If you’ve ever gotten a moving violation in New York, you probably know that each violation comes with a certain number of “points” that are assigned to your driving record.…
An NYPD officer was recently recorded telling a traffic offender that it was Mayor De Blasio’s fault the violator was getting a traffic summons. However, the question remains, did you…
The changing face of technology is constantly altering the world as we know it–and thanks to a new deployment of specialized smart to police officers in New York City, the…
Yes, you read that correctly. Governor Cuomo has announced that the number of texting tickets issued in New York state has increased by 840% since 2011. This rise is attributed…
According to a Daily News investigation, New York drivers owe $114 million in unpaid tolls over five years. The Port Authority isn’t doing its due diligence in collecting fees for…
New York City Traffic Regulation Section 412(m), generally restricts motorists from driving in a bus lane. A violation of this offense used to just involve roughly a $100 fine. However,…
We are often asked about the effect of a traffic ticket conviction upon a client’s auto insurance rates. The answer for some situations is easy but in others no so…
Veronica Phillips was charged with using a cell phone without a hands-free device (Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1225-c [2] [a]) and the ticket was returnable at the Nassau County Traffic Violations &…
Text your ticket to (516) 558-5586 or fill out the form below. We fight any New York State traffic ticket EXCEPT parking, red light and speeding camera tickets.