My dear friend Lawrence Berezin of New York Parking has graciously shared his user-friendly way to identify defects in a New York City parking ticket. The below image show the 10 items which must be properly completed in order for your NYC parking ticket to be valid. If any one (or more) of these items are omitted or incorrect, you should plead not guilty to the ticket and explain which of these items are defective.
The Easiest Way To Fight A NYC Parking Ticket
Matthew Weiss
Matthew J. Weiss, Esq. graduated Hofstra Law School in 1984. He was Law Review and won the law school’s prestigious Procedure Award. Upon graduation, he became one of the first Hofstra Law School graduates to work at the New York State Court of Appeals (New York State’s highest court) working on various appellate matters.
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Get Free Traffic Ticket Advice
We fight any New York State traffic ticket, EXCEPT parking tickets, red light camera, and speeding camera tickets. Text your ticket to (516) 558-5586 or fill out the form below.
1301 Comments. Leave new
I got a parking ticket for double parking but the officer wrote the wrong place of occurrence. The street address he put does not exist on NYC and is a Long Island address. Is this grounds for dismissal?
A non-existent street address is solid grounds for a dismissal. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Thanks so much Matthew!
Taking the time to answer all of these questions is incredibly generous of you. There are so few resources in NYC for traffic violations if you do not have the means to retain an attorney. Providing this information is just amazing.
Used car; temp registration sticker. Dealer said i had 90 days and the registration would arrive shortly. Because of issues with two middle initials, the insurance company had to create the FS-20 to register the vehicle 11 times. Turns out i had a month left on the dealer’s temp registration (idiot for not checking) and I never got the new sticker.
After the ticket, called DMV and they said the zip for address was entered with an extra zero, so the registration was valid and a sticker mailed out but not to me.
1) The ticket seems proper but the comments section says “Sticker #: TMP”. Is that sufficient? (The date is in the tiny box, sadly.)
2) Is there any point in arguing that i had no control over the zip error? I assume, given that I should have called the DMV before the temp expired to discover that error, it’s not even worth an attempted dispute. Correct?
Thank you so much!
Answers in bold below.
1) The ticket seems proper but the comments section says “Sticker #: TMP”. Is that sufficient? (The date is in the tiny box, sadly.)
Yes, it is sufficient.
2) Is there any point in arguing that i had no control over the zip error? I assume, given that I should have called the DMV before the temp expired to discover that error, it’s not even worth an attempted dispute.
No, as owner, you are responsible for making sure that the registration is current and driving it without proper registration is, therefore, on you.
Matthew Weiss
So we got a parking ticket for parking before a street sweeping sign not even 20 minutes after we parked. So we came back right after the ticket was left on the car less than 20 minutes in all.
But the question is not whether we can get it thrown out because they didn’t make any mistakes on the ticket. But is can we get it reduced somehow?
Because it is costly and its during the holidays so we have no money to begin with, and we are not from nyc so its not like we are rich.
Jut K,
NYC does not reduce (or plea bargain) traffic tickets.
Dear Mr. Weiss,
Thank you for your great services in helping those who are in the need of answers when it comes to ticket violations.
Recently, I have gotten a ticket in Queens, NY for the owner of the vehicle bearing license of section 4-08 (d) (1). My vehicle is registered in NJ and ended up street parking for 25 minutes during street cleaning on the days/hours: except Su/8:30-9:00 AM. But paid the meter the whole time I was parked. I misread the signs which were very hard to understand and unclear but wanted to challenge this ticket.
1) Are there any winning cases like this?
2) Any rights for NJ registered vehicle parking issues when parked in NY?
3) Hoping for further instructions and information to beat this ticket.
Your response is greatly appreciated and will be waiting for a reply.
Grace Chae
Grace Chae,
Answers below.
1) Are there any winning cases like this? It would be VERY hard to win based on the information in your question.
2) Any rights for NJ registered vehicle parking issues when parked in NY? No.
3) Hoping for further instructions and information to beat this ticket. Sorry but I have no magic answers for you. Re-read my article and look for any mistakes or omissions on the key elements listed.
Good luck!
My registration expired on 9/14. I received a ticked for expired registration on 9/19. On 9/19 I also renewed my registration. If I mail in the proof or renewal will they dismiss the ticket. It was an oversight on my end since the sticker has 9/21 and I assumed that I have until the end of the month to renew it.
Sena Da,
No, you can fix an un-registered ticket retroactively.
Matthew Weiss
I received a Parking Violation for NYC Traffic Rules, Section: 4-08(j)(2), Improperly Displayed Plate. Complainant’s Comments: No valid permit on dash, more than 48 inches off ground.
Would this still apply if I have NJ Plates, only one properly displayed, not 2 like it is required in NY (one in the front and one in the rear)?
According to the violation below, it says “New York Plates”…
Valid plates must be properly displayed. No person shall stand or park a
vehicle unless it properly displays the current plate or plates issued to it. For the
purposes of this paragraph (j)(2), New York plates shall not be deemed properly
displayed unless they are conspicuously displayed, one on the front and one on
the rear of the vehicle, each securely fastened so as to prevent the same from
swinging and placed, whenever reasonably possible, not higher than 48 inches
and not lower than 12 inches from the ground, and …..
Would I be able to fight this ticket and plead not guilty? If yes, how would I go about that?
Thanks in advance,
Alexandra Miller
Alexandra Miller,
We do not handle parking tickets so we couldn’t help you.
Yes, you can certainly plead not guilty but do not know if you will be successful.
Good luck, however.
Matthew Weiss
I received a traffic ticket in violation of Rule, Section 4-08(f)(6). Says it was because I was parked in the “Safety Zone”. There’s no signage saying it is illegal to park there. I’m parking my tractor and trailer.
Under NYC Traffic Regulation Section 4-08(f)(6), parking or standing in a “safety zone” is prohibited. The regulation states you cannot park “between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within thirty feet of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone.” Signage is not required,
Matthew Weiss
Hi, I got this morning a street cleaning parking ticket, street cleaning starts at 8:30 AM, the ticket was printed 8:36, I know theres a 5 minute grace period, so I ran down to move my car, my watch showed me 8:34, is there anything that I can do to fight this ticket as I was just 1 minute late? (I believe it was less than 1 minute)
Thanks in advance
I doubt that you’ll win and there is no 5-minute grace for such tickets.
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket for bus stop – no standing. However, there is also a sign for alternate parking (street sweep) which is where I parked behind. I have read online that a bus stop extends only until there is another parking sign and if no parking sign exists, then it goes to the corner. Do you have any official source for this that you can provide? I honestly think that I was not parked in that bus zone since there was another sign indicating that alternate parking is regulated where I parked.
Michael Potter,
We have no official source but encourage you to make this argument. It seems compelling.
Matthew Weiss
Hi, I received a ticket for not displaying my muni meter ticket in the window. In the comments it says no driver no permit. Paid at locations parked at location y. I paid with the parking app. I used the number of the meter that was accords the street. Does that make a difference? Also, it says first observation was at 12 am. Ticket was given at 2:20pm- my car was not there at 12 am! Do you think I’ll win if I fight it?
The first observed argument is not strong. Your best argument is showing that you did, in fact, “feed the meter” and that you were otherwise entitled to park in this location.
Matthew Weiss
I got a parking ticket for “No Std Comm Meter Zone” today on Martin Luther King Jr day at W 45th St. I had my ticket on the dashboard. What did I do wrong?
If you have commercial license plates, then plead not guilty and submit a copy of your registration.
Matthew Weiss
Hi. I got a ticket yesterday for expired meter. I was at the muni-meter when the traffic officer approached my car and started writing the ticket. I had parked at that spot about 5 minutes prior sat in my car for almost 5ish minutes getting my things together and went straight to the muni-meter. I have a receipt. Purchase time is the same as the “time of violation” on the ticket. When I got to the car she told me I had no receipt and I was gone from my car. When I told her I was paying for parking I was told I’m too late and she was already writing the ticket. The actual ticket states expired meter and has an 1st observed time stated being about an hour and a half before “violation” time. I wasn’t even at that parking spot at that time. And says that driver was absent even though I had a physical face to face conversation with her. I took pictures of both the parking ticket and my receipt together and the time stamp says it was taken 6 minutes after the “time of violation” witch was exactly the time it took her to write me the ticket and place it on my windshield (she refused to hand it to me personally) and for me to take the picture. Is this enough to prove that I wasn’t gone from my vehicle? Since she put down expired meter I’m not sure if I can just send in the valid receipt that I was paying for when this happened or do I need other proof. How do I prove that I didn’t have an expired ticket if I didn’t have one in the first place?
Norman S,
The NYC grace period is only 5 minutes. With that said, perhaps, you’ll find a sympathetic judge if you fight it.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Currently I am under treatment for Stage IV Breast Cancer at NYU’s Perlmutter Cancer Center, located at 160 East 34th Street. I have been traveling via personal vehicle to this location since July 2017. The NYU cancer center provides valet parking. A sign is posted out front, indicating such. Attendants vine out of the front of the building, hand you a ticket and then park the vehicle in a lot that is not on the premises. In order to obtain valet services at NYU’s cancer center, one must pull directly out front of 16O east 34th street. In front of 16O East 34th street is a bus lane. On the morning of 12/19 I was sitting out front of 160 east 34th street in the Bus lane. I was behind the wheel & the car was running. I was waiting for the parking attendant to give me a claims ticket for my vehicle. A NYC traffic agent pulls up in a car. The female traffic agent gets out. I observe her begin to write a ticket. I tell the agent that I am receiving treatment for cancer at the center and am awaiting the parking attendant to provide me with a claims ticket and when that happens I will leave the vehicle with the attendant. I video tape the encounter. The agent proceeds to take pictures of my car with her phone. I observe someone moving a vehicle from in front of 160 east 34th street. I proceed to pull in front next to the valet sign. The parking agent then arrives, gives me a ticket and takes control of the vehicle. The parking agent proceeds to take pictures. I enter the building and head upstairs for treatment. I did not get a physical ticket from the agent. If I’m sent a ticket in the mail, how would you suggest o fight it. Thanks.
Karen Peterson,
If you get one, plead not guilty and opt to fight it in person.
Matthew Weiss
I am a school crossing guard and while on my duty at my post I received a parking ticket for a “No Parking – street cleaning”. I was parked on the same corner I was assigned to work from, NYPD school crossing guard vest was displayed on my windshield right under my registration in clear view. It was noticeable that the car belonged to me. My question to you is, would I be able to dispute this ticket being that I work for The Board of Education as well as the NYPD. Both I and the ticket agent fall under the same agency. I was informed by my superiors we could drive our vehicles to our assigned post and display the proper identification to mark the vehicle and ” nothing would occur”. Is there anything that I can do to fight this ticket ? I would appreciate some information and tips.
Eileen Fonseca,
I doubt that you’ll beat the ticket given how it seems you parked illegally. Sorry.
Matthew Weiss
i got a notice for an unpaid ticket. It has the wrong make and color of my car but has my license plate. I also wasnt anywhere near that location and neither was my car. What are the chances i get his dismissed and how do i prove it?
The wrong make (but not wrong color) is a strong argument to make.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I parked in a zone for truck loading M-F 7 am-4 pm without realizing. I got a ticket around 3:20 pm and then they towed at 3:45 pm. My car was not blocking a driveway. After 4 pm, and for the entire weekend, it would have been legal to park there. I understand the ticket, but the towing was not necessary and seems like just an excuse to make money. Is there a way to dispute the decision to tow and get that reimbursed?
I doubt you’ll win. Sorry.
Matthew Weiss
Car was towed by private company for obstructing drive way , however the officer that wrote the ticket wrote a completely different Adress 6 blocks away? Can I show the tow receipt showing where the car was actullay towed from ?
Jeffrey Rozenberg,
Yes, the wrong address on the ticket is a good defense.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Right but wouldn’t I be admitting to blocking a driveway by showing the receipt of the tow? Yes it shows the correct Adress on the tow tecpeit but still?
I parked at location 342752 on henry street in brooklyn, and paid at location 342584 near henry street in brooklyn, from an app on my phone, and I got a ticket. Can this be fought, since the parking was paid
You certainly should try. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket for parking head in to back in only. It was my first time in the area, just to grab a coffee for my morning commute. I was parked for less than 5 minutes. 4761 Broadway, New York, NY 10034. Unfortunately I do not have picture from that day, but the cars that were parked in the area blocked the sign that said back in only. I went back today to take pictures of the area and there was a car parked sideways. I saw two posted signs (with no other cars other than the sideways car). However, if the parking area consisted of 20 spaces, there was a sign posted on space 10 and 20, but not the 1 space I parked in. Is this something I can fight?
From what you write, I doubt that you’ll beat this parking ticket. With that said, do not let me discourage you from trying.
Matthew Weiss
Hello, i got a ticket for parking “4ft” away from fire hydrant when i was far from it and also they put wrong color of car on the ticket. Can i fight it?
The wrong color is not a valid defense. If you were more than 10 feet away from the hydrant, then you’ll need to submit proof (like photos) to show it.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hello Mr. Weiss—
I received a ticket “No Standing” Mon-Fri 4PM-7Pm. However, I was not parked where the ticket indicates – “726 Madison Avenue” instead I was acrossed the stress in front of Kwait Jewelry Store “725 Madison Avenue” where there’s only a sign for commercial vechile parking between 10AM-4PM Except Sunday. Indicating that after 4PM it is permitted to park— so I believe since there’s no other sign but a bus stop at the middle of the sidewalk. I tried fighting the ticket with images and video taken that same evening but the Judge didn’t dismiss. Therefore I appealed and I have a witness and security footage to prove where I was parked and time. Would this be enough? If not can you please help me understand how I was unlawful?
Read some comments and wondering is this would help me? OTH was under under color but my vehicle is Grey
Thank you for your advice.
Because you lost already, I doubt that you’ll win your appeal. Sorry.
Matthew Weiss
i was admitted in the hospital and when i got out i had a bunch of parking tickets how can i fight them
You should plead not guilty and show your proof of hospitalization as a defense.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi Mr Weiss I was standing waiting to pick up someone in nyc in a zone which had no signage. A traffic cop knocked on my window and informed me I was receiving a no standing ticket and handed me the ticket. Upon further examination I found a sign posted on the back of some scaffolding that said metered parking for commercial vehicles only. The sign was situated in a way that you would have to be driving the wrong way down the street to see it. Additionally the ticket says I refused to give my name though I was never asked for it.Can I successfully fight this ticket?
Got a expired inspection ticket. Tried to get my car inspected and it failed but because they pulled out the battery, it does this weird thing where I have to drive a certain amount of miles before my sensory lights go off (otherwise, the sensory lights will cause me to fail my inspection the second time around). Anyways, got the ticket before I drove enough miles for the sensory lights to go off. Should I just explain this to the judge? Do I have a good case?
In my opinion and from what you write, I do not believe you have much of a defense.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Mr Weiss I was standing waiting to pick up someone in nyc in a zone which had no signage. A traffic cop knocked on my window and informed me I was receiving a no standing ticket and handed me the ticket. Upon further examination I found a sign posted on the back of some scaffolding that said metered parking for commercial vehicles only. The sign was situated in a way that you would have to be driving the wrong way down the street to see it. Additionally the ticket says I refused to give my name though I was never asked for it.The ticket also says “sitter”. Can I successfully fighting this ticket?
I received a parking ticket this morning in NYC but my car was next to a “no parking 9:30AM-11AM Mondays” sign, and it’s currently Friday. All of the signs on the street are angled and visible, but the “no parking” sign is at a vertical and impossible to see if you’re driving or walking up/down the street. I didn’t notice until I went back to inspect the area, and it’s still impossible to see unless you’re right in front of it. In addition, the sign specifies where the “no parking” area begins, but not where it ends. I want to dispute the ticket because the sign was not visible and hard to see.
You’ll need photographs proving the signage issue. Make sure they contain the street signs and street addresses.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I am a college student who recently moved to the city to attend school. I recently received two parking tickets. One was because I was park 8 feet from the hydrant and I received a ticket that stated I was park 4 feet from the hydrant. The second ticket was for the same thing but on a different street. Should I plead “not guilty” or “guilty”
Jessica Chacha,
You have not written anything which suggests to me that you will beat either ticket.
Matthew Weiss
Can you plead not guilty for the same violation twice or am I SOL? I pleaded not guilty for a no standing ticket with proof and pictures but judge stated otherwise. I just noticed now that there was an error with my registration date on my ticket…. too late huh?
Sounds too late to me.
Matthew Weiss
Hello Mr. Weiss!
I have 2 parking tickets which both have wrong plate number on the parking ticket. After I received the 2 tickets I found out that DMW had made a mistake with my registration number. Mind that I had purchased a parking ticket online via phone app with my actual plate number wo knowing about the DMW mistake. After receiving the tickets, I went to DMW to have them change the mistake they had made. Then I pleaded not guilty online and told them it is incorrect plate number and they just emailed me back and said that I am “still found guilty” and have to pay them, because and I quote “Violetion Code 21: the respondent has been charged with violating Traffic Rule-4-08 d1 by parking a vehicle in violation of officially posted street cleaning rules. Respondent claims the plate was misdescribed. The defense is not supported by New York City records, and is not persuasive. Guilty”.
And the 2nd parking ticket they say and I quote: “The respondent has been charged with violating 4-08h1 by permitting a vehicle to be parked in a parking space controlled by a parking-meter in excess of the amount of time indicated on a receipt or tag purchased from such machine, or failed to display such receipt or tag at municipal on street or off street parking spaces where indicated by posted signs. Respondent claims that the plate was misdescribed. The defense is not supported by New York City records, and is not persuasive. Guilty”. Even though I had spent all that money paying for parking online in this case…. Sir, I know this is long, but I would like to appeal it, because I think it is not fair that I have to pay for something that is not my doing, but I do not know what should I provide to prove it and defend myself. Thank you so much for your patience to read this long letter and I hope you can help me out with some advice!
Weird and seemingly unfair decision. I agree with you … appeal.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi I was double park on Cooper St to drop off my daughter on my sister house and 2 minutes later I found a warrior putting a ticket. My parking lights were on and even I beg him to not to continue before he scan my registration he refused to do it and put me the ticket anyways.
You cannot double park, even for only 2 minutes and even with your “parking lights” on.
Matthew Weiss