My dear friend Lawrence Berezin of New York Parking has graciously shared his user-friendly way to identify defects in a New York City parking ticket. The below image show the 10 items which must be properly completed in order for your NYC parking ticket to be valid. If any one (or more) of these items are omitted or incorrect, you should plead not guilty to the ticket and explain which of these items are defective.
The Easiest Way To Fight A NYC Parking Ticket
Matthew Weiss
Matthew J. Weiss, Esq. graduated Hofstra Law School in 1984. He was Law Review and won the law school’s prestigious Procedure Award. Upon graduation, he became one of the first Hofstra Law School graduates to work at the New York State Court of Appeals (New York State’s highest court) working on various appellate matters.
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Text your ticket to (516) 558-5586 or fill out the form below. We fight any New York State traffic ticket EXCEPT parking, red light camera, and speeding camera tickets.
1301 Comments. Leave new
Quick question. My sister in law received a cell phone ticket while here visiting from Florida. I noticed right away that the officer that wrote the ticket did not write the correct address. She lives in Hollywood, Florida and the officer wrote Hollywood, NY. I’m not sure this voids the take it so I was looking for some help on this one. Thank you
Michael Koch,
The wrong address does not render your sister’s cell phone ticket fatally defective.
Matthew Weiss
Hey! So I realized I was runnjng late to move my car and I got there just as the officer as getting out of her car. It was raining and my car was already started. She hasn’t started writingthe ticket yet. I got in the car and had to wait for her to finish. Now the ticket says N/S-Rain on expiration date section. And in fine print at the bottom, it says, ” if the operator was present I indicated The Operators name or indicated ID refused and personally serve this notice upon Him/her” but she never said anything or asked for my ID. What can I do?
You can fight it or pay it. If you fight it, I would argue that the omitted expiration date renders the ticket fatally defective.
Matthew Weiss
I received two parking tickets- I was parked off of a corner, where it was legal to park for 4 days. 2 days after I parked, the city put up a “Fire Zone, No Standing” sign, and I immediately received 2 tickets by the same officer 24 hours apart. Do I have a case?
Sounds like you can argue that the notice wasn’t sufficient (especially given that you parked there before the signs were erected with 4 legal days).
Give it a shot and let us know what happens.
Good luck!
Matthew WEISS
Mr. Weiss,
Thank you so much for your time. I am sure everyone appreciates your help.
I received a ticket for expired registration in Montauk for forgetting to place the extension notice in the window. The issuing officer wrote the wrong license plate but correct vin number. Is that enough to fight it?
Thanks again,
The wrong license place is a fatal defect. Go fight it!
Matthew Weiss
My car was towed away from “temporary non-standing anytime/temporary construction regulation”. It was Saturday morning and i left the car for 12 minutes. Piece if information is listed incorrect. instead of 486 BlaBla street, says 86 BlaBla Street.
What’s my best strategy beating this ticket?
1. To say that the address is incorrect and the ticket is defective.
2. Go with the story that the ticket was issued on 86 BlaBla street where “non standing regulation” do not exist.
3. Admit the the car was parked illegal and try to win by saying: the car was left for 15 min, it was Saturday morning, other cars were parked under same regulation. etc..
Thank you
No. 1 is your best bet. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a parking ticket but it listed the car as BLU color. The car is Silver color.
Where do I find the official listed color of the car so I can submit as proof?
Thank you
The wrong color does not render your parking ticket fatally defective. Sorry.
Matthew Weiss
Hi, I received a ticket in a No Standing Area. I stepped out of my car to check if something was lodged underneath the car since I heard loud scraping noise as I was driving. I returned to my car and had the car running, I was getting ready to leave and an officer told me that I was getting a ticket. I explained why I was stopped but no luck. The officer did not write my name on the ticket so I don’t know how to prove that I was actually there. I was in Midtown and its virtually all commercial vehicles only during the day so it was either stop to check my car or risk damaging my car.
Karina M,
From what you write, my opinion is that I doubt that you can beat this ticket. Sorry.
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket in the mail for parking at a no-standing bus stop in Queens NY, 5/1/16 at 7:40 am. I was home in the Bronx at that time. The ticket is for a 2008 Nissan and I own a 2012 blue Chevy Equinox. Very annoying.
Joaquin Pagan,
You should win. Include a copy of your registration to prove theses discrepancies.
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket for double parking a rental U-Haul vehicle, while loading and unloading luggage. Does this qualify as a commercial vehicle? Also, right after the officer told me to remove my vehicle, I told him that I would but he went right away to the back of my vehicle and started to write a ticket. People watching at the scene later told me that the officer should have given me a chance to leave and this is a fault that may beat the ticket. Is that true? If so, what section of the traffic rules should I look?
Thank you.
I believe a U-Hal vehicle is a commercial vehicle. You can check its registration to confirm. The officer does not have to give you an opportunity to move. If he or she sees a violation, he can write the ticket.
Matthew Weiss
Mr. Wiess,
I received a cell phone ticket but the officer left the registration expiration and vehicle year blank on the ticket do I have a case ?
The omission of the registration expiration date and vehicle year does not render this traffic ticket fatally defective. Unlike parking tickets, these items cannot be used as a basis for an automatic dismissal.
Matthew Weiss
I am over the road trucker. I delivered to a meat company on west street. The company told me to park in this spot across street saying cops won’t mess with u because they know we have trucks coming in and no place to park. I know now this is crap. I parked there and went to sleeper to wait on guys to come get me to get me unloaded. I came up front to a ticket. I guess folks around here don’t like eating. I won’t come back and I know a thousand truckers that won’t come to this state at all. My question is he wrote on ticket not shown for plate type. Is that a valid response in this box or can I beat it? Thank u.
Chris Weiss,
I don’t know if you can win but you should try. The lack of plate type might be enough for you to win.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I got a parking ticket no standing anytime on a busy street.
There was a fire truck, I could not see the signs. Stepped out to get a parking ticket in few steps. As I went to inspect my car and the sign, an officer was writting a ticket. I have the parking ticket at the same time as the officer giving the ticket.
I’m sorry to hear about your misfortune. However, nothing which you’ve written suggests to me that you can beat this ticket. With that said, don’t let me discourage you from trying.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I was able to successfully beat a parking ticket because the traffic cop wrote the incorrect plate type. Since I have a personalized plate, the code is SRF, not PAS. Thanks for this article, it’s saved me from having to pay a parking ticket!!
Our pleasure! Thanks for sharing your success story with us. We love them!
Matthew Weiss
In comment section of parking ticket, agent typed “raining unable to scan registration”. Also did not type in license plate expiration because of rain. Is this legit?
Eric Roco,
The license expiration date is a critical element so you should try for a dismissal.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket and my car was towed for parking in an area after 7AM. My ticket says that the violation occurred at 7:23AM. However, my car was already missing at 7:05AM and I have call logs and web history on my phone showing that at 7:15 I was already trying to locate my car by calling the police and Parking Regulations as well as searching online to see if my car was towed or stolen. Do you think I have enough grounds to get the violation dismissed?
It sounds like a pretty good defense (i.e., wrong time on ticket). Give it a shot!
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
i got a ticket for parking too close to the fire hydrant when, in reality, I clear the hydrant by the whole 15 feet! There is actually parking garage between the hydrant and the spot I parked on. I saw it int he morning but I took pictures with a measuring tape that evening. Can I submit the picture to fight it online(I can only submit one)? Or, should I print all my pictures, enlarge them, do a google maps street picture to prove the location, get a notarized statement from my brother who was there when I measured it and mail it in? or just plead not guilty and wait for a court date to fight it then? Any advice will help me, Thanks!
The more evidence you have the better.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a summons for parking too far from the curb (about 19 inches). The summons appears defect free but I was parked on a quiet side street and the curb was too high for me to park any close and open the door. My car is built low to the ground and the curb is unusually high. I can prove this with pictures.
Do I have a leg to stand on or should I just pay the fine?
Robert Fortey,
It does not sound like you have a viable defense from what you write.
Matthew Weiss
Yes Matthew well I was found guilty.
Sorry to hear about that adverse result. Don’t feel too bad as it is hard to beat a NYC parking ticket.
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket for parking at a pump. The true time of occurrence was 12:30 AM on 4/11/16. However, the officer wrote 10:30 AM on 4/11/16. This means that he wrote it out 10 hours prior to the time that he documented. He also took a picture of me while I opened the door to my car claiming that he will use the picture as evidence.
The next morning, I parked my car at a parking garage that is 17 minutes/6.9 miles away from the documented place of occurrence. I got a receipt that has the date and time that I parked my car as well as the date and time that I picked up my car. Consequently, my receipt shows that I parked my car 13 minutes prior to the time of the documented time on the ticket, and shows that I picked up my car 26 minutes after the time that is documented on the ticket. The receipt states the color of the car, the make of the car, and the last four digits of my license plate number. Therefore, the receipt shows that my car has been parked at the garage at the time that the officer documented on the ticket. I also have the windshield stub.
I also have a receipt showing that I had a debit card transaction that I did in the area of the garage which can further prove that I was in the area at that time.
The third piece of proof is a document I was emailed from an online service that gives a time stamp to a document that is submitted to them. It is a site called integritychain and it uses blockchain technology to give a time stamp to the docuemt. If a document is altered, it no longer matches the time stamp.
I submitted to the site a document that states the following: “I received a ticket that has a time of the occurrence as 10:30 AM on 04/11/2016. The code was 40 and the amount was filled in as $115. The ticket ID is………. This is despite the fact that 10:30 AM on 04/11/2016 has not occurred yet as evidence by the time stamp.”
The times stamp assigned to the document shows that the document was created hours before the time documented on the ticket. The document would have to be put online, so the judge would be able to verify that the document matches the time stamp.
Is it overkill to try to provide all this info to the judge?
Should I just stick with the parking garage receipt, or should I throw everything I could?
The receipt from the garage only has the last four digits of my car license plate. Is that good enough?
I really want to get this big ticket dismissed, so I really appreciate your time.
Thank you very much.
The wrong time of offense is a strong argument but
only if
you can prove the mistake. The documents which you list seem to provide strong proof that you did not commit the alleged offense
at the time on the ticket
Good luck fighting it!
Matthew Weiss
I just got a dam cleaning ticket i was just 3 mins late and the cop only issued me a ticket not anyone else. What is my best bet.
Umad Saeed,
Not exactly sure what a “leaning ticket” means but I assume street cleaning. You have two options — pay it or fight it. Re-read this article to see if there are any errors or flaws in the key items in your ticket.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew,
We got a ticket for parking supposedly in a no parking area next to a church.
The ticket doesn’t say we were parking next to a church, but that we parked across from a certain address. The actual parking area across from the address on he ticket, however, is not next to the church but further up the street and is not in the no parking zone.
Should pointing that out be sufficient to fight the ticket?
If the ticket lists the wrong location and you can prove it, then you can possibly beat it.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi again, Matthew,
I commented the other day about a ticket I received that did not include my license plate nor the make of my vehicle. I checked that day on NYC’s ticket website and looked up the ticket through my license plate number and nothing appeared. I figured I’d check in today to see if there was anything there and now the ticket is listed under my license plate. On the website, there’s a link to pull up a digital copy of the ticket. That copy has my license plate. But the physical ticket I received on my dashboard says nothing. What do you think I should do?
Thanks for your help!
Weird. I would fight it and argue that your copy is defective and therefore the case should be dismissed.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I am curious about the rules regarding alternate side of the street parking if I am in my vehicle can I still be ticketed?
Even if you are in your car, you can be issued a parking ticket.
Matthew Weiss
Hey I got a parking ticket for no standing except truck loading/unloading. Exp date was n/a and plate type was n/s (nj plates). Also meter # was left blank (not metered, just a desperate attempt from me, I would think n/a would be put down). Thank you for your time.
The meter # is irrelevant for a no standing ticket. The other items may be sufficient for you to win.
Give a try (and let us know what happens).
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket for no parking (school zone) the sign just went up the morning I Parked. to Add insult…another police officer gave me the same ticket two hours later. I was at work during the time I received both tickets. When I got home that I saw one ticket but I got in the mail another violation. seem shady
in both tickets the officers didn’t put address only s/w off the street can I fight this?
You can certainly try. Without a cross street, the location seems incomplete and you can also argue that the two tickets are unfairly duplicative. Further, if you can prove that the sign was installed after you parked, then you should argue this too.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew,
I received a ticket today for parking in a truck loading/unloading zone. The problem is that my license plate number was not recorded. Nor was the make or my VIN. The only description on the ticket is a NJ PAS plate and Black, N/S year 4DSD (which I assume means 4 door sedan). Does this sound wrong to you?
It sounds like the City will never be able to prosecute this ticket because they will not be able to identify the owner of the vehicle.
Matthew Weiss
If the ‘Place of Occurrence’ is incorrect, is this grounds to have ticket dismissed?
Cee bee,
Yes, if you can prove that the wrong location was written on the ticket, then you will win.
Matthew Weiss
I received a parking ticket for NO standing anytime. Whereas i was not even close to no standing zone. I had parking permit displayed on my dash. Also took picture of my car where the parking sign was. I have picture of the car along with prking sign but no time stamp on the picture. What should i do in this case.
You should fight the ticket and submit your proofs.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi I got an ticket for being parked in a no standing zone from 8am to 7pm but there is no sign that’s says no standing. Instead here is a sign that says no parking 8am-8:30am and 1 hour meter parking from 8:30 am to 7pm. Also the ticket has address that I was not located at. The ticket was written at 4:16am as well. Any thoughts?
Plead not guilty and fight this ticket. It sounds like you should beat it.
You should submit photos which show the actual location, the signage and street signage.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a parking ticket in Brooklyn, NY for Violation Code 40. Originally there was a construction cone covering the fire hydrant. I was not aware of this until the next next morning when I saw a parking ticket on my windshield and the construction cone was removed revealing the fire hydrant. The MTA is currently doing construction near the area where I parked and I have photos indicating so, along with photos showing the construction cone covering the fire hydrant. I hear a lot of bad luck when it comes to fighting the “invisible fire hydrant” but had I knew there was a hydrant there, I would not have parked there. Do I have a chance for a dismissal?
You have a chance but there a no guarantees. It’s good you took photos, however. If you win, it will be due to the photos.
Matthew Weiss
Hi, can you dispute a parking ticket if the ticket was not given to you by the officer who wrote it?
Toni Evans,
If a driver is sitting behind the wheel when a warrior issues the ticket, he or she is required to ask the driver for her name and enter it on the parking ticket. However, as explained below, this rule is honored only in rare instances.
The driver must be seated behind the wheel (standing next to the car doesn’t count). The driver must be able to present uncontroverted, totally impossible to ignore proof, that he or she seated behind the wheel when the warrior issued the ticket (Judges are loathe to dismiss for failure to serve).
Matthew Weiss
I got a parking ticket, in Brooklyn, that was torn I cant see the fine amount and only 5 digits of the ticket #is visible. Who do I call or what do I do to pay it, when the tx # is only half there?
Richard Morris,
You can look it up by your license plate number on the NYC Dept of Finance web site, and then pay it.
Matthew Weiss
hello Mr. Weiss,
i received a parking ticket for no parking temp construction zone. however construction ended weeks prior to ticket issuance and the DDC or construction crew failed to remove two out of several other posted signs. sign only indicated construction starting March 11th but not when it would end. construction ended somewhere around March 17th and i received ticket March 28th
i video’d the street 2 hours after receiving ticket and there are no construction cones, crews nor equipment anywhere on the street.
can i fight this? thanks.
You can certainly try and beat this ticket. Sounds like you have a compelling argument.
Good luck and let us know what happens.
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket for expired inspection sticker, but got a new sticker couple days later. Can I still fight this ticket if I receive the new sticker after the ticket was given?
Thanks in advance
Also, Imperial,
You may not “cure” your un-inspected ticket by obtaining it after-the-fact.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew
I got expired registration ticket in front of my workplace which has an easement for parking….
my question is first on a general level;
Missing or expired registration
If my car is in my driveway is that reason that ticket is ng……subject to this answer.
in front of commercial building which has an easement to park in front for the employees etc.. Does that make it private & would this also be reason for invalid ticket?
Shlomo Roth,
What does the ticket state for “Place of Occurrence”.
Matthew Weiss
I received a $115 ticket for being parked in a swiftly changed No Parking Temporary Construction zone. I was parked legally on Tuesday side alt street parking where I normally park. There had been no notice posted anywhere on the street leading up to the construction. The parking signs were switched sometime on Thursday pm and the ticket was issued at 5:50am Friday morning. The entire block got the tickets believing they were parked legally as usual before the signs were switched overnight. Should I fight this and argue there wasn’t practicable time to be notified or in compliance of this change?
Thank you,
Greg Nye,
You certainly can try. This seems like a reasonable defense. Hopefully, you’ll get a sympathetic parking judge.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi there,
I recieved a ticket on 03/18/16 at 3 am for an “obscured vin #” but the hand written ticket said 02/16/18 and on top of that my vin wasnt hidden. There were leaves all over my car but thats about it. Now i have justvrecieved my first notice in the mail and has a penalty fee im assuming because if the date i got it was actually 02/18/16 it would be over 30 days with no reply. Can i fight this? This whole situation has me confused.
You should try and plead not guilty right away. Hopefully, it is not too late.
The wrong date of offense is a strong defense.
Matthew Weiss
I got a $115 parking ticket for having my two rear wheels on the crosswalk. In the space where the officer was supposed to write the CORRECT LAW (In violation of NYC traffic rules) he simply wrote the word “crosswalk.” In the complainants comments he wrote, ” two back wheels on crosswalk.” he didnt write the Correct law anywhere. Will this invalidate the ticket? Should I submit this reasoning and plead not guilty for the ticket?
Edna Roshy,
The failure to include a section of law seems to me to be a big omission. I would fight on these groups. After all, how are you supposed to know what law you violated without it.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Good Afternoon!
I just received a parking ticket this afternoon. It was about 10 minutes after the muni meter expired (5 min grace) – I was running down to feed the meter after being caught on phone calls but was too late unfortunately. The car was parked directly in front of my office building which is building number 143 and the officer wrote that the registration expiry date was NS-Rain. It’s raining today but my registration date is clearly visible. Also he wrote that I was parked in front of building #145. Pictures clearly show a different vehicle in front of #145. I know it’s just next door but the location is technically wrong. Do I have a case? Thank you in advance.
It is close. If you can prove that it was the wrong location, then you may win.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I was issued a ticked for $115 and booted for $185 for parking in a no standing zone (I misread the sigh for the times – usually 1 hour parking in that space). I have never had a ticket of any sort and have no outstanding tickets or anything. I see a lot of comments here about boots only being for people with outstanding fines, but when I asked at the impound lot and a police officer, they said you can be booted for any ticket – particularly no standing tickets. They said I should have been towed but there must not have been an available tow truck. It took 4 hours to get the boot off because it was not the code lock kind – someone actually had to come take it off. 2 questions:
1) Does this sound right – they can boot a car with no outstanding violations?
2) Is there a time limit on which they must remove the boot? My car was essentially held hostage with me and my 2 young children inside waiting the boot to be removed “in the next 30 minutes” according to the impound lot people.
Thank you!
Per the NYC website, “When a vehicle is booted, a device is attached to a wheel of your vehicle to prevent you from moving it. Your vehicle can be booted for owing the city more than $350 in parking ticket or camera violations that are in judgment.”
A parking ticket is considered “in judgment” in the following circumstances: If you do not pay or dispute your ticket within approximately 100 days, it will go into judgment. This means the City takes the legal step of entering a default judgment against you for the entire amount plus penalties and interest. The City can take steps to collect the debt, such as sending your debt to a collection agency or seizing assets. If you have more than $350 of tickets in judgment, your vehicle could be booted or towed.
So, I’m not sure why you were booted for a $115 ticket and, therefore, perhaps you want to dispute the boot charges.
Finally, I have not familiar with any time limit for the City to remove a boot (or any recourse if they unreasonably delay).
Matthew Weiss
Mr. Weiss,
I was issued a ticket for 4-08(c) No Standing All Days All times violation. There was no sign there, only a yellow line along the curb. It was 100 feet from muni meter, the “No parking” sign was another 50 feet with a red arrow pointing away. Is this ticket valid? Can I argue it on the basis that a yellow line does not have a self-sufficient meaning?
Thank you,
Gene Savitski,
I think that it is pretty clear that a yellow line painted along a curb signifies no parking or standing. With that said, don’t let me dissuade you from making the argument about the inadequate signage.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Mr. Weiss,
A summons for “divided Highway” traffic rules section 4-08(e)(8) can you please advise of the following;
a) Is it required by the DOT to have ‘no standing’ signage?
b) On the summons @ ‘the place of occurrence’ is it required to state ‘days/hours rule in effect’
Thank you!
Parking, standing and stopping are prohibited alongside the median dividing a highway into two or more separate roadways. However, alongside the medians of certain segments of such divided highways, parking, standing and stopping is allowed in such areas if there is a sign that allows it. So there is no requirement that a sign be in place restricting this activity all the time.
Similarly, if there is no such sign, then the ticket does not have to include the ‘days/hours rule in effect’ (as it is always in effect).
Matthew Weiss
Mr. Weiss,
I received a parking ticket for a No Standing violation in front of my apartment building, where I have been parking for 4 years. There was never a bus stop there until a few days ago, which I was unaware of when I parked there (I’m so used to parking there that I didn’t even look). There is in fact a bus stop sign which has a small “No Standing” below it, so technically I am in the wrong, but do I have any grounds to dispute the ticket since I have parked there for 4 years, and there was no notice that they were putting in a bus stop? The bus stop definitely was put up within the past week. Also, it’s not even for a real NYC bus…it’s for one of those hop-on/hop-off tour buses!
The Meter # is blank on the ticket, but since it’s for a no standing violation not a meter violation, I’m not sure if that matters.
Thanks very much in advance for your help!!
Nothing which you’ve written suggests to me that you can beat this ticket. Sorry.
With that said, don’t let me discourage your from fighting it. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Dear Mr Weiss,
I received a no standing violation for $115.
1) The plate number is legible, but barely due to being written hard over another set of numbers in the background. In addition a fainter, but clearly legible extra character appears at the end of the plate number listed.
2) the expiration date of the plate number is listed as not shown, but it is clearly shown.
3) The “time” is listed as is the “date of violation,” yet beneath those the “time first observed” and “date first observed” are omitted.
4) The street name appears also to be misspelled.
Which of these make good arguments to support a not guilty defense?
Thank you for your time!
Michel Edw DuBois,
My responses in bold below.
1) The plate number is legible, but barely due to being written hard over another set of numbers in the background. In addition a fainter, but clearly legible extra character appears at the end of the plate number listed. If the court has the case written up under the wrong plate number, then you can win. See what plate number is recorded by the court.
2) the expiration date of the plate number is listed as not shown, but it is clearly shown. Another good argument to make
3) The “time” is listed as is the “date of violation,” yet beneath those the “time first observed” and “date first observed” are omitted. This is not required.
4) The street name appears also to be misspelled. This may help. Raise this argument too.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Thanks Matthew for your advices.
I received a ticket for parking too close from a fire hydrant. When I parked 15 minutes earlier, I had asked a traffic agent, who was there giving tickets, if I was far enough from the hydrant and he helped me back-up and said it was OK. I even interacted with him again, since the meter was not accepting credit cards and he told me to pay with coins, which I did. I thought I could trust a traffic agent !
After I received the ticket, I took a photo from the open front door of the car, but the distance perceived might indeed be under 15 feet. Do I have a chance if I dispute the ticket on this ?
On the technical front: Make says KIA (color GRY) but my rental record says FORTE (Blue).
Thanks so much.
You will not win if you were parked within 15 feet of the hydrant (regardless of the “assistance” provided by the earlier traffic agent). Sorry.
The wrong vehicle description, however, is a good argument to make. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I got a parking ticket for parking in a no parking Mon-Fri 6am-6pm zone (due to temp construction). The ticket lists Exp. Date as N/S Snow, Year as N/S and no VIN number. Can I successfully fight this?
The omitted expiration date and year are good arguments to make (but not the omitted VIN). Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
i received a parking ticket for alternate side of the street parking.
i have Minnesota plates and they put MS for Mississippi instead.
can i use that as an argument in fighting the ticket?
thanks in advance
The wrong state for your license plate is a strong argument. You should make this argument and include a copy of your registration with your not guilty papers.
Good luck.
Matthew Weiss
I’ve received a series of unfortunate/questionable tickets this month in Kings County:
1) Parking violation for parking 6 feet away from a hydrant. It was documented as the wrong state. They listed the state as PA instead of VA. Everything else is correct. I realize this ticket can be dismissed, but do I still have to dispute it?
2) A $115 handwritten (almost entirely illegible) parking ticket that claims I was double parked, but I was legally parked. In fact, this ticket was issued at 7:30 AM when I was in transit to work. We took photos of where it was parked, including the address that the ticket claims it was in front of. There is no signage on the block except for Alternate Street Parking regulations, but it was on the correct (non street cleaning) side that morning. The car was parked about a foot off the curb, but this seems pretty common in Brooklyn and not an offense. I wonder if that anything to do with it?
3) While searching for ticket #1 online by my Plate, another ticket appeared from over two months ago. This ticket claims I was parked 8 feet from the hydrant. I never received a physical ticket for this: handwritten, printed or mailed. What’s the best way to dispute it? There’s no proof that my car was even parked there as it was so long ago!
Thanks for your help!
I’m sorry for your misfortune.
The wrong state is a good argument to make. When you make this argument, you should include a copy of your registration in your not guilty paperwork.
In regard to your double parking ticket, if you can prove that you were not there then you can win. But this may be difficult to do.
In regard to the 2-month old ticket, you can obtain a copy of it to find out the basic alleged facts. This should help you figure out if you were there or have any other defenses.
Good luck with them all!
Matthew Weiss
My father receive a $230 ticket for parking in a handicap zone in Yonkers. The ticket has the plate number and make and year of the car. The Vin information was not included and the year of the offense was incorrect. Are these things enough to warrant a dismissal of the ticket in Yonkers?
Sublimus Clarke,
The wrong year of offense is a strong argument. The VIN number, however, is not a required element.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I got a parking ticket for no parking during night hours. The ticket says it was from 3 am-6am. However on my ticket they wrote 300 but failed to bubble in am or pm. For 600 they put am. Should I bother fighting this ticket? Thanks for your help!
It doesn’t seem like you have a strong argument there (in my opinion).
Matthew Weiss