With the summer in full swing, many New York City residents will be making trips to the Hamptons. As most New Yorkers know, the traffic can be pretty bad. However,…
Currently and through next Wednesday (June 15, 2018), New York State troopers will be out in force looking, in particular, for violations of the following Vehicle And Traffic Laws: drinking…
Cars are an indispensable part of many people’s lives — they take us to and from work, for errands and anywhere else that we want to go. However, with driving,…
Warning: Governor Cuomo announces a crackdown on distracted drivers from April 6 to 10, 2018 which will result in the issuance of 1,000s of New York electronic device traffic tickets.…
The NYS Department of Motor Vehicles Rochester Traffic Violations Bureau office is permanently closing as of April 21, 2018. This changes where and how motorists answer moving violation tickets issued…
Despite New York State having one of the toughest sets of distracted driver laws in the country, they are about to get tougher. The Legislature is considering and likely will pass…
Un-belted rear passengers can become human missiles in a crash and injure themselves and those in the front seats, a recent Insurance Institute for Highway Safety study reveals. A rear passenger…
The NY Post reported this weekend that DMV is using the EZ pass system to identify motorists who fail to pay their tolls and, consequently suspend their registrations. This is…
You have heard of a breathalyzer but likely have not yet heard about a “textalyzer”, the newest technology which can be used to incriminate distracted drivers. The technology determines if…
Text your ticket to (516) 558-5586 or fill out the form below. We fight any New York State traffic ticket EXCEPT parking, red light and speeding camera tickets.