In New York City, it was widely publicized when a man dressed as Santa Claus was issued a NYC traffic ticket for being double parked in November 2008. The 60-year old retired school teacher dressed as Kriss Kringle was ticketed while handing out Christmas gifts nearby. Less commonly known is the outcome of Santa’s case. He contested the $115 but Scrooge-like parking officials unfortunately were not in the Christmas spirit finding him guilty as charged. Bottom line: Even a good costume won’t get you out of a ticket.
Santa Claus Issued A New York City Traffic Ticket
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Matthew Weiss
Matthew J. Weiss, Esq. graduated Hofstra Law School in 1984. He was Law Review and won the law school’s prestigious Procedure Award. Upon graduation, he became one of the first Hofstra Law School graduates to work at the New York State Court of Appeals (New York State’s highest court) working on various appellate matters.
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