bus in Brooklyn there is a large median dividing the opposite lanes. Do you have any law about what kind of median is required before passing a bus in the opposit direction?

    • Jay,

      Below is the text from the school bus law. As you’ll see, there is no exception for road with a center median. Therefore, I don’t think that the “median defense” will work.

      Matthew Weiss

      § 1174. Overtaking and passing school bus. (a) The driver of a vehicle
      upon a public highway, street or private road upon meeting or overtaking
      from either direction any school bus marked and equipped as provided in
      subdivision twenty of section three hundred seventy-five of this chapter
      which has stopped on the public highway, street or private road for the
      purpose of receiving or discharging any passengers, or which has stopped
      because a school bus in front of it has stopped to receive or discharge
      any passengers, shall stop the vehicle before reaching such school bus
      when there is in operation on said school bus a red visual signal as
      specified in subdivision twenty of section three hundred seventy-five of
      this chapter and said driver shall not proceed until such school bus
      resumes motion, or until signaled by the driver or a police officer to
      proceed. For the purposes of this section, and in addition to the
      provisions of section one hundred thirty-four of this chapter, the term
      “public highway” shall mean any area used for the parking of motor
      vehicles or used as a driveway located on the grounds of a school or of
      a board of cooperative educational services facility or any area used as
      a means of access to and egress from such school or facility.

      • Its a little crazy because its illegal to cross in the middle of the street. Any bus driver that would allow little kids to cross a large 4 lane highway in the middle of the street is neglegant per se. Stopping in the opposite direction of such a highway could cause rear-end collisions.

  • Yesterday, I unknowingly passed a school bus stopped on the opposite side, in Great Neck, NY. My view was blocked by a hugh SUV which started getting slower all of a sudden. I thought he/she maybe taking a left turn w/o an indicator as I’ve seen it happen many times here.
    So, I decided to pass over and to my chagrin, I saw the bus on the other side just as I passed it. Sure enough, a cop saw me, pulled me over and gave me a ticket.

    I otherwise have a clean record. Shall I fight this ticket? How likely is it for the judge to dole out jail time in cases like these(I’m scared about this)?

  • Today is was on my way home from school and was driving when I heard a screech and I looked in my rear view mirror to see a bus stopped and the traffic behind me stopped as well. I was in the opposite lane but going the in the same direction. I don’t get pulled over or anything. I now see my mistake. No cops were in sight. But now I know to be more careful and more attentive. Does this still mean I can et fined? Even if there were nO police and the bus had JUST stopped as I was going by it?

  • Here is my question. I was stopped yesterday on route 9 in wappingers falls, ny on a 4 lane divided highway w at least a lane’s width median in the middle for a school bus that was stopped on the opposite side of the road. Did this law recently change to include this senario? I was not issued a ticket, thankfully. Not to mention if I had stopped I would have most certainly been rear ended by all the idiots on the road who were speeding.

    • Carolyn,

      I believe that you are required to stop for a school bus under those circumstances. I do not think that the median makes a difference.

      Glad you didn’t get a ticket.

      Matthew Weiss

  • I was driving around New Rochelle this morning trying to find an address. I saw this school bus right in front of me. But it did not have it’s stop sign and the red flashing light on. In fact while in front of me I saw the bus started moving at a slow pace. Because I saw no stop sign and I saw the bus kept going, so I kept going as well. That is until a policeman told me to pull over and saw the complete opposite of what was happening. He said that he saw the stop sign was out along with the red flashing light. My record is clean but seeing that I could get a whooping 5 points really scares me. I gave the reason to the policeman stating what I saw. But he still gave me the ticket anyway. What should I do??

  • In the past week I have had two instances with stopped school busses that I am not sure what the law requires / allows. In neither case did I receive a ticket however I would like to know what the law is if I come accross the situations again.

    Scenario 1) School bus is stopped at a 4 way stop sign with red lights flashing. I come to complete stop on the cross street to the street that the bus is on. The lights are still flashing, no children are crossing the street can I proceed to go staight ahead in front of the bus?

    Scenario 2) A bus is stopped in the north bound lane of a divided boulevard with red lights flashing, are the cars in southbound lane still required to stop?

    • Jim,

      Below is the full text for the “school bus law”.

      Scenario 1: This is not a violation. Section 1174 only applies to vehicles meeting or overtaking from either direction school bus (or stopped behind it). It does not cover cross traffic. With that said, if you are near the bus, I would remain stopped to avoid a ticket and, more importantly, avoid getting involved in an accident with a child.

      Scenario 2: Yes, cars on the opposite side of a roadway are required to stop for a school bus. This is the “meeting” portion of VTL 1174.

      Great questions! Thanks for submitting them.

      Matthew Weiss

      S 1174. Overtaking and passing school bus. (a) The driver of a vehicle upon a public highway, street or private road upon meeting or overtaking from either direction any school bus marked and equipped as provided in subdivision twenty of section three hundred seventy-five of this chapter which has stopped on the public highway, street or private road for the purpose of receiving or discharging any passengers, or which has stopped because a school bus in front of it has stopped to receive or discharge any passengers, shall stop the vehicle before reaching such school bus when there is in operation on said school bus a red visual signal as specified in subdivision twenty of section three hundred seventy-five of this chapter and said driver shall not proceed until such school bus resumes motion, or until signaled by the driver or a police officer to proceed. For the purposes of this section, and in addition to the provisions of section one hundred thirty-four of this chapter, the term “public highway” shall mean any area used for the parking of motor vehicles or used as a driveway located on the grounds of a school or of a board of cooperative educational services facility or any area used as a means of access to and egress from such school or facility.

      (b) The driver of such school bus, when receiving or discharging passengers who must cross a public highway, street or private road,
      shall instruct such passengers to cross in front of the bus and the driver thereof shall keep such school bus halted with red signal lights
      flashing until such passengers have reached the opposite side of such highway, street or private road. Whether such passengers are crossing
      such highway street or private road or discharging to the same side of such highway, street or private road, the driver of such bus shall keep
      such school bus halted with red signal lights flashing until such passengers are at least fifteen feet from the bus and either off the
      highway, street or private road or on a sidewalk.

      (c) Every person convicted of a violation of subdivision (a) of this section shall: for a first conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of
      not less than two hundred fifty dollars nor more than four hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days or by both such
      fine and imprisonment; for a conviction of a second violation, both of which were committed within a period of three years, such person shall
      be punished by a fine of not less than six hundred dollars nor more than seven hundred fifty dollars or by imprisonment for not more than one
      hundred eighty days or by both such fine and imprisonment; upon a conviction of a third or subsequent violation, all of which were
      committed within a period of three years, such person shall be punished by a fine of not less than seven hundred fifty dollars nor more than one
      thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than one hundred eighty days or by both such fine and imprisonment.

      (d) For the purposes of this section, the term “passengers” shall mean those persons designated in paragraph (d) of subdivision twenty of
      section three hundred seventy-five of this chapter.

  • I got a ticket that same morning in New Rochelle on North ave I had a pre trial conference today Oct.26 I am going to trial how should I deal with this . I am not sure what to do.

    • Michelle,

      Prior to the trial, you should conference the case and see what, if any, plea deal will be offered. If you’re offered a 2- or 3-point ticket, this is pretty good and you should consider accepting it.

      If are not offered a reduction or do not accept an offered settlement, then your only option is to proceed to trial.

      Good luck.

      Matthew Weiss

  • Matthew,

    I pleaded not guilty, they gave me a pre trial conference date to meet with a prosecutor but it says that it is not a trial. What is a pre trial conference and will my court date be much later than that date? Also, can I ask to reconcile? I received this ticket on September 7th, if i end up getting prosecuted will the points and violation remain on my record 18months or 3 years from the prosecution date or the date i received the ticket?

    • John,

      A conference is where you can “reconcile” or negotiate a reduction. Points last for 18 months from the date of offense for DMV purposes and 36 months from the date of conviction for insurance purposes.

      Hope this helps.

      Matthew Weiss

  • My son who was 17 was driving home from college was pulled over by a police office. He was issued a ticket for failure to stop for a bus. My son was coming south bound on a four lane route, two going south and two going north. The officer pulled three cars over, one being my sons. Where he was pulled over was a heavy traffic area, being that he just started to drive on his own two months ago, he was paying attention to the traffic. He said he never saw any bus. He pleaded not guilty and we are waiting for a trial date. Meanwhile, we are concern about the points, our insurance going up and possibly jail time. This is truly an honest mistake. Can you give us any advice? Thank you!

  • Matthew,

    I pleaded not guilty, they gave me a pre trial conference date to meet with a prosecutor but it says that it is not a trial. What is a pre trial conference and will my court date be much later than that date? Also, can I ask to reconcile? I received this ticket on September 7th, if i end up getting prosecuted will the points and violation remain on my record 18months or 3 years from the prosecution date or the date i received the ticket?

  • Matthew,
    Is the New Rochelle court an “all or nothing” court, or do I have a chance to get the fine and points reduced. If i do get found guilty, do you have any idea how much my insurance premium would go up for my first offense.? I have heard of a 25% increase but Im not sure. I am not the primary driver on the insurance, my mother is and I am just a driver under her name, does that make a difference? Also, even if I get my points reduced will that matter for my insurance since the conviction is still gonna say “failure to stop for school bus”?

    • John,

      The New Rochelle traffic court does negotiate and, if you work out a deal, the conviction will be the lesser charge (not “failure to stop for a school bus’).

      Given your clean record, your insurance likely will not increase with a conviction but please contact your insurance company and check. Either way, we strongly recommend that you fight this ticket and obtain a reduction.

      Matthew Weiss

  • yesterday i was driving mission blvd two lane each direction, i was on the the traffic light
    is red, on the Wright of me two cars and one car behind me. I observed a school bus ahead of me on Wright side of the street parked. Light turn green i proceed along with other cars (there was no flashing red or the arm extended) the moment i passed the bus there was CHP in the front of the bus sign-ling behind me at that moment i looked at my speed its within the speed limit, i said to my self well i don’t have plates on my car because its new, that shouldn’t be a problem. Come to fined out he stopped because the school bus. after stopping she asked if i saw the stop singe arm extended my reply was now, asked again if i saw the light flashing red again my answer was no. then i asked here how come the other three cars didn’t stop, how come you didn’t stop them, her answer i cannot stop every body. then i asked her since you were parked in the front of the bus and you are inside your car were you looking through the rear mirror to watch the bus and the traffic she said yes. she still gave me the ticket, but i insisted on her to write on the back of her ticket copy the question i asked. i need some feed back from the knowledgeable people on this. thanks to every body

    • Abraham,

      You should plea not guilty and fight this ticket. It carries 5 points and can hurt your auto insurance rates.

      Matthew Weiss

  • Thank Matthew,
    If they do not reduce the fine or points, how long does the violation stay on my driving record and what kind of fine would I be looking at for my first violation?

    • John,

      Points last for 18 months from the date offense for DMV purposes and 36 months from the date of conviction for insurance purposes.

      The fine for a first offense of this nature is roughly $200.

      Matthew Weiss

  • Brian, i got the same exact ticket on the same exact day and also was on north ave. Have you pleaded yet?

    • John,

      Brian retained our firm to fight this ticket. Feel free to call me if you want to discuss how each other’s ticket may help with your respective defenses.


      Matthew Weiss

  • will my car insurance go up for failure to stop for a school bus? This is my first violation.

    • John,

      If you have any otherwise clean record, the you auto insurance rates should not increase from one School Bus ticket. You should check with your insurance company to make sure, however.

      We still recommend fighting it because 5 points is a lot to get in one shot.

      Matthew Weiss

  • According to my research of Section 238.2 of the NYS V & T Law, it reads as follows: “a description of the charged violation INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO A REFERENCE TO THE APPLICABLE TRAFFIC RULE OR PROVISION OF THIS CHAPTER.” This space is blank on my ticket. No reference has been made to a specific traffic law. Section 238.2(b) reads as follows “If any information which is required to be inserted on a notice of violation is omitted from the notice of violation, misdescribed, or illegible, the violation shall be dismissed upon application of the person charged with the violation.” Shouldn’t my ticket be dismissed due to the omission of a specific traffic law number on the ticket?

    • Brian, VTL Section 238(2) falls under Article 2-B of the Vehicle And Traffic Law entitled “ADJUDICATION OF PARKING INFRACTIONS”. It does NOT apply to moving violations such as failure to stop for a school bus.

      At the New York Traffic Violations Bureau, the policy is to honor the description of the offense over the VTL code. Therefore, I believe most judges will honor the description and forgive the omission of a VTL code. Nevertheless, I would definitely make the argument. With the right judge, you might win.

      Good luck.

      Matthew Weiss

  • The officer did not write the VTL number on my ticket. Does this matter? He did however write passed a school bus with red flashing lights in the comment box. I’m kind of confused on how to go about fighting this ticket. I mailed it back and plead not guilty. Any other advice you can offer? I’ve never been to traffic court in my life, so i don’t know what to expect.

  • Brian Reichert
    September 8, 2011 2:11 pm

    This morning, i was driving to work Northbound on North Avenue in New Rochelle, NY in bumper to bumper traffic. Two other vehicles, as well as myself were asked to pull over by a New Rochelle Police Officer. The Officer then requested my Driver License. After about 5 minutes, this same officer re-appears with a woman police officer. He sends her up to my vehicle, and she asks me if he told me why i was pulled over. I replied that he did not, and she explains that there was a stopped schhol bus with flashing red lights stopped on the South bound side, and that i drove right past it. North Avenue is two lanes in each direction, and I never saw any such school bus. I was issued a traffic violation for passing the school bus that I didn’t see. I have a clean NYS License, and I’m sure if there was a school bus clearly stopped with flashing red lights, I would have seen it. Like i stated previously, it had just stopped raining and there was bumper to bumper traffic in both directions. What should i do?

    • Brian,

      We recommend that you plead not guilty and fight this NY school bus ticket. because it carries 5 points on your license.

      The New Rochelle traffic court is a tough one but you should be able to negotiate this ticket down to a 2- or 3-point ticket.

      Good luck.

      Matthew Weiss

      • How do i go about fighting it? Do i just mail it in and plead not guilty, and show up when they tell me, and just be honest and say that i did not see a school bus?

      • I was driving southbound on North Avenue and got pulled over for not stopping for a northbound school bus. The officer wrote that the school bus had its stop sign out and red lights flashing. My issue is, the bus was a New Rochelle city bus. I don’t think the bus had either a stop sign or red flashing lights, as far as I could tell it was commuters getting on a city bus. I thought I had until 2/7 to return the ticket or appear in person, but then it says to plead not guilty within 48 hours, which have since passed. Is it too late then for me to plead not guilty by mail? And if I do so, do I get a different date for my court appearance? Thanks for the help!

        • Kbear,

          Plead not guilty right away. If you can go to the court in-person that would be best. Otherwise, send it with some type of delivery confirmation. The, follow up with the court to make sure that received your ticket.

          Because you are not too late, I think you’ll be all right.

          Matthew Weiss

          • Saw the Albert Leonard bus again today and should have taken a photo, definitely no stop sign and no red flashing lights. Thanks, Matthew.

          • Kbear,

            Hopefully, you can get photos next time you see it. The lack of stop signs and red flashing lights should be a successive defense to your New York school bus ticket.

            Good luck!

            Matthew Weiss

    • Hi Brian! I was reading your post because I got the same ticket at the same spot in New Rochelle, didn’t see stop sigh on school bus or red light. They also offered me a pre-trial. I am wondering how did your pre-trial go? Any advices? Thank you!

  • I was driving into the city and was sitting behind cars stopped at a green light. There was an open lane on my left so I took it and drove up to see what the hold up was. As I’m looking to my far right and my car is rolling, but obviously at a slow speed so I could see what was happening. By the time I got far up enough where the other cars and buses weren’t blocking my view anymore, I notice the school bus and a split second later a couple of cops on my left yelling “Whoa whoa whoa pull over right here!”. I did not intentionally mean to pass it, and it’s not like I sped off. I barely got anywhere by the time they told me to pull over. What’s the best way out of this mess??? I have pretty much nothing on my record, and am amazed at the 5 pts that I supposedly just got hit with…

    • AJ,

      You should fight this serious ticket. Five points is a lot to get especially for one incident. How you fight it depends at which court it is pending.

      Call us for a free consultation. We are happy to give you free advice or a free consultation.


      Matthew Weiss


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