My dear friend Lawrence Berezin of New York Parking has graciously shared his user-friendly way to identify defects in a New York City parking ticket. The below image show the 10 items which must be properly completed in order for your NYC parking ticket to be valid. If any one (or more) of these items are omitted or incorrect, you should plead not guilty to the ticket and explain which of these items are defective.
The Easiest Way To Fight A NYC Parking Ticket
Matthew Weiss
Matthew J. Weiss, Esq. graduated Hofstra Law School in 1984. He was Law Review and won the law school’s prestigious Procedure Award. Upon graduation, he became one of the first Hofstra Law School graduates to work at the New York State Court of Appeals (New York State’s highest court) working on various appellate matters.
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Text your ticket to (516) 558-5586 or fill out the form below. We fight any New York State traffic ticket EXCEPT parking, red light camera, and speeding camera tickets.
1301 Comments. Leave new
Good Morning,
I got a parking ticket yesterday because of alternate side parking. I completely read the timee wrong, which is my fault. But I noticed that on the ticket the cop did not put the registration expiration date. He just wrote N/A. I am from NJ and the registration is clearly displayed in the window. Do you think this is grounds to fight the ticket? Thanks
This may be a good defense if the registration’s expiration date is visible on the sticker in your windshield. If not, then I wouldn’t bother.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket for parking too close to a fire hydrant. The tag number is missing a letter but the VIN is correct. Should I pay this ticket?
Fight it. The wrong plate number is a viable defense to a NYC parking ticket.
Matthew Weiss
Hello Matthew,
I recently had my car towed for being in an Alternate Side, Street Cleaning zone during the posted hours of 6:00am-7:30am. After getting the car out of impound there was a parking ticket for the same violation on the windshield. The parking ticket was issued at 6:06am, and the car was towed at 6:51am. Is it reasonable to have the car towed within an hour of being ticketed? Do I have any ground to stand on for appealing the towing fee?
Thank you for your advice,
John C,
I don’t think you’ll win. Sorry. Here are the towing rules: Vehicles can be towed if they are parked illegally or if you owe more than $350 for parking tickets or camera violations that are in judgment. If your vehicle is towed due to parking tickets or camera violations, it does not matter whether it is parked on a public street or private property. Any vehicles registered under your name may be towed for judgment debt.
Matthew Weiss
My car was towed from Riverside Drive (a portion of it was touching the very end of a bus stop) and I had to pay 185$ for the service. Once I retrieved my car, I noticed there was no ticket on it. I called and they said that, assuming there IS a ticket because my car was towed, that the ticket won’t be available online to see for 5-10 business days. I’m going away in a couple days and won’t have time to fight my case within 30 days.
The signs were also very confusing because there was a No Parking Monday/Thursday from 9:30-11 pointing AWAY from where I was parked and I was in front of that, AND at an intersection, and I thought that the intersection marked the end of a bus stop?
Are any of these concerns grounds for refunding the ticket/and or the service fee for the towing?
Thanks so so much for your help.
I don’t think you’ll win. Sorry. Here are the towing rules: Vehicles can be towed if they are parked illegally or if you owe more than $350 for parking tickets or camera violations that are in judgment. If your vehicle is towed due to parking tickets or camera violations, it does not matter whether it is parked on a public street or private property. Any vehicles registered under your name may be towed for judgment debt.
Matthew Weiss
I am currently in the process of disputing a ticket for parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. This was adjourned due to pictures not uploading correctly and I will be going in to the BOF office to provide the photographs.
I was looking online, and found that I had ANOTHER ticket for parking within 15 of a hydrant from a few days before at a nearby location. I never saw a ticket on the car to alert me to this violation. At this point, the 30 days to contest that ticket have passed and $10 have been added to my penalty.
Is it remotely possible to argue that I should not be liable because I never saw a ticket in the first place? If I had seen a ticket, I would have taken the time to take pictures to justify parking where I did, but did not have an opportunity to do so because there was simply no ticket on my car on the date in question.
Thanks in advance.
I don’t think you’ll win on these grounds. Otherwise, it would be generally too easy for motorists to claim that they didn’t receive the ticket.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew,
I recently got a parking ticket at a 1 hour limit Parking area. I noticed that on the ticket, at the “Time ” right before the “Date of the offense “, the police officer wrote the time (12:00) but did not specify whether it was a AM or PM. Do you think the ticket can be dismissed on the base of time not specified. I must add that the officer mentionned somewhere below that He first observed the car at 10 AM.
Thanks in advance for your help.
It seems like that error will not be enough to obtain a dismissal given that he correctly wrote AM elsewhere. With that said, feel free to give the argument a try.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Thanks for your quick reply to my questions!
Just to be clear, if I have never received a parking ticket in NYC for any reason (I live in Vermont and rarely drive into the city) then I should not have had a boot put on my vehicle, right? The violation for which they booted me was “No standing Mon-Fri 4P-7P”. Two other vehicles parked just up the road from me were also booted within minutes of me. I didn’t ask them (we shared a cab fare to Flushing), but I have no previous violations in judgment and no unpaid tickets.
To reiterate, the officer put the wrong make and body type on the ticket which makes me think I can claim it as a defective violation. I should be expecting a refund for the boot removal fee, right?
That’s correct in my opinion.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a $115.00 ticket for a No Standing Mon-Fri 4P-7P violation and was also booted. The boot seemed harsh and extreme for this violation – didn’t see the one sign on the block, did see lots of other cars parked and parking when I pulled in at 4:00 and paid at the Muni-Meter. I know they boot for bus lane violations in judgment. What does “in judgment” mean? To an out-of-towner like me, booting for this violation seems counterintuitive…it forced my vehicle to block the lane for an additional 90 minutes as I rode in a cab to Flushing, paid the fee and returned.
The ticket incorrectly identified the make of my vehicle (says Chevy – it’s a Dodge) and body type (says SUBN which I assume means Suburban – it’s a Grand Caravan). I’m thinking this allows me to plead not guilty. If the ticket is voided, will they approve the refund of the $185.00 boot fee?
“In judgment” means you did not timely respond to the ticket and your time in which to do so has ran. It is very hard to un-do a ticket in judgment even if there are mistakes in it. With that said, do not let me discourage you from trying. Finally, in regard to the boot, you must have owed $350+ or more as this is the threshold to be booted.
Matthew Weiss
I got a parking ticket sent in a Dispute and this is what the reason stated on the letter I got from them why they wont dismiss it
Violation Number: ……….
The respondent has been charged with violating Traffic Rule 4-08(d)(1) by parking a vehicle in violation of officially posted street cleaning rules as defined in Traffic Rule 408(a)(7)(iii). Respondent testifies that “it says on ticket that I was parked in front of 5117 14 Ave, while I was clearly parked in front of 5119 14 Ave”. This is not a valid legal defense, as under these circumstance, a passenger plated vehicle is not authorized to park within the restricted zone during the time when the regulation is in effect. Upheld.”
would you suggest I should appeal that it is invalid ticket?
and how can I proove them that a wrong address makes a ticket invalid?
Thanks in advance!
Winning a parking ticket appeal is very hard. I personally don’t think it is worth trying. With that said, don’t let me stop you if you feel strongly about it.
Matthew Weiss
I live in NC and just received a pre-penalty notice from NYC. On June 4th, I was dropping my wife and luggage off at an apartment when a patrol car pulled up behind my vehicle. I moved my vehicle to an appropriate parking space but was never approached by an officer. I also never received a citation on my vehicle. Can they actually is issue a citation without actually acknowledging the driver when they are present? Should I contest?
You could contest it arguing that you were not properly served with the summons and that, therefore, the court never obtained personal jurisdiction over you. If you do, please post how you make out. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I recently received a ticket for 4-08(j)(2) for “covered plate” with the comments “no receipt on dash” and “Plastic Cover on Plate.” I did not, nor have I ever had, a plastic cover on my license plate. They were correct that I did not have a receipt on the dash, but I was never charged with that violation. I’m not sure that it matters, but my time of offense was 9:51pm, 9 minutes before the end of metered parking (10pm). Being that I never had a cover and I wasn’t charged with no ticket on dash, what’s the best way I can fight this ticket?
Thank you,
Donny Korpi,
The best and only way to fight this ticket is to plead not guilty. You should submit your proof at your hearing and make all relevant arguments. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi, I was stopped by police officer when I was riding a bike. I received a ticket for “not using a bike line”. In the ticket officer misspelled my first name and my address too. Any suggestions what should I do. Thank you a lot for your help
These errors do not render your ticket fatally defective.
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket for Under Code 70 as my registration sticker was epired and the new one crossed in the mail…it actually arrived that same day. I had a temporary in the window and attached my receipt from DMV where I ordered my registration 2 weeks prior in the mail. I was still found guilty with the following response. I would like to appeal it. Please advise.
“The respondent has been charged with violating Traffic Rule 4-08(j)(3) by standing or parking a vehicle bearing New York plate or plates that did not display a current registration sticker.Find vehicle had been parked on street while displaying an expired temporary
certificate of registration as alleged.Claim registration renewal had been filed for prior to issaunce of ticket does not constitute a defense as vehicle was not permitted to be parked on street while displaying an expired temporary certificate of registration”.
Furthermore I received a second ticket the same day for failure to display my ticket correctly as I went to the hardware store around the corner to try to take the sticker off the windshield and layed the new reg on the dashboard, left the temporary along with the old reg…so I had two tickets on my window for pretty much the same thing.
Your help would be appreciated.
Thank you
I do not think you will win the appeal. You didn’t have the registration when the ticket was issued (even though it was “ordered”).
In regard to the second ticket, if it was issued VERY close in time to the first one (and at the same location), then you may be able to beat it. Even if you had the valid registration when it was issued, I does not sound like you had validly displayed it.
Matthew Weiss
Matthew Weiss
Great Website! I recently received a ticket for parking in a “no parking zone”. on the space where the officer is to fill out the state where the license plate is from he filled in “NY” however my license plate is a nj license plate, so I ignored the ticket, however when they send me a copy of the ticket the officer switched it from ny to nj. I still have the original ticket that says “NY”. Do I have a case?
Thank you for your kind remarks.
You can try and argue this mistake. It may be successful but this is not one of the fundamentally important elements discussed in the above article.
Matthew Weiss
I recently received a parking ticket on my motorcycle that stated CODE 60 Angle Parking. This boggles my mind because all motorcycles and scooters in NYC are parked at a 90 degree angle (tire to the curb). Such as my motorcycle when the ticket was issued. I looked up this code but could not find any law specifying the “correct” angle of how a motorcycle should park. This was issued by an NYPD officer at 11PM on a local neighborhood street. I believe this ticket was wrongfully written for other reasons… However, what is the best case to argue at this point? I have taken photos of my parking and the “angle” that all motorcycles and scooters are parked in this city.
Any advice is appreciated. Thank you in advance for your response!
I would make ALL arguments. However, as best I can tell, Code 60 prohibits standing or parking at an angle to the curb (except where authorized by rule or sign). With that said, I know that it is commonplace for motorcyclists to park perpendicular to the curb and I rarely see these vehicles ticketed. Seems like you had some bad luck.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew, first of all great website. And thanks for dedicating your time to read and answer people’s questions. If only politicians could do the same.
I have a question of my own. Recently got a ticket for Expired inspection sticker. Did the inspection the same day the ticket was issued and submitted the photo of the valid inspection sticker on windshield with the VIN number shown for an online hearing. Now the the status of the ticket says “Hearing held: adjournment”. The balance of $65 still shows there. I am guessing the ticket is not dismissed but not guilty either. Should i just pay the ticket or wait to see what the judge asks and then end up paying late fees after 30 days?
Thank you for your kind words about the site and my various responses. I’m going to ask our local parking ticket expert … Lawrence Berezin. … to answer your question.
Matthew Weiss
Dear Matthew,
I parked by mistake in a zone with a sign:
“No Standing 3PM-1AM except TLC licensed vehicles prearranged service only”
And was issued a ticket at 12:11 AM, stating the following violation:
“No Standing
Days/HRS: All days/All times”
So, they were correct to issue the ticket, but put the times of the “No Standing” restriction wrong.
However, below, in the Complainants Comments section is written:
“only TLC, no driver, no permit”
I have clear pictures of the sign with my car next to it.
1. Do I have a legitimate case for dismissal based on the wrong time of the restriction?
2. If so, is it better to appeal in person (I read this is statistically better), or online/by mail, since it is a technical error, making it hard to argue for dismissal with a straight face in front of a Judge.
Thank you very much for your help in advance!
It is best to fight in person. With that said, I don’t think you have a very good defense.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Mr. Weiss,
I received a ticket for an expired motorcycle inspection sticker. My copy of the ticket has barely legible information written down on it. The online detail of the violation indicates the plate as having an “I” and a “S”, not the actual “1” and “5”.
Do I have a case, despite the shape similarities? If so, is it better to do this online, by mail or in person?
Thank you,
Yes, plead not guilty. The wrong plate on the ticket is a viable defense. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Thanks for your advice. I don’t have any outstanding tickets. I went to dispute the ticket today, but the Judge found no reason to dismiss the ticket. In fact, there was no mention of the boot ANYWHERE on the decision summary – I spoke about it alot, and it’s as if he didn’t even hear anything about it. There’s only mention of the parking violation. Any suggestion on how to get this ridiculous boot fee reversed?
Your only option at this point is to file and perfect an administrative appeal.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
A ticket was issued and the color of the vehicle is incorrect. Do I have a strong enough defense to dispute?
D. Burgos,
This article sets for the required elements and the color is NOT one of them (i.e., the wrong color does not render your ticket fatally defective.
Matthew Weiss
I parked at about 2:30 pm in a no standing from 4-7pm. I had returned to my car late at 4:20 to see them putting a boot on my car!! Not only did they give me a $115 ticket, but I was forced to go down and pay $185 to get my boot taken off. It took more than 2 hours until they finally showed up to take off the boot after I paid. What right did they have to boot my car? I was given a ticket and that should be it. No reason for 2 fines (and 4 hours and money for cab wasted) Can this be a case of improper immobilization?
Thank You
You can be booted for owing the city more than $350 in parking, red light camera or bus lane violation tickets that are in judgment.
Matthew Weiss
I received a $105 ticket for parking on a street where it said ‘only NY license plates may park here.’ The car had a PA license plate.
However, after walking up and down the street numerous times, my girlfriend and I did not see the parking sign. It was obscured by a tree, which we found out a month later from our friend who check out the street.
Is this a valid reason to fight the ticket?
Thank you!
Unless you have photos showing the foliage obstructing your sign(s), I doubt that you will win.
Matthew Weiss
Thank you for clarifying that up for me. but I’m actually more discombobulated now. The court say their original judgement was correct? Then why the “reverse”? Do you know who I should call to make sure whether I was ruled guilty or not?
I tried to answer your question based on very limited information and no documentation. I am sorry if it was not helpful. With that said, you can call or visit the NYC Department of Finance for further help.
Matthew Weiss
I got a traffic boot for being a no standing zone. We were there as they were putting it on but they still refused to stop. The ticket is 115 for the violation is and on top of that it’s 185 to remove the boot.
What purpose does the boot serve if I have a ticket anyway!!
My car was ticketed to free an extra lane during ruah hour. No clue what good it does sitting there. Any chance to fight this because the officer didn’t put out on yet?
You can be booted for owing the city more than $350 in parking, red light camera or bus lane violation tickets that are in judgment.
In regard to fighting it, I don’t know what “didn’t put out on yet” means.
Matthew Weiss
i received a parking ticket for “failure to display municipal receipt” on 4/27/15 2:17pm. when i send in the proof that i did have a receipt from 4/27/15 2:11pm – 4/27/15 3:11pm the court responded with “after careful review we find there is reversible error of fact or law therefore we are affirming the decision.” what does it mean by that? do i need to pay for my violation? or are they reversing the decision?
“Affirming” means that whatever the hearing officer ruled (presumably guilty) was correct in the appellate judge’s opinion. As for the merits of your appeal, with the proof you describe, it sounds like you should have won but, of course, I do not have enough information to draw an opinion.
Matthew Weiss
I parked my car on a NYC street, and got a ticket for being in a crosswalk at 8:20pm & another at 5:54am the next morning and vehicle was towed.
I have 4 questions:
1-Can the city ticket the same car for same offense twice within 24 hours?
2-If that second ticket is successfully appealed would they refund the towing fee? Or can they tow automatically if it is a crosswalk violation?
3-It is very questionable that my vehicle was blocking a crosswalk. I took pictures of the area, but of course don’t have a picture of my car parked there.
4-How should I contest all of the tickets & towing fee?
This is very costly, as the tickets were $115 each and the towing fee was $185 (total of over $400).
Thank you.
1-Can the city ticket the same car for same offense twice within 24 hours? yes.
2-If that second ticket is successfully appealed would they refund the towing fee? no.
3-It is very questionable that my vehicle was blocking a crosswalk. I took pictures of the area, but of course don’t have a picture of my car parked there. photos without your card will be given very limited weight.
4-How should I contest all of the tickets & towing fee? the only way to contest any parking ticket is to plead not guilty.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received an expired parking meter ticket even though the receipt was still not yet expired. I did an online hearing and wrote that it was displayed on the passenger side instead of the driver side. I also uploaded the picture of the receipt which clearly says the time was not yet expired. Will this still get dismissed despite the passenger side/driver side mistake on the online hearing? Thanks
You should win this case based on your proof that you had an un-expired Muni Meter receipt.
Matthew Weiss
I received a PRE-PENALTY Notice of Unpaid Violation. Violation was never issued. the date of violation was 05/15/15 the letter was dated 06/02/15 and received 06/08/15. I viewed the information online and it is my vehicle. My question is if the traffic agent never left a copy on the vehicle do I have grounds for dismissal. I have never heard of the city sending a letter before additional penalties incur.
You still must answer this ticket. If you plead not guilty, you can argue, however, that it was not properly served upon you.
Matthew Weiss
I got a parking ticket of $115 for parking by a school it had a No Standing School days Hours 7-4 sign, I was looking for any mistakes on my ticket and I found 2 small things and I would like to hear your opinion if any of these things are mistakes and if I could fight the ticket.
1) it says that I was parked by a No Standing all days place and only in the comments did he write School Days.
2) the address doesn’t exist because there is a School yard there but when I typed in Google Maps the address it took me to the exact spot where I got my ticket.
and If I cant fight the ticket can I still get $20 off by pleading not guilty?
thanks in advance
Efraim Schaya,
An incorrect address is good grounds to argue for dismissal.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hello. I received a parking ticket (violation of Section 4-08(c)) and the body type shown on the ticket is incorrect. My car is two-door Honda Accord, however the ticket lists “4DSD.” Is this enough to get the ticket dismissed, and if so, how?
This may be enough. You should certainly make the argue attaching your registration to prove the body type error.
Matthew Weiss
This is not for NYC. I stay in Stamford, CT and recently received a parking violation ticket for parking in a handicapped spot. Now, this was in front of my apartment and I know that place well, and I am more than certain that I didn’t park on a handicapped spot.
I tried to appeal the ticket, but unfortunately both the initial review and the formal hearing went against me. I am still planning to fight it in the court, because I am genuinely not guilty. When I was going through the ticket again to see if this time some technicality can help me, since sane logic didn’t work out, I found that the color of my car has been wrongly mentioned in ticket as “White”. My registration for some reason says it is green, whereas to most people, it would appear to be silver. Can I count on this anomaly to fight it out in the court? Or should I focus more on the other things?
Sayantan Das,
The wrong color in New York is helpful so I assume it is in CT. My advice is to make any and all relevant arguments.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hello, I got a parking ticket in NYC for expired muni meter. I was paying for additional time when it happened. But there was a 15 min delay bc I couldn’t get any muni meter to work in the vicinity. So I do have the paid receipt but stamped15 mins after the original one expired. The actual parking ticket doesn’t have the correct vin number for my car. Should I try to dispute this ticket ? And on which grounds?
From what you write, I would say don’t bother fighting it. There is a only a 5-minute grace and the omitted VIN is not a grounds for dismissal.
Matthew Weiss
I just received the ticket and it’s less than 30 day old. However, the violation notice came in my husbands name who have been deceased since 2012 and he car has been registered in my name name since then.
If the ticket is issued in the name of a deceased person and the car is not registered in the deceased person’s name, then I wouldn’t bother answering this parking ticket.
Matthew Weiss
I am currently living in NJ and I received a ticket in NY about two weeks ago for which I was planning on disputing. However, when the violation was sent it was sent to my old address and in my deceased husband name who has been dead since 2012 and which after his passing the car has been registered in my name since then. I am not sure why the notice was sent in his name because per NJ records I am the registered owner since 2012. The only think I can think about was that in 2012 we went to NYC to get his treatments done and thank to those confusing signs the car was towed and they are going by that old information. What should I do or how should I dispute this ticket since the notice isn’t in my name.
My advice would be to pay the ticket. I’m sure your case is now in judgment meaning it’s pretty much too late to try and fight it.
Matthew Weiss
What is considered “blocking” a driveway in Richmond county? A Neighbor and I share parking spaces. At the time of written ticket, my bumper gave more than enough space for her car to pass.
Also The Plate number on my vehicle was written incorrect. Would appreciate some assistance on disputing this
The wrong plate number is your best argument to be this ticket. Make sure to include a copy of your registration to prove the error.
In regard to “room” argument, you can park in front of the curb cut even if sufficient room is afforded for access to the driveway.
Matthew Weiss
Received parking ticket 2ft near hydrant in Queens. It was my first time experience parking in NY in general and I didn’t know 15ft rule. Anyway my ticket is missing expiration date, year of the vehicle, date time first observed, and wrong vehicle body type. What are my options? Thanks.
You should plead not guilty via mail (or in-person), and point out those omissions (but don’t bother discussing your ignorance of NYC law).
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi there,
Thank you so much for taking sometime to respond back to me.
I was able to print the ticket online which actually says “Double Parking” Violation.
It may have looked like I was double parking to the officer however the fact it my car was never on parking shift it was on the drive mode all the time when this incident occurred. I was trying to allow the car in front of me to get a parking space and I had no way to get out from there since this was one way street and the car in front of me was blocking my way while he was trying to get into the parking spot. I had to stop to let the car in front of me to get the parking spot but I wasn’t parking my car on the street.
is there a way for me to fight this ticket?
Thanks in advance,
Bik Bista
Bik Bista,
You can certainly plead not guilty and make this argument. However, I cannot provide odds or predict results.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
i was waiting for a traffic agent to move her car at west 56th/7th ave, so i could pick up my passenger. i asked the agent when she would be moving, so i could make my pick up. She said for asking she was going to write me a ticket for being in a no standing zone. i thought she wasn’t serious. I just got an almost late notice in the mail. was never issued the ticket. how do i fight this?
William Morris,
You can fight it by pleading not guilty. The failure of the traffic agent to serve you with the ticket may be a basis to challenge the ticket. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I was in Jackson heights in 82nd street in one way driving my car and there was a car in front of my waiting for the parking space since he saw a car trying to get off the parking space. I had to wait behind him since there wasn’t enough space for me to pass his car. Within 30 seconds, parking officer showed up and said that I am getting a ticket, I told her I am waiting for this front car to clear my way but she didn’t care. In the mean time I saw the road was clear and I started driving but she followed me to stop sign and threw the ticket to my window. The ticket didn’t make my window and got dropped outside which I didn’t pick up.
I wasn’t trying to stop my car to go somewhere, I was just waiting on the car who was in front of me to clear my way. She didn’t give me warning or try to understand the situation. She didn’t even hand me the ticket. I am not sure what should be done now since I don’t even have the ticket.
Any expert suggestions is appreciated.
Bik Bista,
You can search the Department of Finance’s website to locate the ticket. You should answer it.
Matthew Weiss
Hi, I recieved a parking ticket for parking on the street during street cleaning. However, the make of the car on the ticket is wrong. Should I pay this ticket?
Dan P,
The wrong make is a good argument to make in defense of your ticket. Give it a shot and include your registration to show the error.
Matthew Weiss
First of all, I think this is such a great service. Thank you!
My wife got a parking ticket for 45 dollars in row 21 on the ticket (NO PARKING, SCR d 1). IT’s missing a date and time first observed and the officer’s name at the bottom is not particularly legible. Should I appeal?
Thank you!
Thank you for the nice comment. From what you wrote, I don’t think you’ll win if you fight this ticket.
Matthew Weiss
My wife got booted and ticketed for parking at a “farmers marker only” on Mt. Eden in the Bronx.
She was parked adjacent to a sign that was completely covered by tree branches, I have a picture of the ticketed car parked by the sign, I realize I need more pictures to capture the entire block.
If there is another (clear) sign indicating this restriction at the head of the block (she was at the other end) will we lose the appeal even though the sign she was parked by was blocked?
If there is another sign nearby, then you will not win on the “sign obstructed by foliage” defense. If the other sign is not too close, then you can win with proper photographs.
Matthew Weiss
I just checked yesterday(05/16/2015) and saw that I had a $200 parking ticket since june of 2013. What action do you recommend I take?it was 51-sidewalk which apparently mean stopping or standing on a sidewalk.
Since it is likely in judgment already, you should pay it.
Matthew Weiss
I got a parking ticket he other day and am very confused about it.
I always park over a walk over bridge when I am going to school. The street has 4 different signs that say “no standing” and “no stopping”. No where does it say no parking.
The closest sign was approimetly 20 feet in front of me, and I had another about 25 feet behind me.
There was nothing next to me, so I thought it would be okay, seeing that I, along with about 20 other students, park there all the time, but when I came back to my car, I was the only one with a ticket.
Also, After reviewing the ticket, I saw that they wrote “no parking” but no where was there a no parking sign near me.
Do I have a case to fight this ticket?
You cannot “park” in a no standing or no stopping zone. With that said, if your ticket was issued under the wrong statute, then this is a good legal argument for dismissal. I recommend looking up the actual regulation under which you were charged and see if you violated its language.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Dear Emmy,
Good morning.
I think the boot and 2-hour later tow process is a grotesque money grab. I’m trying to find out where the police department gets the authority to boot and tow a chariot and collect two fines for the same parking violation.
With that said, I’m sorry to say that you have a tough road ahead. Once you pay a parking ticket you technically waive your right to contest it (unless it’s within 30 days of a written decision and order and you appeal the judge’s decision).
Were the phantom parking tickets in judgment? If so, I don’t have a winning strategy to help.
Recently, our car was towed from our street for outstanding tickets. We had 4 outstanding tickets, but they did not total over $350. However, they were close ($298), so we thought must be that. Anyway, we paid for the tickets, booting fee and tow fee (yes, they booted the same time as towing?!) via the boot release line. Later, after we got the car back we saw that the tickets had not gone away from the finance website. We called the boot release line, and they informed us that we had paid for not our $298, but $412 for four tickets that were all outstanding. ?! They are all in our neighborhood and in places where
We do keep track of our tickets online, and said, but what are these mystery tickets? They were all issued within a one month time span, and the boot release line people stated that these tickets NEVER APPEARED ONLNE. My theory is that we never committed these violations at all, however this is impossible to prove. HOWEVER, because they never appeared online, can we argue that we would not have ever had an opportunity to even pay or argue these tickets and therefore the charges, boot and tow fee should all be dismissed (and applied to our ACTUAL tickets)?
Thank you in advance for your help. This has cost us over $1000, and we desperately need to recoup at least some of these losses.
I got a ticket for overtime at a meter which I fought online arguing the car was broken down & sold to a junk dealer 2 days later. I was told by a 311 operator that I did have to present proof that the car was not moveable & that it was junked less than 48 hrs. after the summons was issued. He said if I was found guilty I could appeal & mail in proof. My computer is not equipped to transmit documents. He said parking court was NOT like criminal court in which appeals must be procedural grounds. I was found guilty online. I appealed by mail & included a bill of sale & a receipt from a service station. I was found guilty again the (barely legible) explanation was that I presented no proof of “reversible error.” That meant (I think) I can’t present new evidence & can only appeal on procedural grounds. Is that true? Can I appeal the appeal because the 311 operator misinformed me? Is it more trouble than the $35 fine is worth?
Robert Forte,
I doubt that you’ll win an appeal based on what you wrote. It’s unfortunate that you were mis-advised but I don’t think it will be availing.
Matthew Weiss
I got a $65 ticket for having no plate on my Vespa scooter. On the ticket the officer did not indicate the Make and Year of the scooter. I contested the ticket online saying that it was defective ticket since Make / Year were not indicated. The judge rejected this argument by saying that I needed to present evidence that the MAKE is visible on the scooter and since the evidence was not presented the ticket still stands. I understand that I cannot present “new” evidence on appeal in terms of pictures, but can I argue that the MAKE is visible in multiple places on the vehicle and the officer failed to fill it in or look for it. Should it have been my responsibility to present visible evidence that it is possible to see the MAKE? Thanks,
It is your responsibility to present your case in the best way possible. With that said, I don’t think it is worth appealing.
Matthew Weiss
I have a ticket for no parking mon-friday 8-6. but im am parked at a sign that says no parking 1130-1. The issue is the nose of my car is sticking past this sign a bit. However the area in front of my car is a large garage bay door. The sign im parked at is placed about 4 feet in from the corner, so as not to waste valuable parking space I pull in close to the corner usually because this is the neighborhood I live and parking is very difficult. Is this something than be fought? It seems completely ridiculous to me to have a ticket for only the front of my car protruding past the sign when im clearly parked at the sign that is directly above my car.
Andrew Matteson,
To me, it sounds like you don’t have much of a defense. Sorry.
With that said, feel free to fight it and make whatever arguments you deem appropriate.
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket for ignoring a sign while driving in to a Toll with Cash on an Ez-pas entrance. But I was pretty sure that it was a cash entrance when I entered however there was nobody at the counter and the gentleman came after a minute and issued me aticket of 138$.
I pleaded not guilty and they sent me a letter to appear for hearing. However, my name on the Licence / Ticket does not have space between my two first name whereas my SSN has a space. So can I plead not guilty for not guilty for un-matching name on Ticket and SSN??
Second, I do not have a proof that the sign was Cash while entering. How can I fight this? Do I have a chance?
Thank you.
That defect does not seem to be a winning argument. In terms of proof, you can go back and take photographs but I’m not convinced those will help you beat this ticket anyway.
Matthew Weiss