My dear friend Lawrence Berezin of New York Parking has graciously shared his user-friendly way to identify defects in a New York City parking ticket. The below image show the 10 items which must be properly completed in order for your NYC parking ticket to be valid. If any one (or more) of these items are omitted or incorrect, you should plead not guilty to the ticket and explain which of these items are defective.
The Easiest Way To Fight A NYC Parking Ticket
Matthew Weiss
Matthew J. Weiss, Esq. graduated Hofstra Law School in 1984. He was Law Review and won the law school’s prestigious Procedure Award. Upon graduation, he became one of the first Hofstra Law School graduates to work at the New York State Court of Appeals (New York State’s highest court) working on various appellate matters.
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Text your ticket to (516) 558-5586 or fill out the form below. We fight any New York State traffic ticket EXCEPT parking, red light camera, and speeding camera tickets.
1301 Comments. Leave new
I’m in upstate NY, but I’m hoping you can advise on this. I received a parking ticket for violating a “no parking from here to the corner” sign. The road starts as one road, then it splits to encircle an apartment complex, then comes together again. I was parked outside of the apartment complex, on the offshoot part of the road. My ticket shows the location as 2 Marine, where as the apartment building is 205 Marine. There’s no building associated with 2 Marine, but Google Maps puts it on the ‘main’ portion of Marine (not the offshoot of it that encircles the building), maybe about 500 ft away from where I was parked. There no parking permitted in that area at all, but the signs don’t say anything about any corners. Just no parking.
In your opinion, do I have a shot at getting it dismissed?
Thank you!
Given the wrong address, you have a chance to win. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
What does angle parking mean on a parking violation? I parked as all other vehicles on the street did (mine was the last open spot on that street). I called 311 and did online chat but neither could provide me with clarification. Also if body type is marked SUBN what does that mean? The body was a Highlander.
Ellen S.,
To me angle parking means that you illegally parked on angle rather that straight on.
Also, the law defines a suburban (SUBN) as a vehicle that can be used to carry passengers and cargo. Vehicles that can be registered with the suburban body type include station wagons, sport utility vehicles, hearses and ambulances.
Matthew Weiss
Good afternoon! i recently got at ticket for a rear bumper guard blocking my license plate, there is a clear cut out and you can see the plate with no issues. confused and puzzled…
Alex Monts,
I doubt that you’ll win from what you write. There cannot be anything around your license plate including a cut-out bumper guard.
Matthew Weiss
If they only fill out a “K” in the county section of a parking ticket, does that qualify for a dismissal as it should really state “Kings” or is “K” good enough?
Steve Oppenheimer,
If a “K” argument is all you got, then I wouldn’t bother fighting this ticket.
Matthew Weiss
I was Visiting New York from Maryland which I had just recently moved to in January from Long Island. That being said I had my NY registration sticker on my window, but my tags registration, even license were all changed to Maryland. The person who issued the parking ticket had every piece of information wrong because of my move. Went online court and lost, they said it was ultimately still my car even though the info was wrong. Seems like bs to me. Can I win with an appeal. I entered and sent pics of all the wrong and the right info but still lost. Any help for my appeal? Help!!
Steve Mist,
You could possibly be successful on appeal but they are are to win.
Matthew Weiss
So for the explanation, can I just write it is incorrect? And that’s it?
Whenever fighting a ticket you should provide more than “it is incorrect”. Among other things, you should provide the rationale and any evidence which supports your argument.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket in violation of 4-08(j)(3). My vehicle was properly registered, but I did not have the current sticker on the windshield. I submitted proof that the vehicle was properly and currently registered, but they said it wasn’t a proper defense because it was unlawful to stand or park unless the vehicle actually displayed a current registration sticker. What nonsense!!
Deanna Pomilla,
You were apparently charged with failing to display your registration. If so, then the conviction is in accordance with the law.
Matthew Weiss
I received an expired inspection ticket at around 11:30 AM, rightfully so, but there were no shops open to get the car inspected that evening after work. The next morning, I received another ticket at 8:30 AM for the same violation. Car was inspected that day. Any chance of getting the second ticket dismissed?
Based on what you write, I doubt that you can beat either of these tickets. Sorry. At the time of each ticket, your car was apparently was not inspected and this is why I offer this opinion.
Matthew Weiss
I received a parking ticket in violation of 4-08(c)(2) for not adhering to “No Standing At Any Time”. On the street, there are three signs, two that state the street sweeping rules of no parking on Thursday between 8:30am-10:30am. The arrows on these signs point towards each other indicating that you should park in the middle of the street, rather than by the intersections. On one side of the street, all the way at the corner of the intersection, there is a sign that shows “No Standing at Any Time” and points from the corner towards the middle of the street.
I parked between the two street sweeping signs and the hood of my car was past one of them by about ten feet. What are the odds of decreasing the dollar amount of my ticket if I challenge or getting the ticket rescinded?
Jamie R,
I do not provide odds. However, the Parking Court does not reduce fines. The only outcomes are guilty or not guilty.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
You said from the sound of this ticket and what I wrote that I prob would not beat it . Why . Ignorant ticket for have a sticker on my dash is that what violation 4-08 (j)(3) means . I had both reg stickers the expired one had just expired and I had not taken it off because I needed a tool but even so I had the new reg here as well. It weird because if they say I had improper display of reg sticker then why did they say on the comment section no permit/no plaque sticker on dash. On the top of ticket it as three boxes one says permit displayed it says n/s permit number n/a and type n/a so why in the complaints comment section did they write no permit /no plaque and give me a ticket for improper display of reg I had both the new and old the new was not put on the window but was clearly there
I cannot answer questions about why a parking agent would do (or not do) certain things. My opinion remains the same that I don’t think you’ll win. With that said, please do not let me discourage you from trying. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I don’t think that you understood my question. With alternate side parking, you aren’t allowed to park on one side of the street because on that side of the street they clean the street with street cleaners. Now, in Brooklyn, and perhaps other places in the city, they have a courtesy of allowing you to double park your car on the other side of the street which they are not cleaning, so effectively you are double parked, but they won’t ticket you for double parking. The times on my street are 12:00PM till 1:30PM and as I came out of my house at 1:29PM some meter made or whatever they are called gave me a ticket and the time on the ticket was 1:30 PM, before the courtesy time is over. So my question to you is, can I explain this to the judge, and does this mean the ticket person started writing the ticket at 1:29PM which is certainly within the courtesy time of allowing people to double park on alternate side parking days.
Samuel B,
I fully understood your question. You just did not understand (or what to accept) my answer. As I previously wrote, there is no such thing as a “courtesy” of allowing you to double park your car on the other side of the street which they are not cleaning. This is a parking violation (even if most people do it anyway without being issued a ticket).
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew, the courtesy for double parking for alternate side parking ends at 1:30, but I got a ticket at exactly 1:30 P.M. for double parking when . Do I have a case?
Also, can I argue that he started writing it at 1:29?
Thanks a lot!
Samuel B,
Double parking is illegal and there is no such as a “courtesy”.
Matthew Weiss
Dear Mr. Weiss,
I received a parking violation ticket for Inspection Sticker Expired ( NYS ) on July 1st ( The ticket expired on June 30th. I am contemplating to plead not guilty and present the following argument(s) to support my case.
Argument #1:
Under SIgnature of Compliant section – “If the operator was not presented or refused to accept personal service of this Notice, I affixed this Notice to the vehicle.”
– If I have video evidence that I was present as the time of the violation ( I was talking to the officer outside of the car ) and yet, he affixed the ticket on my car ( instead of handing it to me directly) – Is this enough to have the ruling in my favor on this technicality.
Argument #2:
Under NYC Traffic Rules, Section..:
When I reviewed the ticket itself, it appears that the citation looks illegible – it appears on the ticket as 4-08( i ) (6) for Insp Sticker Expired (NYS) .
– Is this enough to have the ruling in my favor that the section citation is illegible ( the “j” looks like an “i”. As a result, the face of the ticket doesn’t give me proper notice to which violation I committed ( 4-08( i )(6) versus 4-08( j )(6).
Let me know your thoughts as to whether there is any validity in these arguments. I appreciated the help in advance,
– Taylor Lewis
Taylor Williams,
From what you write and in my opinion, neither argument seems like it will be successful.
Matthew Weiss
Dear Mr. Weiss,
I was given a ticket for parking in a zone that says ” no parking on school days 7am-4pm”
It was on monday june 27. When schools are already out. When i saw the ticket i went into the school and a lady told me the school was closed as the last day had been the friday june 24. do i have a chance to fight this ticket?
Daniel V,
Based on what you write, sounds like you should win. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Matthew, I got a ticket while I was sitting in the car (I could not drive away because the meter maid was in the way). If passenger is in the car, is it a reason I could dispute the ticket?
Sam Sam,
It is not a defense to illegal parking that you were sitting in the car.
Matthew Weiss
I got a ticket for expired inspection. My inspection was expired in May and I got the ticket in June ( never realized my inspection was expired) I right away went to renew my inspection the same day I got the ticket. Would that help to fight the ticket? Even though my inspection expired a month before?
You cannot “cure” an expired inspection ticket after-the-fact.
Matthew Weiss
Hello sir I got double parking ticket when I went to across the street to help a disable person my car was on when came back after a minute he already scan my car and get the ticket
Surinder Randhawa,
Ouch! No good deed goes unpunished. Unfortunately, I don’t believe you will win based solely on the fact that you were helping a disabled person or the short time period.
Matthew Weiss
Hi. I got a ticket in which the place of occurrence does not exist. I checked the city register and then looked up in the google map. There is no such address/place. In this case, what do I submit as proof? Or my statement: place doesnt exist is sufficient. Also, the body type of my vehicle is not SDN, as marked on the ticket. Kindly guide my on this please. Thanks.
Mohammed T Rahman,
You should plead not guilty. These are good arguments for a dismissal.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Dear Mr. Weiss,
I own a MOT and the plate is on a swivel arm/support that can be folded in to help put the cover on the Motorcycle. This is an item came with the bike from the dealership.
I just got a ticket saying that I failed to proper display the license plate. The arm was indeed folded to the side but the plate was still there, just folded.
Can I dispute this? I, of course, have proof and photos of the plate and the folding arm that holds it.
Thank you.
John P,
Yes, you can dispute it. I don’t know if you will win but it is an interesting argument.
Good luck and let us know what happens!
Matthew Weiss
Tnx! I will keep you updated… What about the fact that the ticket is written barley legible and the year ’16 is not written in the box where it’s supposed to be?
If the original ticket is also illegible, then this is a good argument too. The misplaced 16 does not sound like a strong argument but it should be made as well as part of your submission.
Matthew Weiss
I got a ticket for improper display of reg stick on violation rules with 4-08 (j) (3) .
In the comment section it says no permit/ no plaque then on next line under that it says sticker on dash. I was parked with a paid stick for a ticket and placed that one on the dash . I had my expired reg on the window taped on and i had my other meaning new reg on the area on the dash near the one on the window. so what i mean is i had two reg displayed one taped on window was expired on the 25 and i got the ticket 29 but the new reg was not taped on because i needed a tool but was waiting to go to the gas station to have it done. I have in the past ripped it so i wanted to be careful and wait. I assumed if i had both of them it would be fine. But it was not on the ticket there is no temp reg number it has the new reg expiration date but no reg number . I wanted to know if you think I have reason to fight this.
From what you write, I doubt that you’ll beat this ticket but don’t let me discourage you from trying.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
What should i write in the “Explain why you think ticket should be dismissed ” box for them entering wrong model. I own an acura they put honda.
Warren Payne,
How about the ticket is defective because it contains the “wrong model. I own an acura they put honda”?
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Dear mr weiss: on my nyc traffic ticket they circled the “no standing except authorized vehicles”. The sign does no say that, as it is a plain “no standing sign”. I have pics and documentation. Even though i am anyway in the wrong is that enough of s mistake for me to fight it?
Interesting. I doubt you will win on the technicality (unless you were, in fact, an authorized vehicle) but give it a try (and please let us know what happens as it is interesting argument).
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew,
I received a ticket for an expired inspection two times.
First ticket says PAS when the car is OMT
Second ticket has my license plate wrong. The plate number is right up until the last letter. Ticket says D when it should be C the numbers are correct.
Three questions,
1. Should I completely ignore the ticket with the wrong plate number?
2. Should I fight the ticket with the wrong plate type? I was going to fight online saying I received a defective parking ticket, explain why and then include this portion of the parking code.
“Official Compilation of Rules of the City of New York Title 19, Section 39-02(a)(3) – If any information that is required to be inserted in a notice of violation is omitted from the notice of violation, misdescribed, or illegible,the violation shall be dismissed upon application of the person charged with the violation.”
3. If I shouldn’t ignore the incorrect plate number ticket, Would it be wise to use the same defense and strategy as the wrong plate type ticket to fight this ticket?
Hope you can help me and make this public for anyone else in this situation!
Thank you!
Answers below in bold.
1. Should I completely ignore the ticket with the wrong plate number? Some people would do exactly that.
2. Should I fight the ticket with the wrong plate type? I was going to fight online saying I received a defective parking ticket, explain why and then include this portion of the parking code. Yes.
3. If I shouldn’t ignore the incorrect plate number ticket, Would it be wise to use the same defense and strategy as the wrong plate type ticket to fight this ticket? Yes.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Today car dealer call nypd and gave my car a ticket code 98 saying I was park blocking dealer driver way which isn’t true I was park legally not blocking his drive ways he claims all the dealer gates are blocking the illegal driveway and legal park spots I am upset I have pictures day before ticket was issued an today pictures again can this be defeated? Ticket code 98 say I was blocking his two deweling drive ways which is false he owns two not the whole sidewalk block.
—–______——————______——–Car park here ——— Other two where driveways
If you have good photographs and you were not blocking the driveway, then you have a chance to win.
In case it helps, below is the language of code 98.
Standing or parking in front of a public or private driveway. The owner or renter of a lot accessed by a private driveway may park a passenger vehicle registered to him / her at that address in front of the driveway provided the lot does not contain more than 2 dwelling units and that parking does not violate any other rule or restriction.
Dear Mr. Weiss,
I received a parking ticket for a No Pkg street cleaning. I paid my meter but failed to notice the no pkg street cleaning sign… Because my car is new, the following information is missing: Permit Displayed, Permit Number, Type, CD. Vin #and Date/Time 1st observed.
Is there anyway I can dispute it?
Thanks so much for doing this.
The omission of those items does not render your ticket fatally defective. Re-read my article which sets forth the required items.
Matthew Weiss
Thank you!
What I am not sure of is why did they send me a notice of adjournment for submitting evidence. I uploaded the photo of the receipt when I requested the online hearing. And there are no instructions on how to submit evidence.
I cannot answer for the Parking Violations Bureau. As I wrote before, I believe you should have won based upon the fact that you, in fact, purchased an appropriate Muni Meter receipt.
Matthew Weiss
You told Kaylin on June 20th she did not have a defense based on what she wrote. She said she was 1 minute late–she never specified for what. Doesn’t the 5 minute grace period apply?
Robert Fortey,
The 5-minute grace period only applies if you have purchased a Muni Meter ticket within 5 minutes of the time expiring. Because Kaylin did not write that she purchased one, I assumed that she had not and, therefore, did not think that she presented a viable defense.
Matthew Weiss
I came to my car within one minute of my hour time limit, when I arrived, the officer was already ticketing my car… Is this something I can contest in court?
I am not a NYC resident, and it is my first traffic ticket. Where I am from, if you arrive at your car while an officer is giving you a ticket or while your car is being towed, they are legally bound to either unhook or erase the ticket.
Do I have a case?
Nothing that you have written suggests to me that you can beat this case.
Matthew Weiss
I have a parking ticket I got from parking for literally 30 seconds in a no standing zone to do my job of picking up laundry. The expiration date of my registration says “N/S” which I’m assuming is “Not Specified” but on the sticker it clearly says MAY of 2017. Anything I can do here?
Also where the signature of complainant signs it says “If the operator was present I indicated the name or ID Refused and personally served the notice” which he did not as even before he started punching stuff into his machine I was outside asking him to stop so I could just drive off. He had not even began yet as I was outside ready to leave.
If you plead not guilty, the N/S written as the expiration date may be enough to beat this ticket.
Matthew Weiss
Received parking ticket for “failing to display Muni-Meter Receipt”. Thing is – the meter and new signs regarding metered parking were not installed there by Dep’t of Transp. until AFTER I was already legally parked, turns out like within an hour or so later.
Rasel Khan,
This sounds like you have a good defense. Good luck making this argument and let us know what happens.
Matthew Weiss
Hi, I received a ticket for failing to display receipt for metered parking. I had left the receipt upside down!
I disputed and attached the photo of the receipts. I alo believe the ticket is defective as per your recommendations. The meter number is not reported I received a notice for adjournment and submission of evidence by the judge . I am sure I uploaded the pdf of the receipt and it went through. What should I do? No instructions on how to submit evidence online (or otherwise) in the adjournment notice..
It sounds like you should have won based on having a valid Muni Meter receipt. I actually beat a similar case on the same argument. The meter number is not required for Muni Meter tickets so this argument is not worth making.
Matthew Weiss
Hi, I recently received 2 parking tickets. The first ticket was received while I was legally parked and displaying my agency issued permit as I conducted official business in the area. For the second ticket, i failed to display my permit. Can I still fight it?
You can fight both but it sounds like you only have a good defense to the first one.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I have a question I recived a parking ticket and my vehicle was towed.The parking ticket was Initial and not sign, as this is a official document is the officer responsible for pujury for failing to sign the ticket?Also can the ticket be dismissed for this?
Syeda Ijaz,
If he is convicted in the near future, then the new 5 points will be added to the June 20, 2015 points. However, if he delays the open cases so he loses or pays them after September 21, 2016, then they will not be added with the old 2 points.
Matthew Weiss
Hi I just received a parking ticket for a bus stop however there is no sign that tells you where the bus stop ends or starts oy an alternate side sign pointing towards a building, is there anyway to win this case? I find it hard to believe that a bus stop can be a whole block or even 1000ft long.
Aryeh Spingarn,
A bus stop zone begins at the bus stop sign and extends in the direction of the arrow(s) until the next parking sign; or if no parking sign, the end of the block.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew,
I received a parking ticket for a no parking bus stop zone, which was $115. I left the vehicle unattended for only 2 minutes as I ran into a restaurant to pay for and leave with the food that I had ordered over the phone. Unlucky for me, when I walked outside there was already a cop at my car and he had just begun writing the ticket. Had I stopped him a couple of seconds earlier, I would have been fine. He suggested that I use my receipt from the restaurant as evidence to try and get the penalty reduced since it has the time and the date on it that is close to that of the ticket. How would you suggest I go about trying to get this penalty reduced? Also, the ticket does not include a VIN and has an incorrect color for my car. Not sure if that helps my case but wanted to include that information as well. Thank you for taking the time.
Matthew Chu,
The incorrect Vin and color does not render the ticket fatally defective. Further, I doubt that the PVB will reduce the fine for you based on what you write. Sorry.
Matthew Weiss
Received parking ticket for “failing to display Muni-Meter Receipt”. Thing is – the meter and new signs regarding metered parking were not installed there by Dep’t of Transp. until AFTER I was already legally parked, turns out like within an hour or so later. Only alternate side parking signs existed when I parked and my veh was totally legal but not for the newly installed meter & new signs. No prior notifications or postings to warn drivers that meter would be installed there. Also, ticket was left blank on “Meter#” section. Can I get this ticket dismissed?
The omitted meter number is irrelevant for a Muni Meter case. However, the recent change is a good argument. I would plead not guilty.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket for parking my motorcycle on the sidewalk. The cover was on the bike. The inspector lifted the cover and gave me a ticket although on the ticket is read Make: NS, Colour: OTH (what does this mean?) and Year: N/S.
Can I fight this because of the omitted/NS details?
Yes you can fight it arguing that these omitted ideas renders your ticket defective. BTW, OTH means “Other”.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew
, I received a NYC parking ticket with wrong state for the license plate. Do I need to request a dispute? Thanks
You should plead not guilty and submit your proof. Sounds like a winner to me.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matt,
I received a ticket for parking in a bus stop. After submitting evidence that my car was actually not parked in front of the bus stop, I received a Decision and Order giving me 30 days to submit additional evidence. Then, 3 days later, I received another Decision and Order for the same ticket but FROM A DIFFERENT JUDGE finding me guilty. How can two different decisions by two different judges can be issued for the same alleged violation??
Weird question. I would bring both decision to the Parking Violations Bureau and inquire.
Please let us know what they say.
Matthew Weiss
Hello I received a ticket for parking technically I’m at fault because I wasn’t supposed to park from 10:00 am to 11:30 on Tuesdays and Thursday’s and I parked at 10:04 on Tuesday, however the officer listen the wrong color and wrote that the offense was that I parked in a parking zone where there is no parking All day and time, would my ticket be dismissed ?
Steven, S
Steven Soriano,
The wrong color does not render the ticket fatally defective. However, the wrong charge is a good argument. With that said, I don’t have enough information to know if the officer charged you with the wrong law.
Matthew Weiss
I got a ticket for parking too close to a fire hydrant. I appealed the ticket and I was found guilty after claiming that I parked about 13 feet away from the hydrant with proof. I was not cool with the decision but I figured I have to live with the decision.
I found out when I wanted to pay for the ticket online that there is no parking violation attached to my plate number. On a closer look at the ticket, the plate number on the ticket does not match my actual plate number (The very first letter on the ticket is different from what I have on my car). Do I have a case here?
Since the ticket was apparently not issued to a plate which is registered to you, then I wouldn’t pay it.
Matthew Weiss
I got a no standing ticket after 4:00 PM. The officer only wrote his initials. Do I have a case?
Brown Cow,
Does this area restrict the no standing to up to 4 pm? If not, then you cannot win on this grounds. If so, take some photos and give it a shot.
You will not win based on the initials thing.
Matthew Weiss
I received a parking ticket for my motorcycle. The ticket does not indicate the VIN number of the motorcycle nor does it indicate the meter number. All other information is correct. Should I dispute the ticket?
Thank you!
A VIN number is not required and, with Muni Meters throughout NYC, the meter number is irrelevant.
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket for parking in a temporary bus stop but the sign was obstructed due to a huge tree. Do got think I can fight it?
Candice Harrison,
You can try. The obstruction due to foliage needs to be significant and you need to show that there were no other signs nearby.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hello, I just received a No-standing anytime (code 14) violation. I was in the car waiting for my husband(a few minutes at the most), picked him up, and left after he got in the car. I am 100% sure that I did not leave the car empty. However, on my ticket’s Complainant’s comments, there is a “no driver no other summons no permit/plaque” note.
I never received a ticket from an officer, probably I could’ve drove away when he was approaching, as I picked up my husband.
What would be the best line of defense?
1. The date of license plate expiration marked N/A, and Year of the vehicle marked N/S. Vin number also left blank. Argue omitted expiration date renders the ticket fatally defective.
2. I could argue that I just stopped temporarily to pick up my husband. My husband works at the building right next to address, and had a conference that day. I can attach the conference schedule for that day stating it ends at 6PM, along with the copy of his employee ID and his driver’s license. Date/time of offense was marked 6:12 PM., which then I could argue that he was waiting for me to temporarily stop the car, and got in, and we drove away.
3. Include both 1 and 2.
Thank you very much!
Your best shot is to argue that the omitted expiration date and year of the vehicle renders the ticket fatally defective.
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket for an expired inspection (expired for 2 days), however the cop wrote the registration expiration date wrong. Do you think I should plead not guilty? (The nys inspection machine was also down that day). After I recieved the first ticket with the wrong registration expiration date I received another expired inspection ticket the next day.
Is there anything I can do to waive the tickets?
Sofia K,
You have a good chance to beat the expired registration ticket due to the wrong date. I did not read anything in your post that suggests that you can beat the other one.
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket for parking besides a broken hydrant today, I have proof the the hydrant was no longer in use. Can I fight this?
Yes, you can fight it on these grounds.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I pull up in front of a store to see if they took cc step out of my vehicle saw the cop pulling up with lights on when she park I approach the car I ask if I could park there she roll down her window pick up her recorded pad then said to me I’m writing you a ticket. I am an out of stat driver. There was a NY licensed car park at the fire hydrant and she did not right them a ticket she chuckled. I reach in my car for my camera to take picture of my car and the car park directly in front of the hydrant she put the ticket on the car and while she was driving away I took a picture of the NY police car. There was no posted sign that indicated this was a bust stop zone just a empty pole. On the ticket she indicated I was not present I spoke to the Spanish cop. Can I fight this ticket I feel she demonstrate profiling tendency I will right a ticket for out a stat licenses and not NYC drivers when they brake the law.
Judy Davis,
The best argument that I can glean from your post is the fact that there was no bus sign (only an empty pole). Take photos so you can show the lack of signage at your hearing. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew,
Thanks for your post. Have a question for you. Recently got a ticket in NYC, car was previously registered in NYS but now in another state. I have that state’s plates and registration, but never removed NYS registration sticker from car window. NY plates were destroyed. Ticket lists NY plates, vehicle vin, etc. Everything correct except the plates… but the ticket says registration does not match plates because we never removed NY registration sticker when adding new plates and new sticker (registration sticker goes on plates in new state).
Can I fight this? I have appealed and gotten a ‘guilty’ verdict, but ticket says I can appeal again.
I doubt you’ll win on appeal. Remove that older sticker (if you haven’t already).
Matthew Weiss