My dear friend Lawrence Berezin of New York Parking has graciously shared his user-friendly way to identify defects in a New York City parking ticket. The below image show the 10 items which must be properly completed in order for your NYC parking ticket to be valid. If any one (or more) of these items are omitted or incorrect, you should plead not guilty to the ticket and explain which of these items are defective.
The Easiest Way To Fight A NYC Parking Ticket
Matthew Weiss
Matthew J. Weiss, Esq. graduated Hofstra Law School in 1984. He was Law Review and won the law school’s prestigious Procedure Award. Upon graduation, he became one of the first Hofstra Law School graduates to work at the New York State Court of Appeals (New York State’s highest court) working on various appellate matters.
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1301 Comments. Leave new
I got a ticket for obscured VIN for the amount of $65 in Queens while parked. Is this something I can fight? I have never heard this law before and I did have a lot of meter tickets in the front but the VIN was partially visual. It was partially covered. How can I fight this ticket?
You should read the section of law under which you are charged. From what you write, it appears that the ticket is valid but, of course, when you read the law you might find differently. In particular, check to see if the statute prohibits complete or partial obfuscation. Maybe you can find a loophole.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew,
I got a ticket today on Broadway in Queens for an expired muni-meter. my vehicle has temporary license plates, registered in New Jersey. the issuing officer filled out everything on the ticket correctly, except the Expiration Date of the license plate is shown N/A, when in fact this is a dealer plate (waterproof paper) hung from the rear plate position, and does show the expiry date (8/10/13 – 30 day limit) at the bottom. Can I get away disputing this ticket, since Exp. Date is a “Required Element” when it is displayed.
p.s. I did not take any photos on the spot, but since my case involves arguing license plate info, I should be able to take a pic even now and send it as proof if required, am I right?
just to clarify, i got the car from the dealer but did not transfer the title to my name and take official plates from NJ DMV yet. so seller gave me temp plates (registered with my driver’s license info), which expires on 8/10/13. but the vehicle registration sticker on the windshield shows exp. date of 12/31/13 (from previous owner). none of these were entered on the ticket. can i win fighting this? feel free to edit/merge the comments for brevity.
would really appreciate the help!
The registration’s expiration date (month, day and year) is a critical element and must be correctly written onto any NYC parking ticket. Therefore, plead not guilty and make this argument attaching the proof (registration showing true expiration date).
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Thanks for the awesomely quick reply!
Just a couple of more small points:
my ticket expired at 1:48PM, and the maid entered Date/Time 1st Observed at 1:48PM. should i also include this info, since I’m supposed to get a 5-minute grace period? or is it inconsequential, and might even work against me?
also, New Jersey does not put registration expiry date on the windshield sticker. they have vehicle inspection stickers with date of expiry (12/31/13 for my car), and a bar code at the bottom. since my car has a temporary plate, it says “EXP AUGUST 10, 2013” below the numbers on the paper number plate. this is the time by which i’m supposed to register car with the NJ DMV. so it that a vaild registration exp. date that the attendant failed to enter and will win the case for me? just want to verify, since the circumstances are a little irregular.
in small fonts, at the bottom left corner, the plate also has issue date (7/12/13), vin #, car make, model, year (which they entered N/S), and color (entered as BLK instead of GRY shown on plate).
should i include any of these to make my argument a little stronger?
thanks a lottt!
The time first observed isn’t the critical omission/error. Read my blog post again.
Matthew Weiss
forgot to ask, is it ok if i dispute it online? or is that an ambush?
(pls merge with previous comment. sorry about that!)
You can do this one online because it is a pretty black and white defense.
Matthew Weiss
Matt — I received a ticket for “No Standing School Days 2-4 PM Except School Buses” on July 5th. This school is a private charter school that was not in session at the time. I asked for a letter from the school simply stating they held no student or instructor activities on that day, but they were unwilling to get involved. They did direct me to their website that clearly states their summer camp would be closed both July 4th and 5th. In your opinion, would this be enough to have a case or should I just pay the fine? Thanks in advance.
A print-out from the website should be enough. Clearly, July 4th and 5th were no “school days” as set forth on the sign.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Received ticket in mail, was not on car, for ” wrong way” – I was not parked the wrong way. It was a 2 way street and I parked parallel on the correct side. Absolutely would never park the wrong way on a street. It is an outright lie. What do I have to do to appeal.
You don’t appeal. You need to plead not guilty. You can visit any Parking Violations office and ask for a “walk-in” hearing.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Received a parking ticket while observing a court proceeding at ticket at Nassau County Supreme in a metered spot (did not know there was free parking). Paid for a couple hours but the proceeding lasted longer than I expected and as a result I had a $100 ticket for 25 minutes worth of time. Is it worth appearing to attempt to plead it down or to ask for leniency? Or should I save the gas money and pay it over the net. Thank you.
It can’t hurt to try. I suspect that you might be able to save a few dollars if you fight it.
Let us know how you make out.
Matthew Weiss
Knocked down to $50 for showing up.
Congratulations! Nicely done.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matt,
I got a parking ticket yesterday for parking at a No Standing zone on Queens Blvd yesterday. I had parked and double-checked the block (between 39th Place and 40th Street) for signs. After seeing none, I paid the muni-meter, put the ticket in the car, and left. When I saw the ticket, I took a video and two pictures of the block as evidence. I was very confused and the only possible explanation is there was a pole close to the muni-meter and there must have been a sign on that pole at some point. I was planning on submitting the video and pictures online; what are my chances at disputing this?
If the sign was missing, then you may have a chance here. Make sure you also submit your Muni Meter receipt.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I got ticket for a expired inspection sticker in Astoria Queens.. I saw the ticket maid giving me the ticket and she said that if I get a inspection done in 24 hrs the ticket will be dismissed.. I did the inspection within that time frame and sent in the paperwork with the ticket.. I received a response back saying ” evidence does not constitute a meritorious legal defense to the violation. A current valid inspection sticker must be properly affixed to the vehicle’s windshield at all times therefore, the summons is upheld” do I appeal it or just suck it up and pay… You input will be appreciated.. 🙂
Do not appeal. The ticket agent mis=informed you. Unlike equipment violations, you cannot remedy an expired inspection sticker after-the-fact.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew, quick question. I got a parking ticket for “blocking a driveway” which I have a conference at 2pm for tomorrow. I have pictures clearly showing that I am in no way blocking this houses driveway, I heard through my neighbors there is a grumpy guy on our street who calls the cops if someone parks infront of his house for ‘too long’. We were residing the house so I couldn’t have it parked in the driveway for a few days and I work in the city (this happened out in Long Island). I checked my ticket and everything seems filled out besides the back of the ticket where the fine charge is, nothing was checked. I wrote into them with my ticket and pleaded not guilty with my pictures as proof and they ended up setting this conference for us to meet and talk about it? Along with asking for a $140 fine. Do you think I have a good chance fighting this or at least getting it reduced? Thanks!
In Nassau or Suffolk, you should be able to plea bargain this down. If you want to fight the ticket, then you’ll have to take it to trial where it will be your word against the officer’s.
Matthew Weiss
It’s in Nassau county, not sure if that makes a difference. Thanks Matthew! I’ll see what happens today. I have copies of all my paperwork and a few photos, and no history of other past tickets, so I hope this helps.
At the Nassau Court, located at 16 Cooper Street in Hempstead, they will likely knock it down a bit.
Good luck and let us know what happens.
Matthew Weiss
Yep! Got it reduced down to $60, they offered it without me even saying anything. I tried to show my pictures but she mentioned she couldn’t tell if that’s really where the car was when I got the ticket. So, better then $140 in my book!
Great news! Thanks for sharing it with us. I’m glad my advice helped you.
Matthew Weiss
Thanks for your reply….let me add that the judge found me guilty of the six violations even though he never even discussed the last three with me at all. When I entered his room he asked me how I plead to the first offense. I misunderstood the process and nervously answered by asking if I could explain what happened. He said yes. While I did explain I never again had the opportunity of pleading ‘not guilty’ as the judge didn’t ask me again on any of the violations.
Is that an aregument for an appeal?
I’m sorry that you lost all of these tickets. It sounds like the judge may have jumped the gun by finding you guilty of all charges under these circumstances. An appeal may be successful but, of course, I wasn’t there so I can’t give you a considered opinion about your prospects.
Matthew Weiss
Just got four more tickets..identical to the six I received a few weeks ago..buslane….would it help if I went to the bronx instead of manhattan…would it help if I fought each ticket individually instead of all at once….would you reccomend going in person as opposed to sending by non gulity response and explanation in the mail? The first six tickets I didnt bring any documents…I will take a picture from 85th street as I make a right onto 1st avenue where you cant see any buses only sign…amd I will take a picture of the ground on 1st avenue on 86th street where you can barely see the buses only written on the street and also take one of other parts of the city where it is written boldly and clearly…not sure any of this will matter…Do you advise geting an attorney? Should I mention the first six tickets? I am now at 1150 dollars and there could be a few more coming….thanks for listening and for advise
I don’t recommend getting an attorney for just a few parking tickets. I would go in person and fight all of thm at the same time. Try and make an informal deal with judge to save some money, if you can.
Matthew Weiss
I’ve just received a parking ticket, for parking in front of a school. I over slept and got to my car 10 minutes late. The ticket is justified, but, my concern is that the ticket reads, “No standing (c) Days/Hrs: All Days/7A-4P). Again, I was parked in front of a school and the signs clearly read that parking from the hours of 7am to 4pm are not allowed, except for school days. Also in the comment section the issuing officer wrote (except for school buses). is there anything I can do?
Marco Reyes,
Nothing that you have written indicates to me that you have a viable defense to this ticket, in my opinion.
Matthew Weiss
don’t mean to exploit but universal Qs:
1)30 days = deadline ends 4 wks, 2 days later?
2)how can we track/confirm the receipt of by-mail tickets paid/refuted?
30 days = 30 days.
You can Google NYC’s online parking ticket site to see if the status of your tickets (at least, those entered that are in the system).
Matthew Weiss
Additional info:
This 2nd ticket’s looking more deceptive than defective:
recap: Spotted the 1st ticket, copied it only replaced the general street address with specific 100′ N of directions (reads like 2 different P/O), placed the 2nd on top of the 1st & hid em both under a single pay envelope (I didn’t even realize there were 2)
Figure I’ll keep the deliberately deceptive notion (& the single envelope) to myself (unless you think them pertinent), otherwise all I could include (I’m 300m. away) is a G map of THE parking space (I have witnesses but I’d rather PAY the fine than get them involved?)
FYI: this is some public-service/educational site! Much appreciated!
Thanks for your kind remarks.
It sounds like you’re on to something. Good luck making these arguments.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matt,
On Tuesday I got a ticket for having my municipal meter receipt face down. Is there any way that I can fight this?
Nick Kang,
Yes, plead not guilty and explain what happened. You’ll need to include a copy of the muni meter receipt showing that you actually paid.
Matthew Weiss
After reading this I’m reconsidering my back-to-back $65 invalid inspection sticker fines. I’ll pay the 1st fee (because I’m guilty) but contest the 2nd, because it’s the:
1)2nd ticket in less than 24 hrs (19 hrs) for the same “status violation”
2)with unmatching locations for the same parking spot suggesting 2 different spots
The legal parking space becomes an issue because:
The 2nd ticket is likely the direct result of the 1st, seen & read. Every word (even the comment) is copied except the “place of occurrence” (the 2nd ‘pirate directions’ is accurate, the 1st is so general it includes any of 6 spots), as if the car had been moved (driven & reparked) inbetween tickets, which I’ll bet conveniently disqualifies any 24 hr grace period?
If I have a case, is it enough to write 1) & 2) in the ticket’s ‘other defense’ & include a copy of the 1st ticket with the times & locations hi-lighted? That’s all I have.
Sounds like this should be enough but, of course, any valuable additional info may help.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Dear Mr Weiss,
Recently, my son got ‘ double parking ‘ ticket in queens, New York while he was in car and waiting for me to pick up. I was buying grocery just across the store. Police officer did not talk or ask for ID from my son ( age 24 ) who was on driving seat. Officer, not even suggested him to move car, and silently gave ticket in my son’s hand. Officer did not write my son’s name on parking ticket even he was present. However, I read below sentence on parking violation ticket ( which is signed by the officer ) “….if the operator was present, I wrote the operator’s name above or marked ID refused oval……” Officer signed this statement wrongfully as even my son was there he did not write my son’s name on ticket. Also, officer did not fill out (1) Time 1st Observed, and (2) Date 1st Observed places on ticket. He did write Time and Date of offence in red boxes.
Based on this kindly suggest if my case has valid point to Plea for Not-Guilty ? How important is to write name of operator ( when present ), and how important is to fill out Time and date 1st observed spaces ?
Thanks very much.
D. Kumar,
In my opinion, these errors do not sound like enough to beat this ticket.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matt,
I was picking up my kids and wife in one end of a block, where half of the block is No Standing (Bus stop) zone, and the other half has legal parking.
The office came over and said I saw her but still decided to stop the car. Me stating otherwise didnt help. Even some from public came over and asked the officer why am being ticketed when am still in the car. In vain. If am still in the car, how will this be a violation? She wanted to give as many tickets as possible and started ticketing other cars.
I somehow feel there was a racial profiling or discrimination in that area as many other cars got tickets for different reasons. IS there a way to fight this?
If you are in the no standing zone, then you can pick up (and drop off) passengers but you must do so “expeditiously”. If you were waiting around, then you were properly ticketed.
Matthew Weiss
I received a parking ticket for parking 9 feet from a hydrant. I was directly in front of a sign post for parking. Since then I have seen more than 10 cars parked at the sign post in the exact location without any tickets. Do I have a case for discriminati.
No, the law is that you cannot park within 15 feet of fire hydrant. The fact that some other motorists have gotten away with it does not help you.
Matthew Weiss
Great blog……Just moved to NYC…in my mailbox yesterday was six bus lane violation tickets…all the same spot on 86th and 1st Ave…(one block from my apt)…I didnt realize I was doing anything wrong. I expect another 10-15 of the same ticket as I am told it takes three or four weeks to get the tickets in the mail…AT 115 dollars a pop we are talking a lot of money…especially for someone who isn’t currently working.
I commited these violations while looking for parking. Almost in every occasion i was parked short term between 85th and 86th on 1st avenue in a meter spot….As I pulled out I was a few car lengths from the corner…I went straight (with the intention of turning right at the next street 88th where parking is a bit easier to find) and thus into a bus lane though it wasnt clear to me that I had to turn right…..once across the street there is a small sign saying buses only…and the street isn’t marked as clearly as I have seen other buses only streets marked in the city….(Until I got the tickets I didn’t even realize I was doing anything wrong as I said). To me justice is more than the law. It is the law plus circumstances. That is why we have judges and not computers making decisions. I am hoping for a partial reduction… a three week period I made the same mistake by accident….(The first violation I never even received in the mail…it was a week before any of the others…if I would have gotten that one I would have known to not drive in that lane again….)
I ask you your informed opinion….do I have any defense? any thoughts on what I could do? Would begging help? A clearer buses only lane marked on the street would help make it clear to drivers to not go there……Thanks for reading….
Thanks for your kind remarks. Unfortunately, I haven’t read anything in your post that helps very much. Given the amount of tickets issued at the same location, you should still plead not guilty and appear in-person. Hopefully, your judge with be sympathetic and dismiss a few of the tickets as duplicative.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi, first time here. What a wonderful site! May God pay you back for saving the $$ of all of us – hardworking Loyal citizens!
I live in NYC. I recently picked up my newly leases Buick Enclave from a “New Jersey” Buick Dealership. The vehicle will be registered to my NYC address.
The dealer has issued me a “New Jersey 20 Day Temporary Plates for Out of the State Residents” until I receive my NYS Registration (there was an error in the registration submission so its gonna take longer to receive my registration so he had to issue me 2 more of the above mentioned 20 day Temp plates).
I already received 5 NYC Parking Violations (Yea.. Welcome to NYC..) on my new car with the new jersey temp plates – 3 for Alternate Side Cleaning, 1 for No Standing-Bus Stop and 1 for No Standing -Authorized (doctors) Vehicles only.
First question, which I’m almost sure on the answer but I will ask anyway… Do I have to pay NYC Parking violations on a New Jersey Temporary Plates?
If I do, I found the following discrepancies on the tickets:
Alternate Side Parking Ticket #1: everything correct (Errrr..) except for:
1. Plates Expiration Date which he wrote N/A (Not Available) when in fact there is a clear expiration date on the Temp Plates
2. Year: N/S (Not Shown) when in fact it clearly states the year on the temp plates
Alternate Side Parking Ticket #2:
1. Expiration Date: N/A (when in fact there is one)
2. Plate Type: PAS (when in fact it’s TMP for Temporary)
3. Year: N/S (Not Shown) when in fact it clearly states the year on the temp plates
4. Left the VIN# Section Empty (which might be needed at a temp plate)
Alternate Side Parking Ticket #3 (same errors as on #2):
1. Expiration Date: N/A (when in fact there is one)
2. Plate Type: PAS (when in fact it’s TMP for Temporary)
3. Year: N/S (Not Shown) when in fact it clearly states the year on the temp plates
4. Left the VIN# Section Empty (which might be needed at a temp plate)
No Standing-Authorized (Doctors) Vehicles only Violation:
1. Expiration Date: N/A (when in fact there is one)
2. Plate Type: PAS (when in fact it’s TMP for Temporary)
3. Color: GRY (When in fact its BLK)
4. Year: N/S (Not Shown) when in fact it clearly states the year on the temp plates
5. VIN #: He did write the VIN# but one number is missing (he put a space instead of a number – instead of finishing DJ12741 he finished like this: DJ12 41)
No Standing-Bus Stop Violation:
1. Expiration Date: N/A (when in fact there is one)
2. Year: N/S (Not Shown) when in fact it clearly states the year on the temp plates
3. Left the VIN# Section Empty (which might be needed at a temp plate)
Do I have grounds for dismiss and if so do I just enter my online defense that there are all these errors?
Thanks again!
Yes, you do have to answer a NYC parking ticket issued on a NJ temporary registration. In regard to your the 18 points, re-read my article and compare it to your points. The items listed in my post set forth the items that render a NYC parking ticket fatal. If any are omitted or wrong, then you can beat that particular ticket.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Thanks for your response.
Just 2 questions which I couldn’t find the answer in our article or in the posts.
On a NJ Temp (out of the state) Plate, does the traffic agent have to write the VIN # as well?
When he writes at plate type PAS instead of TMP, is this something I work with?
Thanks a lot!
The VIN is not a required element for a NYC parking ticket. The wrong vehicle type is important. You might win on this point. Make sure you submit your proof showing this error.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi, I recently received a parking ticket with one of the letters of my license plate incorrect. Do I have to please not guilty or can I just ignore the ticket altogether?
You should plead not guilty and submit your defense. The wrong license plate is a good defense. Attached a copy of your registration showing the error.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hello, i received a ticket today while i was going to make change and get a print out at the muni-meter as i came back to my car , there was a ticket placed on my windshield.the time difference between the ticket and the muni-meter print out is 4 minutes is their a way i can beat this ticket? is there an allotted grace period?
Yes! You get a 5-minute grace period. Plead not guilty and make sure you send in the muni meter receipt with your not guilty explanation.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi I got a ticket for parking at a crosswalk today but my car was within the crosswalk lines. I’m not sure how to fight this please advise. Thank you.
To fight a parking ticket, you must plead not guilty. Follow the instructions for plead not guilty on the back of the ticket.
Matthew Weiss
Yes I know that but what will be my defense to get it dismissed. I was within the crosswalk and it was not obstructing any traffic or people. Please advise.
From what you have written, I don’t see a defense. You cannot legally park within a crosswalk (whether it’s marked or un-marked).
By the way, under NYC Highway and Traffic Rule 4-01, an “un-marked crosswalk” is defined as:
“That part of a roadway, other than a marked crosswalk, which is included within the extensions of the sidewalk lines between opposite sides of the roadway at an intersection, provided that (A) the roadway crosses through the intersection rather than ending at the intersection, and/or (B) all traffic on the opposing roadway is controlled by a traffic control device.”
Matthew Weiss
Hi, It’s my fault I didn’t explain clearly. Basically 10 minutes prior to my car stopping I noticed my gas level decreasing very quickly. My car turned off due to mechanical failure. Luckily there was a mechanic 1 block away from where I got stuck. I was double parked so their employees helped me move the car to a corner spot because their lot is small and could not take my car in at that point. The spot we moved it to was not obstructing traffic at all. Only 1 inch of the bumper was over the first line and that’s why I think they wrote the ticket but it was not obstructing/blocking traffic or pedestrians at all. The mechanic was going back and forth to check the car and he said the fuel pump malfunctioned causing my car to shut down. I spent $500 to fix it! But my cost of fixing has nothing to do with. I just want to know how I can fight this ticket because I was not blocking traffic or people. Thank you.
You have have success fighting this ticket by proving that the car mechanically broke down. You’ll need proofs, of course.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Ok that’s good to hear. What proof can I submit? I only have like a small handwritten receipt from them stating fuel pump failure. Will that be enough or do I need written statements notarized to fight this? Let me know please. Thanks.
Submit what you have (and/or can get). The stronger your defense, the better.
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket for “crosswalk” violation in unmarked crosswalk intersection (no stop signs, traffic lights at intersection). Is there any way to fight this ticket? Also, they wrote vehicle color as bk ( whereas it’s blue).
Thank you in advance, Bette
The wrong car color does not render the ticket fatally defective. You can submit photographs to show that there was no marked crosswalk. This may help you win but I don’t have enough information to form an opinion.
Matthew Weiss
I received a parking ticket in the city for having a muni-receipt face down. The comments on the ticket state “No Summons Visible / no permit / receipt faced down.” The violation however states “No Pkg street cleaning (d) (1) DAYS/HRS: EXCEPT Su/9A-7P.” My problem with this ticket is that an incorrect violation is stated. The street cleaning rule only applies on Tuesday and Friday morning from 9A-10:30A and I parked on that street on Monday morning from 9A-10A. Could/should I fight this ticket? Thank you.
Yes! You should win this one. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I really hope you can give me some insight. I got a ticket a month ago for parking in a fire zone.
I was picking up packages from macy’s and they had a customer pick up behind their building that apparently was a fire zone with faded yellow lines that I didnt see. The ticket says the cop saw me go in at 6;52 and he wrote me the ticket at 7;03 but i came out 7;10 because i wasnt done getting my packages bc no one was helping me for the longest time. I sent them a copy of my receipt and a picture of the faded lines. i sent it about two weeks ago, what should i expect?
Unless the fire zone lines were super faded (and otherwise not marked), I don’t think you’re going to win this case. Sorry.
Matthew Weiss
I received a parking ticket in the mail for $115.00. The ticket read failure to make a right turn from a bus lane in Manhattan 96th street and below. I did not know I was not allowed in the bus lane only to make a right turn. The car in front of me was making a left turn therefore, I used the bus lane to go around it. Please advise. Any information would be helpful. Thank you.
Belinda Salaman,
You haven’t written anything that sounds promising to your defense. If you have nothing further to argue, then I don’t think it is worth fighting. The bus lanes in NYC are all generally marked with signs and pavement markings. Go check your location and make sure it was clearly marked. If not, take some photos as this would be a good defense.
Matthew Weiss
Good afternoon.
Great questions.
My dear friend and colleague, Matthew Weiss, Esquire (you’re host) asked me to share my thoughts are this subject.
It is not legal for the Evil Empire to serve a parking ticket by mail
The challenge is to persuade a parking ticket judge that the TEA did not serve you personally by either handing you the parking ticket if you were seated behind the wheel of your car (standing alongside does not qualify), or placing the parking ticket on your car. It has been my unfortunate experience that judges do not pay attention to the claim that service of the parking ticket was not proper.
PS…It is illegal for a passenger vehicle to double park in NYC. However, there is a minority view that I support that believes you can double park while your passenger is actively entering or exiting your car. Waiting (even with blinkers on) is always illegal.
got a ticket in the mail today for a double parking violation that happened in February. No ticket was ever issued to me or placed on the car. This is the second time i have received something like this in the mail or out of state plates. The first time i went downtown and fought it – I won. What are the rules concerning this, does the violation have to placed on the car? Secondly, I was in the car with my blinkers on for all of the 5 minutes that i popped my trunk open while a suitcase was tossed into the car.
I recently registered my car in new york state, and foolishly changed the license plates, but neglected to remove the Texas registration sticker and install the New York one. I then immediately left town, and left the car in NYC, under the care of my buddy in Washington Heights. The car recieved 3 tickets for j(3) Reg. Sticker Missing (NYS) within 4 days while parked on the street. Looking at some of the previous posts, I noticed that one of the tickets had nothing in the “comments” section. Is it true that the ticketing agent is required to identify the reason for issuing a ticket for improper registration? Another ticket had only a portion of my VIN number. Are these ‘fightable’ errors on my tickets? Thanks so much for sharing your wealth of knowledge.
I’m sorry to report that neither of these “errors” renders your tickets fatally defective.
Matthew Weiss
Hi – I have a question. I live in Brooklyn and received 2 tickets for an expired inspection ticket; one ticket from last night and one this morning and we immediately went today after receiving the second ticket to get the inspection, which passed. The kicker is we just bought the vehicle 10 days ago in New Jersey and the expired ticket was there from the previous owner, just got plates yesterday and put them on yesterday and immediately got a ticket that day after we put the plates on. I did a little research and found that because we bought it in another state recently and the registration sticker that we just placed on the car says 4/18/15, which means it was registered 4/18/13 that we have 10 days from registration to get the inspection. We are moving to Chicago in a little over a week. Does this sort of ticket affect my record or insurance? How long do we have to refute the tickets, what should we send when refuting and what are the chances they will just drop these, considering we really do have a case here?
The deadline to plead not guilty is written on the ticket. An inspection ticket will not affect your license or insurance (as long as you timely answer and resolve it).
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I got a ticket for parking “no parking 7am-4pm SCHOOL DAYS” at 3:47pm. The ticket says “ALL DAYS 7am-4pm”. Although in the comments section of the ticket it is written school days, I think that the “violation” is in error. Do you think it is a valid claim for dismissal, and is there a code section you can tell me that I should mention in my letter to them (that would say that if it’s not a correct citation then it is invalid)?
Thank you!
Perhaps, you can win on this technicality. Plead not guilty and fight this ticket.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I have challenged this ticket many times on this exact argument and have so far always won. I take a screenshot of the official parking displays from the website quoted below and send it in with this letter.
Good Luck,
To whom it may concern,
Please dismiss this ticket due to the fact that it is in error. As is shown in the accompanying printouts from the official DOT map (found at the following website:, this ticket is defective and is incorrect as to the proper parking regulations. It states that it is a “NO PARKING ALL DAYS” . That is incorrect it is actually a “school zone” and is a NO PARKING 7AM-4PM SCHOOL DAYS”.
As the ticket is defective and cites the wrong citation, I ask you to please dismiss the complaint.
Thank You in advance
Thanks so much for sharing. It was very kind of you to take the time. This should help Kevin with his case.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Phillip: Thanks for the advice and encouragement. I will be sending in all documentation. I have another question for you that maybe you can shed some light on. I got a ticket for No Standing in a Commercial Metered Zone which I’ve researched is very difficult to fight. I was dropping off my elderly aunt while someone was sitting in the back seat of the car. I was walking them to the door of the building which is like 15 feet away from the car. I was gone for literally 90 seconds and I see NYPD tow car hooking up my car and trying to tow it away. I screamed and said I’m right here so they released the car right there telling me to pay $100 but they also wrote a ticket for “No Standing in a Commercial Metered Zone”. I try to stay away from that area but my elderly aunt needed to go there. The tow person was nice enough to release my car right there to me because I told them someone is actually in the car. What can I do? It’s a lot of money and I don’t think I did anything wrong as the definition for “No Standing” allows passenger drop-0ffs. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.
Hi, my girlfriend received a NY parking ticket. It shows permit displayed as “No”, and is also checked off at code 70 a $65 fine stating Registration Sticker (j)(3) NYS only. She did in fact have here renewed up to date registration sticker in the vehicle at the time of ticket but the expired one was still displayed. Should we bother fighting this one? Is there any chance of it being thrown away, or will they latch on to the expired one being displayed even though she is current on her registration? Also if we were to fight the ticket and lost is there a fee they add on for doing so, or would the fine stay at $65? I guess I’m trying to see if there is any harm in attempting to fight it. But will take you at your word if you say it’s not worth fighting. Sorry for the run on and thank you in advance for timely and helpful response.
There’s no harm to fighting it (although I haven’t read anything in your post that sounds very promising to your cause).
Matthew Weiss
Thank you for the quick response.
A friend of mine said there may be an extra fee incurred for fighting and losing that’s why I asked.
I guess at the very least since you said there is no harm in fighting it, we can hope for a sympathetic or lenient judge. Though I’d assume unlikely with the city always in need of money.
Thank you again for your help, you and your site have been of great service.
You have 30 days from the date of the decision to pay a NYC paring ticket fine. If no payment is received within 30 days, penalties are assessed. Perhaps, your friend was referring to this late payment penalty.
Matthew Weiss
I live in nyc and drive a scooter to go to work… I received a parking ticket today for “NO STD com MTR zone” and for “missing plate”. However I just realized the policeman wrote the INCORRECT VIN number. Can I fight this online and win it? How should I put it down?
PS: I am sure I am not the only one to say this, but the situation in nyc for bike/scooters is becoming impossible: still NO parking spots and more and more often you get ticket by the VIN number
An omitted or incorrect VIN is not a fatal defect. Sorry.
Matthew Weiss
Thanks for your answer Matthew.
Also, I got a very similar ticket where this time the VIN is correct, but the “Make” is wrong and the “year” is missing.. any chance to win this one?
thanks for your help
The wrong make and omitted year are important errors. You’ll have a better shot fighting this ticket.
Matthew Weiss
I got an expired inspection ticket and the ticket ommitted meter # so do i fight? thanks you!
Don’t bother. That is not a required element.
Matthew Weiss
Hello, I’m from out of state where we are not required to have a front plate or inspection stickers. I’ve gotten I think 9 tickets and have only had to pay one small one. They almost always put the wrong state on the ticket and I’ve always won just by submitting a copy of my registration. I’m from Arkansas (AR) and they almost always put Alaska (AK) which has made every ticket easy to fight, but now I have one I am unsure about. This parking ticket, hand written by a police officer not a traffic cop, is very hard to read, but has some wrong and right information. They got the right state this time, but the wrong body type. Says it’s a suburban, but it’s a pick-up actually. They got my license plate number, but I don’t see the expiration date with it. The cop gave me this ticket at either 1:49 or 4:49 am, his handwritting is really bad here. He filled in ticket code 99 (J)(9) obstructed VIN. Yes there’s a couple old letters I left sitting on my dashboard which are covering the VIN, but this was not my intention. There’s some kind of writting in a section designated for registration and inspection stickers, this part is not legible at all. I can’t really read the officer’s name either.
Based on all of this, can I use any of it in my defense. So far I was mainly thinking of using the body type since my registration does say PK for pick-up. Anything other input would be helpful and appreciated.
It sounds like you have a good defense. Some of these mistakes are fatal to the sufficiency of the ticket.
Plead not guilty and give it a shot!
Good luck.
Matthew Weiss
My brother and I parked his car right in front of 11 E 16hth street this Saturday. There’s a sign that says “no parking 8am-6pm Mon thru Friday (single arrow)”. We parked behind that sign (so that the arrow was pointing towards the car) thinking it was safe. When we got back, the car was towed ($185) and we got a ticket for ‘no standing except auth. vehicles’ ($95). What happens in this situation? There were no pictures to take since the car was taken in. There are no defects on the ticket except that they wrote 11 E 16th as the address…but that address spans the ‘no parking 8-6’ and ‘no standing’ sections. All it says in the description on the ticket is ‘police dept vehicles’.
From what you’ve written, I don’t see much of a defense. Sorry.
Matthew Weiss
I recieved a parking ticket in NYC sometime in January if this year for failure to move my car for the street cleaning, however I submitted my case online and pleaed not guilty since the body type on my car was incorrect. It said my car was a 2 door and its a four door. So I submitted two pictures of my car showing the doors with the plates and door showing and also my nj registration that states my car is a 4 door car. I received an Email from NYC Department of Finance saying the received my case but its been since 2/20/2013 an d I haven’t gotten a reply. What should be my next step? Thank you
First Class,
You can check the status of the case online. Otherwise, you should continue to just wait for a decision.
Matthew Weiss
I’ve been parking in my neighborhood for a while (20+ years) and parked on First Avenue after 10PM on a Saturday (Should be good till Monday AM). Walking out on Sunday, I find a ticket, $115 No Stopping. Seems the signage was changed on Friday or Saturday in advance of bike lanes coming in the following week. Fight (Web/Mail/Inperson) or Pay.
Fred Seid,
Fight it in person and explain the situation. You should make sure that you mention that you had no notice of the change.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I have a question regarding the absence of signage. I am parked, and have been parking for a few days now, on an avenue in Brooklyn that has meters (muni-meter), but absolutely NO parking regulation signs posted on the whole block. Is it possible that I may get a ticket if I leave my car parked there for a day without feeding the meter? The only thing that worries me is that on the NEXT block down, the signs say 1hr parking, 8a-4p. But again, since there are no signs whatsoever on the block I’m parking on, wouldn’t my chances fighting a ticket be pretty good?
Interesting question. Sounds like you found the only block in NYC without signage. My advice: I wouldn’t take a chance. If you don’t “feed the meter” and get a ticket, you won’t be happy spending time and effort to fight the ticket (especially one that you could lose anyway). It’s much cheaper to just pay the Muni Meter.
Matthew Weiss
Im 9 months pregnant and I just received a double parking ticket as I went to move my car. Street cleaning on my street is 11.30 to 1 pm. At 1pm im heading down the block to move the car and i see a police car near to my double parked car. I tried to get their attention but i couldn’t run and they were in the patrol car. The ticket shows issued at 1.01 pm, can i fight this ticket?. I don’t even drive any more because i cant work, i don’t have this $115.00 to pay this fine.
Kerry Tender,
Because the ticket was issued outside the prohibited time period (11:30 pm to 1:00 pm), you have a chance to beat this ticket. Please not guilty and make this argument. You may want to include a few photos of the sign and stretch of roadway.
Good luck.
Matthew Weiss
I received 2 tickets for parking too close to a fire hydrant. I was clearly far enough away but the key is that I got the two tickets on separate days without moving my car in between. One ticket says I’m 5 ft from the hydrant and the other says 9ft. That’s a huge differential. The one that says 5ft was issued subsequent to the 9ft one which adds to my case of why would I move the car closer to the hydrant and leave it there? Clearly they aren’t using any sort of measurement device and they’re just eyeing it. Hence the 80% difference in length perceived between the two ticket officers. How can I fight this? I’m going to plead not guilty online.
Thomas R,
I don’t think you’ll beat this ticket based on this significant discrepancy. The law requires that you park 15+ feet away and, in your case, you apparently did not.
Matthew Weiss
Matthew, apply that 80% discrepancy to the 9ft one and then I’m far enough away. I also have a photo of the car parked far enough away. If we’re knocked down how much do you think they’d take off? They’re $115 each…
The NYC Parking Violations Bureau does not “knock down” tickets. It is “all or nothing”.
Good luck fighting them.
Matthew Weiss
Hi, yesterday I got a ticket for being parked at a No standing zone except for loading and unloading truck but my Ford E250 had a Pennsylvania license plate that labels it as a Truck and I was ticketed for being parked there for over an hour when the limit is 30 minutes tops but no where in the parking sign did it say that. So the ticket was issued as being parked there for over an hour (which I was) but they got the expiration date of my plates wrong, they put exp date 01-13 when it’s really 11-13 so I’m wondering could this get the ticket dismissed? I’m not willing to pay that $95 ticket when they didn’t say there was a 30 minute parking limit at all.
You have a shot given the wrote expiration date.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hello Matthew,
I just received a $115 ticket for “no standing” 10pm-6am . There is two points make me feel like to fight for the ticket,
1. The sign is far away from the spot that I stand, there is already a long line there,so I stopped and walk to see if there is a sign or anything, while I am walking back in a few minutes there is an officer writing me the ticket. I have explain to him nicely but not working.
2. I feel like I was guided by a misleading sign as well. Beside the spot that I stopped, there is a yellow official notice that pasted on the biking rack says “no parking ,your car will be towed by Monday,April.1st 10:00”. I saw the sign then I walk out of the car because that day is Mar.30th.
You cannot park in a “no standing” zone. Further, the sign governs over the temporary yellow notice that was pasted on a bicycle stand.
I unfortunately do not see much of a defense here.
Matthew Weiss
Hello Matthew,
I just received a $55 ticket for not displaying my current registration tag on my license plate, although my registration has been paid in full through September of 2013. I know that technically my license plate is not valid without the current registration year sticker on it, but what are my chances of getting the ticket dismissed if I provide the judge proof of current registration and a picture to prove I have now applied the sticker (which was in my glovebox!)? I forgot to mention this ticket was written while the car was parked unattended (legally) on the street in my neighborhood. This also occurred in Wisconsin.
Because you were registered at the time, you should plead not guilty. Your proof should be enough for a dismissal (assuming you were charged with un-registered as opposed to failure to display registration).
Matthew Weiss
Hello Matthew,
Thanks for the reply, the ticket itself was for failure to display current registration, as I had forgotten to apply the ’13 sticker on the license plate although it is legally registered. What are your thoughts about being able to get the ticket dismissed if I provide proof that the sticker has now been applied and the registration had been paid in full six months ago?
You can try but it sounds like you were, in fact, guilty of this particular charge.
Matthew Weiss
Hey Matthew,
I just received a parking ticket for no standing anytime at a construction site but there is also another sign that states that this street has no parking from 7:30-8am. Also I checked that all the other cars that was also parked on that street did not get a ticket expect for me.
Which sign was closer? The closer one generally should govern.
Matthew Weiss
It was the 7:30-8am that was closer. However, there was no other sign that can be seen on the street. I only saw this sign on the street as I parked the car. So I was confused why I was ticketed for a NO STANDING. However, when I walked to the other end of the block there was a sign that was stuck to the building that had overhead covering the sign it was blocked from sight.
Take photos of the block signed. Make sure the photos can be placed together (without gaps) connecting the place of your car and the blocked sign. Perhaps that will be enough to get a dismissal. Good luck.
Matthew Weiss
Hey Matthew,
I just got a ticket (and was towed), but don’t know if I can contest it based on the following. I don’t even know if I’m able to contest them both (ticket & towing), or just one. Would you be able to tell me if any of these are grounds for contesting them?
Situation: I received a ticket for parking “Opposite 62 W 45th St” for “No Standing (c) DAYS/HRS: MON-FRI / 7A – 6P”.
Potential Grounds for Challenging:
1) The Meter # on the ticket is missing.
2) The P/O was across from 70 W 45th St, not 62 W 45th St.
3) There is a one-directonal arrow “No Standing Anytime” sign three car lengths before a parking meter (no sign over it), and another three car lengths after. I parked between the “No Parking Anytime” signs, just after the parking meter, seeing only the unidirectional sign in front of my car pointing away (didn’t see the one before my car except now by google maps). Given that my ticket says “No Standing (c)” not “No Standing Anytime”, would this be grounds for a challenge?
4) There is a different meter a half block back with a triple sign above it reading “No Standing 7AM – 6PM / 6PM – Midnight Mon-Fri Metered Parking / 8AM – Midnight Saturday Metered Parking” with bidirectional arrows. Does this sign apply to the whole block? And would a sign like this negate the “No Standing Anytime” signs following it, or would those take priority? If the “No Standing Anytime” signs take priority because they are closest to my car, again, my violation would be mislabeled. It seems they were able to post these signs down the rest of the block, and on the opposite side several times as well, but not where I was parked.
Your help is immensely appreciated. The parking ticket was $115 and the tow was $185 for an awful total of $300 that I’d like back very much.
Thank you!
It sounds like you have some good defenses especially the wrong location. I recommend that you plead not guilty and fight it. Don’t forget to include copies of any proofs to show your defenses.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
“The New York City Traffic rules allow parking at some “T” intersections—those without traffic signals, all-way stop signs or crosswalk markings—even if there is a curb cut at that location.” —
Applicable rule is Sec. 4-08 (f)(7), “Pedestrian ramps,” as defined in Sec. 4-01 (b), “Unmarked crosswalk”.
I received two tickets for parking in front of a pedestrian ramp. On one ticket, the address seems to correctly read #3980, but could be misread as #3780. On the second ticket, the address is clearly written as #3780, as though mis-copied from the first. There is no such address as 3780 on this street. The second ticket is clearly defensible because of the defective address, but both tickets are also defensible under the T-intersection rule at pedestrian ramps. Should I submit the second ticket separately, by mail or online perhaps, under the defective ticket defense? Or should I defend both in person under the T-intersection defense while also noting the defective second ticket?
I would defend them separately.
BTW, what is the “T-intersection rule”. Thanks
Matthew Weiss
It’s an amendment to the Pedestrian Ramp Rule that happened in 2008. It says it is “no longer a violation to park in front of a pedestrian ramp located in the long street of a T intersection with an unmarked crosswalk, and no traffic control device to regulate the flow of traffic.” (according to the slide presentation by L. Berezin)
I ended up getting both tickets dismissed because of the defective address, which I’m pleased about, although out of principle I’m a bit disappointed that I didn’t get to defend them on the grounds of not being illegal. Of course, the next time I try to park there the whole situation is set to repeat itself!
Congratulations! I always say “A win is a win”. Take it anyway you can (and run).
Thanks for updating us.
Matthew Weiss
Thanks for your insight AND this site! I’m so glad I came across it…just wish I had come across it before I got the scare of my life from the incident below. =)
I received a ticket AND my car was towed for parking too close to a hydrant. Admittedly, I didn’t know that the distance was supposed to be so great or I wouldn’t have even THOUGHT of parking there. A former friend of mine is a cop AND I’d seen her count out steps less than 15 ft several times before. BUT that was also a more than a few years ago. Maybe the rules have changed? I was gone for less than 30 mins bc when I got out of the car it was 2:05 and I was back by the early part of 2:30. I was going to just pay the ticket but realized they listed the place of occurrence as “opposite” an address that is incorrect. I don’t even think that address exists (I tried looking it up on google maps but it wouldn’t come up). Possibly a typo but, considering the place of occurrence is listed incorrectly, can the ticket be deemed defective? Also, on a more technical note – and really just for clarification – the ticket was documented Time of Offense 2:12pm and my car was towed at 2:22pm. If the driver isn’t present (in the vehicle or w/in sight) and the “ticket warrior” didn’t actually witness it occurring (as they tend to do) shouldn’t the date/time information for a ticket like this be listed under the “1st Observed” section?
If the place of occurrence is wrong, then you may win. You’ll need photos and print outs of your Google Map searches to prove to the parking judge that this location doesn’t exist.
In terms of the date/time issue, this does not sound like a persuasive argument.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Thank you Mr Weiss!! In respect to the date/time issue, I was just asking for my own “education”, so to speak, and not for arguments sake. =) I will go ahead and send in my statement.
It really pains me when a member of the NYC driving community gets scammed.
The parking ticket warriors are supervised by the police. You may wish to visit the police precinct in which the warrior issued the ticket, and make a complaint with internal affairs. I am sorry to report, that your complaint may not carry much weight because:
1. I’m not sure how much the police really care about supervising the parking ticket warriors
2. You don’t have proof to support your complaint
Good luck.