As reported yesterday, New York City completed a 24-hour ticket blitz issuing 9,016 cell tickets. Normally, only around 500 cell phone tickets are issued in a day. While cell phone tickets carries 0 points, they result in a $120 fine plus possible auto insurance increases. Reporter Edgar Sandavol was reporting the blitz for the Daily News when his cell phone rang. He answered it and, then, promptly was pulled over for violating the law he was reporting on. Look for stricker cell phone enforcement in the future.
NYC Traffic Ticket Blitz Results In Over 9,000 Cell Phone Tickets
Matthew Weiss
Matthew J. Weiss, Esq. graduated Hofstra Law School in 1984. He was Law Review and won the law school’s prestigious Procedure Award. Upon graduation, he became one of the first Hofstra Law School graduates to work at the New York State Court of Appeals (New York State’s highest court) working on various appellate matters.
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2 Comments. Leave new
I was given a ticket by a lovely Nassau County cop on the LIE Service Rd. When I crossed the intersection at Glen Cove, I noticed the cop car parked along side of a snow mound in a shopping center lot. I went passed and did not have the phone on me as I just hung up prior to the officer zig-zagging behind me as I drove with my arm on the door panel with hand to face as I always drive. None the less, he pulled me over, did not say why and then promptly gave me 180.00 invitation to court. Do I go and fight and ask for a plea down to a local violation so the greedy folks keep all the money for the town or do I plea guilty and give all the money to our rotten state government who already rapes me in taxes? I find the fine unduly harsh in such an economy where we are all on the verge of being poor. Just another victim of quota day. Yes, they do exist. That is why all cops have tax ID numbers. Because they generate income!
This blog’s great!! Thanks :).