My dear friend Lawrence Berezin of New York Parking has graciously shared his user-friendly way to identify defects in a New York City parking ticket. The below image show the 10 items which must be properly completed in order for your NYC parking ticket to be valid. If any one (or more) of these items are omitted or incorrect, you should plead not guilty to the ticket and explain which of these items are defective.
The Easiest Way To Fight A NYC Parking Ticket
Matthew Weiss
Matthew J. Weiss, Esq. graduated Hofstra Law School in 1984. He was Law Review and won the law school’s prestigious Procedure Award. Upon graduation, he became one of the first Hofstra Law School graduates to work at the New York State Court of Appeals (New York State’s highest court) working on various appellate matters.
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Get Free Traffic Ticket Advice
Text your ticket to (516) 558-5586 or fill out the form below. We fight any New York State traffic ticket EXCEPT parking, red light camera, and speeding camera tickets.
1301 Comments. Leave new
Hi, I received a No Standing ticket in front of a park. There were no signs indicating anything. The only sign on the block is for street cleaning. Can I fight this? I have pictures of the car showing no signs posted.
If your photographs show that there was no signs, then you can win. Make sure they can be put together to show the whole block (from street sign to street sign). Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi, I see you are still responding to comments, so I thought I would ask. I’m pretty sure I can contest this, but wanted to make sure. I got a ticket for being 2 feet from the hydrant (I was about 4-5). However, the ticket reads “Parkview Ave” instead of “Parkside Place.” Parkview Ave is on the other side of town. However, I need to insert my address when I defend it, which is on the latter with the same exact numbers….Don’t want them to see that and say no, pay it, the officer made a mistake.
Inserting you address is irrelevant. If the address on the face of the ticket is wrong and you can prove it, you should win.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi there,
I have my Vespa parked out in front of my home and just before the end of April I renewed my annual registration online. The registration was most likely sent to my old address since I recently moved and I haven’t received it yet. Since the bike was not being ridden and only parked I didn’t think this would be an issue. I was surprised to find a traffic ticket on my bike this afternoon to the tune of $65 for the violation of registration sticker expired. The comments state that I need to have a temporary sticker displayed.
Is it a ticketable offense to have a parked vehicle with an expired registration if it’s not being driven? Furthermore, since I renewed my vehicle registration before the expiration date and am waiting for the new documentation, is it worth contesting this ticket?
Is it a ticketable offense to have a parked vehicle with an expired registration if it’s not being driven? Yes.
Furthermore, since I renewed my vehicle registration before the expiration date and am waiting for the new documentation, is it worth contesting this ticket? No, unless you receive a registration that was issued before the date of offense.
Matthew Weiss
Dear Matthew or Larry,
We received a $115 ticket for parking in a “No standing bus stop DAYS/HOURS/ALL DAYS/ALL TIMES ON March 21, 2015. We appealed and lost but in planning a second appeal, we reviewed the ticket and the google street view, and realized that we were parked on West 43rd but the ticket says West 45th (we missed this detail on our first appeal). We have pictures of where we parked, but the car had already been towed.
I also have a text message telling my friend that we had parked on 43rd, but again, no evidence since they towed our car. However, we can testify that we parked by a specific building/tree/and playground on 43rd. It sounds like we should go in person.
Based on your comments, it seems that we can get it dismissed on the fact that we didn’t park there, and therefore the ticket is incorrect. However, we now realize that we may have been parked too close to the bus zone, despite walking 200 feet looking for signs because we did not realize that any sign on the block counts (having NEVER street parked in NYC before). If we appeal, can they then give us a citation for that parking violation?
Sorry for the length, but it is a little difficult to succinctly explain. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
If you challenge this ticket, you will NOT be issued a new ticket for a different offense. That just doesn’t happen at the NYC parking court.
Matthew Weiss
I received a parking ticket yesterday. The sign said no parking until after 7pm and underneath that there was a sign that said “taxi stand” but I parked far enough away from the sign. I was parked there at approximately 10:45 pm and my ticket was issued closer to midnight, but on the ticket the police officer said he issued the ticket at 11:50 AM and did not fill in the violation number, so I have no clue how much this “ticket” is. Is there a chance I can fight this and win?
The wrong time is grounds for dismissal if you can prove it.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a $115.00 ticket for parking at No Standing Days/HRS :All Day/All times.
On my ticket Date/Time 1st Observed is N/A, but date and time of Offense is indicated 05/09/2015
Can I plead not guilty if Date/Time 1st Observed is written N/A?
Thank you.
Nope. This omission doesn’t help you. The ticket has nothing to do with length of time (rather just location).
Matthew Weiss
I received a $115 ticket for 4-08(e)(2) (parking 5 feet from hydrant). Three questions:
1) cars park in this spot all the time. It is a residential neighborhood with very packed streets and this spot is always being used. I’m assuming that’s not a defense, but is it worth collecting proof of cars parking here and not getting tickets for the next week or so in order to submit? The spot is located between the intersection and the hydrant and there is more than enough room for a car, but probably not enough to leave 15 feet without sticking out into the crosswalk.
2) I have a maryland license plate and the officer did not fill in the expiration date – is this a defense? it’s clearly stated on the license plate when the registration is up.
3) if the cop does not show up at the hearing, is that a way to win, or will the judge just proceed on the facial sufficiency of the ticket?
Thank you so much!
1) If there isn’t enough room to park the requisite distance from the hydrant than this is a not a good defense.
2) Yes, I would make this argument.
3) The cop (actually traffic agent) is not required to show up.
Good luck fighting it.
Matthew Weiss
I rented a car with CT license plates and parked in front of my building to drop a few things off before returning the car. When I came out I found a No Pkg street cleaning ticket not realizing that that alternate side of the street rules were in effect at the time. Since the car was registered in CT and they no longer issue vehicle registration stickers, the Exp. Date was filled in as “N/S”. Mr. Weiss writes that the expiration date is one of seven elements that every ticket must have in order to be valid. My question is, would a NYC parking ticket judge still consider this a technical mistake that would warrant dismissing the ticket or could the judge choose not to enforce this requirement since the DMV in Connecticut no longer issues car stickers with this information?
Bill Y,
I doubt you’ll win on this point because there is no expiration date on your CT registration. With that said, feel free to make the argument.
Good luck.
Matthew Weiss
I parked in Manhattan and got a ticket for an expired inspection sticker.
Can I fight it after I have the inspection done? Will it be dismissed?
Thank you.
No, you cannot retroactively “repair” such a ticket.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matt,
I just received today two parking tickets on my company car, one for an expired inspection sticker (65.00), and one for not having the rear headrest removed in the back seat (115.00). I looked for inconsistencies in the ticket and noticed they marked my 2013 ford fusion body type as : Van. Is this good enough to contest. Furthermore, for the headrest ticket, the traffic rules section is 4-08(k)(1) which falls under: “(k) Special rules for commercial vehicles (1) Parking of unaltered commercial vehicles prohibited? Does that seem correct to you, I don’t think so. Also, If i get the inspection sticker renewed right now, will it make my case look better, or have I already won with the inconsistencies I have found?
Jason Coello,
I can’t say that you have “already won” but I recommend that you fight these tickets.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I got a $115 ticket for parking in ‘NO STANDING’ zone. What happened was, I parked there temporarily to wait for a friend who was having an interview in a radio station nearby. I myself was in the car on driver side with engine on. The ticket cop showed up and asked me to leave. I asked: “Officer, can I just stay for one minute? My friend is here soon.” The cop said, “Ok, I will give you a summons”. Then he turned and recorded my plate number. While he was still writing, my friend showed up. But the cop didn’t care and I got the ticket.
That was terrible experience and I was not able to do anything although physically present. Is there anything I can do and how much chance to appeal?
Thanks in advance!
It sounds like that this ticket was properly issued.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Larry,
Thank you for your fast response. While disputing my valid muni meter ticket, I took your advice and reviewed the other 2 tickets I received on a different day(but at the same time). To refresh your memory, it was one ticket for an expired temp registration and an expired muni meter. I let you know in my earlier question that I didn’t receive the original registration from dmv until 3 days after the ticket was issued. Well, anyway, after reviewing both ticket(registration and muni meter) I noticed that the officer only wrote a 5 digit # under the vin # section on both tickets even though my full vin # was listed on my temporary registration. Do you think this is grounds to dispute the tickets and possibly win for incorrect information listed on the tickets. Thank you again.
The VIN is not a required element and, therefore, this error doesn’t help.
Matthew Weiss
I received a “No Standing: ALL DAYS/ALL TIMES” ticket 40 feet from the intersection of Pearl Street and John Street. There was a “No Standing” sign at the corner of the intersection, however, the arrows were pointed in the direction parallel to John Street; I was parked on the perpendicular street – Pearl Street. I have several photos of the arrows on the sign pointing in the perpendicular direction as well as other cars parked where I was. Also to note – I have a New Jersey license plate.
I feel the evidence is indisputable.
Do I have to dispute this in person or can I save the time disputing this online?
Thank you!
Link to Images (4):
Jersey Resident,
You can do it in person OR via online.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket last week for parking in the handicapped zone. We were parked in front of a supermarket . Not sure of the address of th place but when i did a google search on the address on the ticket, it showed a subway address. While parked, i also took a photo of our car relative to the handicapped sign. Sign was a bit high and a bit obstructed. I plan to send the photo and mention the incorrect address as my defense. What are my chances?
Thank you!
I cannot provide chances or odds? Sorry but good luck.
Matthew Weiss
Hello I have a parking citation that clearly doesn’t have a time nor date on it, so I called the police dept and spoke with some lady stating that it don’t hate to have it. After I explained to her that under the ORD CODE for our city states that a time/date is mandatory she went and pulled up the ticket and said that the officers copy had a time and date and it didn’t matter what mine had. So my question is shouldn’t all of the citation copies be the same? If the officer is going to put something on his copies of the ticket shouldn’t it also be on my copy? Thanks
All citations should be the same but I have heard courts reject such arguments in the past.
Matthew Weiss
Dear Erika,
Good afternoon.
I hate delivering unhappy news but…
You are absolutely correct about not having any control over when your plates/registration are delivered. Sadly, the Evil Empire doesn’t care. A parking rule says you can’t park a car without current plates/registration. They don’t care about the whys or wherefores.
My suggestion is to carefully examine the front of the parking ticket. If you find an omitted, misdescribed, or illegible required element, you win upon application.
On the other hand, I love sharing good news. You can beat this parking ticket by submitting a brief statement and a copy of the muni meter receipt. I would point out that the time on the receipt covers the time the parking ticket was issued. Your parking ticket will be dismissed…Yea!
I fight our parking tickets online. It’s a simple process and you’ll receive a decision within 10-14 days.
Good luck.
I received a $115 ticket for obstructing an intersection in NYC. I was on 7th ave which is considered the West Side. On my ticket it says E 7th ave NY which can only mean one thing. East 7th avenue which doesn’t exist in NYC. Everything North of 5th ave is considered the West Side. Do I have an invalid ticket on my hands or should I just plead my case another way? What do you think?
Devereauz Leget,
This may render your ticket defective. Definitely plead not guilty and make this argument (any others that you think will help).
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a 65$ ticket in Manhattan because I placed the parking ticket on the passenger side. (the sidewalk side).
Comment: Improperly displayed passenger side not visible.
The make on the ticket is also wrong: It says: BERT (the car is a BMW).
There is also no meter # on the ticket and it says: 2DSD (but its a 4 door).
Is that enough to fight the ticket? If yes should I put all those points into the defense field at
Thank you
Daniel Iger,
This may very well be enough to win. Go get ’em!
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received 2 parking tickets on 4/14/15. One for expired municipal meter which I am guilty for. The other was for expired temporary registration sticker (expired 4/5/15). I bought my car 1 month earlier from a dealersip and I didn’t receive the permanent registration from dmv until 4/17/15 by mail. I have/had permanent plates on the vehicle. Can I dispute this ticket by sending a copy of the permanent registration that I received 2 weeks after the temp expired? I have no control over how fast dmv sends their documents out and how slow the post office is. do you think it would be dismissed since the vehicle was in fact registered since the day I bought it on 2/19/15.
One other question, I receivedo another muni meter ticket on a different day. Officer wrote failure to display receipt and in comments put no rec on dash. When in fact the receipt was on the dash and valid. I also noticed that they have the pot wrong on the ticket. They have 069 pct when it is actually the 063 pct. Do I dispute because muni receipt was there and valid or should I also mention the incorrect pct listed on ticket?
Thanks for your help!
Hi my question is for Louisiana..I know this is for NY but i did copy the ORD code and rules. I got a parking ticket in my apt complex for parking on the diagonal line next to handicap I’m assuming because I do park there sometimes…didn’t really know that was still consider handicap. ORD #110-78
The thing is, I have no idea when it was issued because it has no time/date or anything and it was stuck down low under the wipers and I just saw it. This is what the rule states about that:
Sec. 110-78. – Parking spaces for certain disabled persons.
The citation “shall” contain information concerning the nature, “date, time,” and location of the alleged violation, the state vehicle plate number, and the make of vehicle. In those cases where a license plate is not visible or legible, the vehicle identification number shall be used in lieu of the state vehicle plate number.”
So does that means that my ticket has to have the date and time? Can it,be thrown?
I have no experience (and very little knowledge) about Louisiana Law or the Napoleonic Code. With that said, it would seem to be me that the ticket has should have the date and time. I would fight it on these grounds alone. Bonne chance!
Matthew Weiss
Hi! Im just wondering if you can help me i got a 120$ “parked out of stall” ticket and its doesnt have a sign that theres no parking out of stall and 2 white markings are a little faded to notice if youre hurrying yourself to get the train on busy wednesday morning. Should i make this reasons? Thanks and more power!
In my opinion, it doesn’t sound like you have much of a defense to this parking ticket.
Matthew Weiss
Hi, thanks for this informative blog
I received a double parking ticket on a dead end street during alternate side parking hours, can I fight the ticked based on that
Double parking is illegal in NYC so I doubt you’d win this case.
Matthew Weiss
I recieved a meter ticket for not displaying the meter printout paper on my vehicle. when the ticket was written they made a mistake with the year of the vehicle description! instead of putting 88, they put 99.
can I be able to get this ticket trown out because of this mistake? or not? Thanks!
Julio Reyes,
This sounds like a strong defense to me. GO get ’em!!
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket but the address its say I was in front of doesn’t exist and my vehicle body type is wrong can I beat the ticket?
Truman Jones,
These sound like strong defenses to me. Go for it!
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hello, today I ran into a NYC parking ticket nightmare. I approached my car this morning and noticed that I had three parking tickets for blocking a pedestrian ramp (my car was parked there over the weekend). I was parked on the long street of a T intersection and there were no signs, signals or a marked crosswalk indicated nearby. I took pictures of my car prior to moving it and I did my research, including reading your blog about these types of tickets. Later in the day I returned to a spot on the opposite side of the street. I made sure that I was not blocking any of the pedestrian ramps and despite being parked with a pedestrian ramp behind my car (I was not blocking it in any way – I took additional pictures) I was given another ticket within that time period for blocking a crosswalk. The pedestrian ramp behind me was also located on a T intersection and I was located on the long street. I plan to try to fight these tickets tomorrow and I am concerned as to whether the amount of tickets I received will work against me. On another note I also noticed that while the first ticket I was issued cites traffic law 4-08(f)7, the other three I received cite traffic law 4-08(e)5. Do I have a strong case for fighting these tickets? Would it work better in my favor if I went in person rather than doing it online? I had good experiences online in the past, but not for multiple offenses such as in this case.
Brandi K,
You have a chance if you fight this case. I recommend that you appear in person in order to maximize your chances of winning.
Matthew Weiss
My motorcycle was towed and I got a ticket for expired inspection.
The ticket has incorrect Year of the bike and of my registration is wrong.
Can I dispute this?
You can dispute this and have a good chance to win. Include a copy of your registration and discuss these errors to maximize your chance to win.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I was parked in a 3 hour only section and I was ticketed for staying over. Is it possible to argue that I left and then returned to the same parking spot? Also, the date issued is 4/21/15 instead of 4/21/2015; does that matter?
That doesn’t sound like a good argument (and you should not make it if it is not true). In regard to the date, I don’t understand your question.
Matthew Weiss
I received a parking violation for Obstructing a Driveway Code 98, and had my car towed. The ticket issued was dated 09/10/15 on the instead of on 04/10/15. On the paper ticket the “04” is poorly written and appears as “09”. I am a Canadian resident from Nova Scotia, so I ask would I be able to fight this ticket on that basis alone or would they see the “09” and “04” as being too similar and I would subsequently lose.
You probably would lose if it is a close call but feel free to try.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
The license plate is listed incorrectly on my ticket and Meter # was left blank. Even though I deserved the ticket, is this enough to get out of it?
The wrong plate is a great argument to make. You should win on this alone.
Matthew Weiss
I received a Fire Zone ticket in Babylon, NY. The ticket that had no information on it except my plate #. No VIN, model, make, time, date, place of occurrence, or identity of the officer or agent. I thought it was a complete joke and ignored it. Then I get a late notice with additional fines. I went to the traffic bureau and the clerk shook her head and showed me the agents copy. It was a Park Ranger claiming he patrolled a shopping center and wrote my vehicle up. The info could’ve been filled in after the fact for all I know. Not only is it defective, it looks fraudulent. I plead “Not Guilty”. What are my chances of having this egregious fine thrown out?
I cannot provide odds but I would argue that dismissal is mandated due to the failure to serve upon you a properly and fully completed summons.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I was found guilty in an email trial for an expired parking summons. The make/model of my car was listed correctly on the summons but wrongly in the notice that I was found guilty. Does this give me any basis for appeal?
Robert Forte,
No, the summons is controlling when it comes to such data.
Matthew Weiss
Dear Matthew,
I was in Queens the other day and the meter maid was going to issue me a ticket for double parking. I reasoned with her and she finally waived her hand and let me go. I NEVER received the ticket and assumed everything is ok but last week got a late notice for paying the penalty. Is this worth disputing?
Also the expiration date is “N/A”. Not sure whether this helps the case.
Thank you very much!
Yes, I think that this ticket is worth disputing.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I was sitting in my car waiting for the alternate side parking time to expire. A meter maid gave me a ticket any way even tho I was sitting in my car. I tried to fight it while it was happening and she said “I already scanned it in”.
Can she do that?
If you violated the applicable signage, then she can issue you a summons (even if you are sitting in the car).
Matthew Weiss
Parked on Orchard st. in NYC last night & didn’t see a sign that said there was no standing from midnight until 6am. The officer put the time on the ticket as 12:29 am, but put the date incorrectly as 12-19-2015. Does an incorrect violation date nullify the ticket?
Thank you.
If you can prove that it is the wrong date, then you will win.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi Weiss & Associates,
I got a $115 parking ticket that said I violated Sec. 4-08(c) No Standing ALL DAYS/ALL TIMES. I was also towed and had to pay $185 to get my vehicle out of impound. The No Standing Sign was obstructed by scaffolding over the sidewalk and therefore I did not see it when I parked. Do I have good standing to dispute the ticket and recoup the towing fees?
-Alex K
Alex K,
If the sign was not clearly visible (and there weren’t any other applicable signs nearby), then take photographs so you can insufficient notice. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hello I am a resident of buffalo. I just bought a used car from a private dealer and it still had his registration sticker and inspection sticker on it. Although I did register it in my own name I forgot to change the registration on the car to mine. On monday I recieved a parking ticket for being parked on the wrong side from 9-4…. this ticket has the license number and registration of the previous owner of my car because I had not yet changed the sticker… am I still liable to pay the ticket even though the registration and license number on the ticket is wrong?
Also…. 2 days later I recieved a ticket for “blocking a driveway (all) ” when my bumper was only 4 inches past the grass & driveway line where they were easily able to still access their driveway. Should I fight that as well?
You may not be responsible for the first ticket in the eyes of the City of Buffalo but civilly (and morally) you are, indeed, liable for this ticket. Good ethics and karma dicta that you take care of this ticket. In regard to the second ticket, 4 inches seems like a de minimus violation but technically the ticket seems properly issued. I hope these responses help.
Matthew Weiss
I received a$115 ticket for parking at a school zone on a day there was no school but I don’t have a way to prove that school was off. Also at the box for Date/Time 1st observed it has N/A.
Any way out?
Thank you
The “Date/Time 1st observed” is not required for this type of ticket. You can get a school calendar via the web (although I’m not sure that this matters).
Matthew Weiss
I received a parking ticket for parking in a no standing zone where the complainant’s comments reads temporary construction, regulation no driver no permit. I was unaware that the area was not a parking zone as other cars were parked and I had put a meter ticket on my dashboard from the parking meter kiosk. I still have the ticket. Do I have a case to dispute the ticket or is my ignorance not an excuse?
Unfortunately, ignorance of the law is not a valid defense.
Matthew Weiss
Hi, I received a ticket for holding my phone in my hand today. I was about to put in my cup holder and looking at GPS. This is my second traffic ticket and I’ve been driving since 2008. The officer wrote the wrong registration expiration date. He wrote 01/30/15 when it expires 1/30/17. Would I be able to get that ticket dismissed because of that error? Is there a law that will support your explanation above? Thanks in advance for your help. I am really concerned about the points on my license.
Racquel Williams,
That error does not render your ticket fatally defective. With that said you should fight this ticket. An electronic device ticket carries 5 points and roughly a $200 fine. Read my posts about those tickets to learn more about this type of ticket.
Matthew Weiss
I received a safety zone parking ticket when the front of car was barely touching the lines on roosevelt island monday morning. is there any viable option that I can fight this ticket??
Also, I don’t know if this matters but it finally appeared online to fight on day 30..
Please and thank you.
Joe S,
That delay doesn’t help. Re-read my post and look for any errors in the critical elements discussed in it.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Dear Matthew,
I received a parking violation ticket on April 10th, 2015 for an expired inspection sticker, which expired on March 31, 2015. I was going to pay the fine online when I noticed that the expiration date is noted as “N/S-Rain” which not sure why it says not shown because the registration sticker on my windshield is visible, not mutilated or unclear and everything including the date is legible. Also the body type was noted as 4DSD when my car is a two door coupe and is a 2DSD which is also noted on my registration sticker. I would assume there would be no mercy since I did have an expired inspection sticker but just thought I’d ask if it’s worth disputing the ticket?
Thank you in advance!
Yes, I would dispute it. Make sure you raise these points and include a copy of your registration.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a traffic violation for having my ” phone in right hand to mouth”. But the ticket itself does not have a date or time of occurence. Im guessing, this makes it automatically invalid?
Also, i was given another viloation for being parked at a NO PARKING zone but the officer had written down the incorrect color of my vehicle. Is this valid to plead not guilty?
You should win the cell phone ticket but at the Traffic Violations Bureau there are no guarantees. It is a very difficult court in which to beat a traffic ticket. In regard to your parking ticket the wrong color does not render the ticket fatally defective.
Matthew Weiss
On 4/6/15 I found a ticket on my windshield because the vehicle registration was expired (just 4 days). When I went into the system to pay the ticket, I found out I have another fine for the same violation on 4/4/15 (this ticket notice was not on the windshield, though).
I didn’t move the car between these dates. However, in the 4/6 ticket the field “date/time 1st observed” is empty (N/A). Given that apparently I got another ticket two days earlier, shouldn’t that field state that? Is it possible I can get to pay only one ticket out of the two?
Thank you!
I do not think that you’ll win based on what you wrote. The “date/time 1st observed” field is not required, and your two tickets were issued on two different days. The fact that the first one wasn’t received by you (could have been removed by someone or blown away) doesn’t help you either, in my opinion.
Matthew Weiss
I left a comment above and didn’t receive a response.
Thanks for your prompt response the judge decision stated that the identifying information of car ,plate number etc was I guess sufficient. Anyway thanks
my parking ticket which was generated by their hand held computer does not list the summons number on the ticket.I challenged this in traffic court and still was found guilty . I went on line and could not find a summons number for ticket . For the future do I have a case.
Jose Morales,
This is a new one to me. I honestly haven’t heard this one. I’m not sure how a ticket could be associated to you or your registration, however, without a number.
Matthew Weiss
I received a parking ticket for parking in a no standing zone where the complainant’s comments reads temporary construction, regulation no driver no permit. I was unaware that the area was not a parking zone as other cars were parked and I had put a meter ticket on my dashboard from the parking meter kiosk. I still have that ticket. Do I have a case to dispute the ticket or is my ignorance not an excuse?
I received a parking ticket at 9:06 when I should have moved my car at 9:00. I pleaded not-guilty and gave them all my information online. I just received a copy of the paper ticket in the mail, and it’s made out to my mother who recently passed away. I switched the car to my name after receiving the ticket. Can I get away with not paying it?
Thank you!
Since the ticket is issued in the name of your mother (and since she was the registered owner on the date of its issuance), then you are not personally responsible for it. Since she has passed, her estate would be responsible.
Matthew Weiss
I parked my car near by the bus stop, about 20 feet away and still got a ticket. I agree is my fault but when i was ready to pay the ticket online, i realized the the plate number was incorrect by one letter.
What should I do? Any advise will be appreciated.
John Vinet,
You should fight this ticket. Provide proof of the registration so that the PVB judge sees that the wrong plate is listed. You should win.
Matthew Weiss
I got an inspection sticker expired ticket, same day going to get a new inspection making one quick stop. only took less then a minute. It was in a garage. I got a new sticker in 1 hour. Is there anything I can do for a remedy?
Unfortunately, an inspection ticket cannot be remedied after-the-fact (unlike an equipment violation).
Matthew Weiss