The Suffolk County Traffic and Parking Violations Bureau (SCTVPA) in Hauppauge can no longer sentence a driver to jail or impose bail on a traffic defendant. Instead, any such potential…
Thanks to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s focus on the eliminating the dangers of distracted driving, New York State has enacted some of the toughest laws to combat this epidemic. Through the years,…
The Staten Island Traffic Violation Bureau is widely known to be the worst TVB court in the system. There are essentially only two judges there and one, by the name…
The answer to this question is pretty bad. There are all types of rules in place at the Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) that make it very hard for motorists to…
Once you are convicted of a moving violation in New York, there are only two ways to deduct points from your license. One involves time and the other involves education. But…
Points on your record only count for DMV purposes for 18 months from the date of offense (and 36 months from the date of conviction for insurance purposes). The Driver…
Unlike adult seat belts violations, traffic tickets issued for failing to wear a child seat belt carry 3 points each. However, the points do not make these serious tickets, nor does…
Various news organizations are reporting that thieves armed with hacking devices are breaking into, and even starting, cars without much effort. One hacking device intercepts your key fob’s radio signal. A bad…
In 1984, when New York became the first state to impose a seat belt law, motorists complained that the law diminished their freedoms and others argued that they actually made them less…
Text your ticket to (516) 558-5586 or fill out the form below. We fight any New York State traffic ticket EXCEPT parking, red light and speeding camera tickets.