My dear friend Lawrence Berezin of New York Parking has graciously shared his user-friendly way to identify defects in a New York City parking ticket. The below image show the 10 items which must be properly completed in order for your NYC parking ticket to be valid. If any one (or more) of these items are omitted or incorrect, you should plead not guilty to the ticket and explain which of these items are defective.
The Easiest Way To Fight A NYC Parking Ticket
Matthew Weiss
Matthew J. Weiss, Esq. graduated Hofstra Law School in 1984. He was Law Review and won the law school’s prestigious Procedure Award. Upon graduation, he became one of the first Hofstra Law School graduates to work at the New York State Court of Appeals (New York State’s highest court) working on various appellate matters.
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Text your ticket to (516) 558-5586 or fill out the form below. We fight any New York State traffic ticket EXCEPT parking, red light camera, and speeding camera tickets.
1301 Comments. Leave new
I have a street cleaning ticket where the state of my license plates is entered wrong. Is that grounds for getting the ticket voided and can i just write up an appeal online or would I need to go to court for that?
Thank you,
Pulkit Kanotra,
This may be grounds to win. Make sure you include a copy of your registration and photo of your car and plate in your not guilty paperwork. You can fight it online or in person.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
i recieved a ticket for not paying for a select bus. On my ticket the officer put me down as male when im a female can i fight this ticket or get it thrown out?
I doubt that you will beat this ticket solely on the wrong gender.
Matthew Weiss
Hello Matthew
I got an expired muni meter ticket today at a1 hr Parking location.
Date/Time of offense: 01/15/16 12.41PM.
First Observation noted as 12AM (notice “AM”).
My Muni ticket expired at 12:37PM and I’d purchased another at 12:42PM which would expire 1:42PM. I didn’t even notice the officer putting the ticket on the shield. I have both muni tix. Where do I stand?
Because your second muni meter receipt was obtained within the 5-minute grace period, you should be able to beat this ticket by presenting your receipt with your not guilty plea. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Can you share any emblems or stickers that might influence a traffic agent to ignore your car? I’ve seen tickets given to those with a PBA sticker. I’ll share that my brother-in law escaped an alternate side ticket because he had a DOT neon yellow/green vest draped over his driver seat. The agent skipped his car and ticketed other cars.
There are no such emblems or stickers that you can count on that will allow you to consistently avoid receiving a parking ticket.
Matthew Weiss
I’m surprised to read and hear of errors on an electronically written ticket (not hand written). Doesn’t the bar code on the registration provide all the pertinent info? Are there other items a traffic agent needs to add to the ticket? Next registration, I may just accidentally stick the registration on a stained part of the windshield so it won’t scan easily.
The bar code should (and in most cases does) provide accurate information. The warrior does need to sign the ticket.
Matthew Weiss
I received a $115 parking ticket for parking 7 feet away from the hydrant on one side because the other side of the hydrant was vacant (no car), but after that a car parked on the other side and was maybe 10 feet away from the hydrant yet I am the only car who’s getting the ticket. Can I use the argument that when I parked my car the other side had about 20 feet available from the hydrant. I am also from Virginia and the distance requirement is different than in NY.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I won’t win on this argument. You admittedly illegally parked within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.
Matthew Weiss
I bought a Muni-Meter ticket that expired at 10 AM and bought a new ticket at 10:03 AM. However, by the time I got to the car with my new ticket, it was 10:07 AM and a ticket was issued at 10:06 AM.
Can I use my new Muni-Meter ticket to fight the summons since I did have a valid ticket at time my original ticket expired AND the time the summons was issued?
Thank you!
You get a 5-minute grace period. Because your receipt is within this grace period, you can use it to beat this ticket as part of your not guilty plea. Good luck.
Matthew Weiss
I was in court and had my car in a metered spot. My receipt expired at 12:31 pm. I went to my car and put more time on the meter at 12:43 and had until 2:43 to move my car. I left both receipts, one on each side of the windshield, by accident. The meter maid gave me a ticket at 1:20 pm citing my expired meter at 12:31. I have both receipts in my possession. They did not give me a feeding the meter violation. Can I fight this fine and can I do it online by submitting both receipts?
Next time, only display the current receipt. With that said, if you plead not guilty, you can present the appropriate receipt with your not guilty plea to likely beat this ticket. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew,
Received a double parking ticket while waiting to occupy a parking spot. Driver of vehicle stated he was leaving in two minutes. Moments later, an officer pulled behind me and wrote up a citation.
Permit displayed area is left empty and model yr is incorrect. Is it worth fighting for?
Thanks in advance-
The model year omission may be enough to beat this ticket. If you have the time, plead not guilty and make this argument submitting a copy of your registration as proof of the error. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Received a double parking ticket while sitting in the car after 7pm by an officer who didn’t realize I was in the car. Officer wrote up ticket while in his vehicle and failed to get name of Operator even though I was present.
Is model yr the vehicle year or the Model & YEAR. I ask because officer’s handwritten input is illegible.
Color is listed as GY instead of GRY
Also, after 3 weeks, ticket is still not available on
Any chance here?
Nothing you’ve written suggests to me that you will win this case.
Matthew weiss
My mother recently received a double parking ticket in Flushing, Queens.
She was picking up my grandmother, and because my grandmother is old, she has trouble walking, so my mother went in briefly to help her walk to the car.
When she got back to her car with my grandmother, the officer was writing up the ticket, and continued to do so. It was stated in the ticket that there was no driver present, and the engine was off.
Is there any way to appeal this ticket? I have read online that when picking up/dropping off passengers is not technically not violating a double parking violation since its considered as a no standing violation.
Double parking is never legal except for commercial vehicles (and even then there are restrictions).
Matthew Weiss
I left my car at 5:51am and got a street cleaning ticket at 5:58 am. There was no parking between the time of 3 am to 6am. I know I shouldn’t have left my car earlier than permitted but I noticed on the ticket my car is described as a 4dsd. The ticket has the right make and color but my car registration says 2dr. Do you think I have chance to fight this ticket on the basis that my car was described as a four door sedan when my car is actually a 2 door coupe. I also have new jerseys plates if that makes any difference. Thanks in advance
Ryan Z,
You have a good argument given the officer’s mistaken recording of your car type. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a hydrant ticket for $115. The ticket stated that the car was “3 feet from hydrant” which was a straight up lie. I always take photos of where I park and it clearly shows s/he was lying on the ticket. I disputed and got rejected “Respondent did not prove that he was outside of 15 feet”. What about the “3 feet from hydrant” statement? THAT is definitively false. Appeal?
Thanks for a great blog post!
I seriously doubt that you’ll win an appeal. Save your time.
Matthew Weiss
I received a parking ticket for double parking in front of my home. the color on the ticket says brown and according to the maker and registration my car is urban titanium metallic. is it something worth fighting or should i just pay?
I don’t now what “urban titanium metallic” means and about the parking judge does either. Look at what your registration states. If it states anything other than “brown”, then you can win. If so, make sure you include a copy of your registration card to prove the color error.
Matthew Weiss
I Just got a ticket because i was triple parked – it was alternate side parking and no room on the other side so i had to triple park. I got an 115$ ticket . When i came out to move the car the gear shift didnt move and i had to call a mechanic to come fix it and was only than able to move it.
Can i fight it with the claim that my car was broken and was unable to be moved?
Mechanical failure can sometimes be used to beat a parking ticket. With a mechanics letter, you have a chance to win.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I recently got a ticket for parking during street cleaning time of 11:30 AM – 1 PM. The ticket reads that it was issued at 12:57 PM. Can I fight the ticket arguing that the time difference is debatable and it really was after 1 PM as shown by my watch/clock? The street cleaner had already passed way before the ticket was issued.
Thank you very much,
I doubt that you will win. The restorations were to 1 pm and, according to the agent, you were parked 3 minutes too early.
Matthew Weiss
On a Friday evening, I mistakenly it was Saturday and parked my car at the location where no parking is allowed from Monday to Friday (7 am to 7 pm) and Metered parking is allowed for Saturday. After I paid the meter and displayed the receipt on the car dash board. After dinner with my mother and return to the car a found a ticket placed on the windshield. How likely I can get a dismissal from the traffic court with this excuse. I still have the parking receipt to show that I paid the parking meter and the time was about 10 minutes before the meter maid wrote the ticket.
You will not win. Parking is apparently not allowed on a Friday and your mistake about the day of the week is irrelevant.
Matthew Weiss
Hello. I parked in front of a bus stop. It was far down the block but I don’t think there is a way out of it on that front. In the “place of occurrence” it says “opposite 185 west end ave.” My question is, there is a 185 west end ave in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Does it need to be clarified? Can I fight it on this basis?
I don’t think this distinction will help you beat this case. Further, there is a box for the county below the place of occurrence box which should list it.
Matthew Weiss
I received a parking ticket for parking on sidewalk outside a driveway when I looked at the ticket it was a handwritten ticket and got wet by the rain and nothing is eligible. Do you think I have any chance of fighting this ticket??
Thank You
David M,
I doubt that this will help you beat the ticket as the officer’s copy was probably not rain damaged.
Matthew Weiss
Here is a new one: I got a ticket… missed moving my car by 10 mins for street cleaning… yada yada.. The Inspector # is at the bottom of the ticket along with “Exp Date” next to it (under comments, right above fine amt, not my own registration exp date which is further up) which was several days prior to the date my ticket was issued. Ticket issued Jan 3 2016 and this exp date was 12/31/15. Is this the Inspector’s license/ credential exp date and if so can I get off based on it having expired? Hoping so…
Interesting argument and certainly worth making. Not sure how the PVB will rule but hope you’ll let us know.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hello. I received a parking ticket for parking next to a fire hydrant. I had no idea that there was a fire hydrant there because it was completely covered by an orange construction cone. There were no other indications of any fire hydrant such as painted curbs or steel bearings that surround the hydrant. I did not find the hydrant until after I saw the ticket and looked around and decided to lift up the cone. I have pictures. Chances of winning if I fight the ticket? (the ticket otherwise seems fine and does not appear to be missing any necessary elements). Thanks.
If believed, a “covered hydrant” defense should work. However, the parking judges are skeptical of those arguments (even with photos) so it will be an uphill battle.
Matthew Weiss
Love your site,
I have a two part question… I very rarely come to the city for work, but alas, last month I had to work in Queens. end of the day, I comeback to my car to find a ticket and a boot (as did about 8 other nearby vehicles). I then notice a no parking mon-Friday 8-6 sign nearby. Although it was definitely a violation,the sign was bent about 90deg making it difficult to see. Do I have a leg to stand on?
Is that even a bootable offense, with zero past offenses or unpaid tickets? I almost received a tow on top of it, since the would only accept payment, in person, in flushing (I was in Astoria) and spent nearly $100 to get there and back by cab during rush hour within the two hour towing window . Any guidance would be greatly appreciated
Mike H,
You can submit photos of the bent photos and argue that the sign was not in proper position. However, if you could read it, then I am not convinced that you’ll win.
If you owe more than $350 in parking and/or camera tickets, then you can be booted.
Matthew Weiss
Dear Mr. Weiss – I received a ticket today for an over due inspection – but the color on the ticket says my car is brown, when it is tan or champagne. Can I fight this – or should I pay it?
Thank you – Peter
This is a close call. You can try to win on these grounds especially if the registration lists the car as tan (not brown).
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I have TLC plates and initial TLC inspection that is issued for the initial 4 months. After that vehicle has to be inspected by a regular shop, i received an expired inspection ticket because the initial inspection from talc had expired. Is the traffic department allowed to issue these tickets?
If you mean the NYC police or traffic agents, then “yes” they can issue expired inspection tickets.
Matthew Weiss
I received a parking violation on 10/6 in Brooklyn (Dumbo, Kings County) on my vehicle in a newly designated No Standing Zone.
There are multiple discrepancies on the ticket, as well as a couple other unique factors:
1. License Plate – Custom Florida plate. Actual plate reads: G COUP 3 (note the spaces, and the letter o, not zero). Ticket reads: GE0UP3 (no spaces, E instead of C, 0 instead of O).
2. Date registration expires – Clearly shown (sticker) on the plate. Ticket reads: N/S (not shown)
3. VIN – Visible in front windshield, blank on the ticket.
4. Body Type – 2 door hatchback, ticket marked Subn.
It is also worth mentioning that at the time, the registration of the vehicle may not have actually been valid. This was because the car was involved in an accident a month prior, deemed a total loss, title transferred to the insurance company during the settlement, then given back to myself afterward as a salvage vehicle title. At the time of the citation, the title had not been transferred back to my name yet so theoretically even though the registration/sticker that was issued in May and on the car, I don’t believe it is directly linked to the vehicle. I know NY typically overlooks this in situations while the car is being retitled and paperwork pending for the new “Rebuilt Salvage” vehicle, but that is just from a verbal discussion with the DMV.
When I search for the ticket via violation number online, the erroneous license place is displayed/linked to the citation; not my actual one.
What would you recommend as the best course of action? WThanks, J.
The wrong plate number and body type are your best arguments. I would make them when you plead not guilty and show the registration as proof of these two errors.
Matthew Weiss
Idea…What do you think about fighting a ticket based on the fact that the signage does not specify a time zone for which the hours apply. I see nothing in the NYC Traffic Chapter which specifies a time zone….even to state that it is the local zone in effect at the location of the violation. Is there a higher law which provides for this in all other chapters?
Joe Smith,
Unique argument but one that I doubt will be successful at the Parking Violations Bureau. It is reasonable to assume that the time zone that applies is the one in which the sign is located. Why would, for instance, Pacific Standard Time apply in New York City?
Matthew Weiss
Dear Carolyn,
Good morning.
Your were issued a “Scam” pedestrian ramp ticket.
The latest version of the pedestrian ramp follies involves issuing tickets for staircases that join the sidewalk to the street…You are absolutely correct. They are not pedestrian ramps.
A driver can fight a parking ticket issued to the owner of a vehicle.
If you opt to fight this evil ticket in person, bring plenty of pictures showing the area. Make sure the photographs clearly show that there are no:
1. Marked Crosswalks
2. Traffic control devices
3. Traffic signs regulating traffic
Good luck.
Hi, thanks for taking the time to answer this. I got a “double parking” ticket today, and am wondering if you think I can win the case by fighting it. I went on a groceries trip with a relative and went to drop them off outside their apartment. I got out of the car to open the trunk and help unload the groceries, which we both then took out and placed on the curb. As I turned around I saw a traffic officer writing a ticket, which was for double parking. I just moved recently to NYC from Florida and I could not have perceived receiving a ticket for dropping off a passenger and their groceries!
Secondly, on the ticket itself, the traffic officer indicated the wrong color of the car – wrote GRN/green instead of GRY/gray which is what is on my Registration. They also put 2DSD (2 door sedan) even though my car is really a hatchback coupe. And they wrote the incorrect VIN number.
Do I have enough to get this ticket dismissed?
The wrong color and make are good arguments to make in your defense. The other ones, not so much.
I suggest you submit a copy of your registration which shows these two errors if you decide to fight this ticket.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew,
I recently received a parking ticket for “blocking a pedestrian ramp.” It was not a crosswalk, it was a street that has an elevated sidewalk, and the ramp goes down to the street from the sidewalk. To be exact, it wasn’t a ramp, it is a set of stairs.
There are no signs anywhere saying not block the stairs.
It’s my understanding (from lots of googling) that if the ramp isn’t at a marked crosswalk, you may park in front of it. Is this correct? What is the best way to fight this- just photos?
As another issue, it was my boyfriend’s car. Can I fight this ticket in person, even though it isn’t my car?
I received a parking ticket today for “double parking” – a $115 ticket. It is my car under my name/registration, but I permit close friends/family to drive my car (some even being on my insurance plan). My roommate was actually the one driving my car and I was in the passenger seat. He had gotten out of the car and put the emergency lights on in order to retrieve something from inside our apartment. A parking cop came and stuck the ticket on the windshield even though I was inside the car – did not even ask me to move the car. Can I beat this ticket if I state these facts in a Not Guilty plea? Can the ticket get thrown out by claiming I was not the driver of the car at the time and/or that the officer did not ask me to move the car even though I was inside it?
Follow-up question – my plate is out-of-state, and I am planning to leave NYC soon. If I choose to ignore the ticket with no plans of driving the same car back through NY, can the ticket still follow me to my home state or through some collection agency?
No, you cannot beat a parking ticket by claiming that you were not the driver. Further, the warrior does not have to excuse violation of the parking law because you are in the vehicle. This issue has come up a bunch of times recently so you can scroll down to hear more about this issue in the comments.
Matthew Weiss
Hi, I parked my car at night last Friday December 11th around 8:45 PM like 3 Avenue away from where I live. But that day was garbage day and I did not notice any fire hydrant that night because it was covered by garbage bins like 4 garbage bins and garbages bags so I thought it was safe to park. But on Sunday when I went to pick up my car, I saw a ticket on my windshield and then I look around and that’s when I saw the fire hydrant 5 feet away. Do you think I could fight this ticket? thanks
I don’t think you’ll win based on a “garbage can” defense. Sorry.
Matthew Weiss
Thank you in avance for your response! A couple of days ago I was issued an expired meter ticket in NYC. I paid the ticket until 2:00pm and the ticket was issued at 2:06 pm. I was literally crossing the street as I watch the person place the ticket in my window (didn’t even bother arguing). It was my understanding that I had a 5 min grace period and I was in a long line paying something so I figured I would make it back in time. I have 2 questions 1) is this “grace period” true? 2) is it possible to win given the situation? I feel this person was idling by my car a few minutes until it expired. Very frustrating!
Thank you!
There is a 5-minute grace period (so 6 minutes is too late).
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew Weiss,
I was really hoping you can help me!
I received a parking ticket ($115) stating that my vehicle was parked on a “safety zone.” On top of that, my vehicle was towed and I had to pay $185 to get it back. The whole street was full of cars parked, which I’m guessing were towed as well. This safety zone was freshly painted a couple of weeks back, and it was not accompanied by a “no standing sign.” In fact, there was a sign right in front of the safety zone stating a 4 hour parking and the hours. This sign was just replaced this week by a “no standing anytime” sign and the meter was removed. What can I possible say or do to dispute this ticket? Thank you so much in advance!
Yes, it is possible to dispute this ticket especially if you have photos to show this situation.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Dear Mr. Weiss,
I recently received a ticket for no standing. My motorbike was parked on the north side of Platt Street, about 5-6 feet east of Gold Street, in the Financial District in Manhattan. The starter motor had failed and after several attempts I left it there to go to my office and call my dealer and also a friend to see if I could get free towing. I had left my cell phone in my office (rare, but it happened). When I came back after about 20 min, I found the ticket. I asked a friend to come pick it up with his truck and took it to the dealer and mechanic. They confirmed the motor had failed and replaced it. I have proof from the mechanic. The ticket is all well filled out unfortunately. I noticed though that under ” Place of Occurrence” it says:
N/S Platt St
4ft E/of Gold St.
1. Is this enough to say the location is not clearly defined? (N/S to me means non specified, unless it also means north side)
2. Body Type it says MCY, is that correct?
3. Can I use the starter motor failure to request a dismissal?
Answers in bold below.
1. Is this enough to say the location is not clearly defined? (N/S to me means non specified, unless it also means north side). To me, N/S means Northside and seems sufficient.
2. Body Type it says MCY, is that correct? Again seems correct to me. What else hold it say?
3. Can I use the starter motor failure to request a dismissal? Yes, mechanical issues (when documented) can result in dismissals.
I was given a ticket for no standing on a spot that was recently change (possibly no more than 2 weeks). The sign was not visible at night since it was cover by tree branches. It was only slightly visible. There’s also white lines on the ground that indicate it as a parking spot. Is that enough to evidence to dispute the ticket?
Also on the ticket, the color of my car was incorrectly stated. Can I also use that as a factor to dispute the ticket? What is the best way to approach this situation?
Thank you
The wrong color on the ticket appears to be your best argument. You should plead not guilty and submit a copy of your registration proving the color error. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Dear Ruben,
Good morning.
I read your comment about the evils of street cleaning policing and wanted to share some information with you…
1. Stopping, standing and parking mean halting your vehicle, whether occupied or not.
2. In a no standing zone, you are permitted to stop temporarily and drop off or pick up passengers, and leave the area immediately
3. In a no parking zone, you are permitted to stop temporarily to drop off or pick up passengers and their stuff, and leave the area immediately
4. Each neighborhood has different customs for street cleaning. You can sit in your car and wait for the sweeper to pass in some neighborhoods while in other neighborhoods you can’t. The one practice that’s consistent is that when it’s quota time, you’re going to get a parking ticket for engaging in customary street cleaning etiquette.
5. The law doesn’t permit you to sit in your car and wait for the sweeper to finish sweeping. The warriors and cops simply “turn the other cheek” to this illegal custom.
You may wish to check your parking ticket for omitted, misdescribed or illegible required elements. If none, you got hit with a despicable ticket, but a legal one…Sorry, Ruben.
Hi. I received a ticket for parking at a fire hydrant. It happened to be garbage collection day and the building I was parked in front of put their garbage on top of the fire hydrant and I did not realize it was there. The hydrant was hidden. Is this a possible defense?
Also, the address that was written on the ticket is not exact address. The hydrant was probably 75 feet or so from the address. The officer should have written that i was a certain amount of ft. from the corner of the block because there is no address directly in front or opposite the hydrant. Is this also a possible defense? Thank you for your advice!
The wrong location is a pretty good argument. I would make this argument and support it with photographic proof.
Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew,
I (very rightfully, unfortunately) got a ticket for not displaying a Muni Meter receipt on the dash during the standard 9a-7p time frame. However there is no meter # on my ticket and that’s one of your 10 items. Is that enough to fight the ticket, or does not having a receipt on the dash mean the warrior is not required to put a meter #?
Since the advent of the Muni Meter, the meter number is no longer a required element. There are no longer meters in NYC.
Matthew Weiss
Dear Andrew,
I parked this past Sunday 11/29 under “No Parking 7am – 12am” sign for 45 minutes. The sign does not say ALL DAYS, so I thought Sunday was okay. I got a ticket for $65 saying it was No Parking ALL DAYS 7am -12am on the ticket. I specifically made sure that the sign does not have “ALL DAYS” specified. Is this worth disputing given the confusion? Thank you in advance for your advise.
Christina X,
I don’t think that you’ll win. The sign said no parking and you parked there. If the sign was limited to certain days, then it would have so stated.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matt,
It seems like a new practice is being enforced I was sitting in my car for street cleaning as customary most of us sit in our vehicles wait for the street sweeper to pass and then park and wait in car till the time that we are allowed to stay parked. I am in the Bronx on 138th street. It seems the ticket agents have been instructed by their superiors to give us tickets if we are sitting in our cars while we wait out the time. I asked the agent who issued about ten of us tickets how is it possible I am being issued a ticket for no parking when I am clearly sitting in the car . Furthermore in the comments section of the ticket it is written I refused to move / no permit. Now my question wouldn’t no parking mean my car is parked without anyone inside? So if that were true then me sitting in the car in a no park zone during the hours of cleaning would mean I am actually standing in my car? As a standing sign seems to be that u cannot stop for no reason . I’m puzzled on how to fight this ticket. On another note if this a new low standards they are trying to enforce how does that sit for Manhattan who from Houston street to 96st all people do down there is exactly what I described we do uptown. I’m hoping that this is a disgruntled supervisor who is not meeting a quota and is trying to be creative in issuing tickets. Please advise and let your readers know of this new low the ticket agents are being pushed to perform…just so you know I did ask the agent and the answer given was his supervisor was in the car and told him to give us all tickets…..
Ruben nyc,
Thanks for sharing this distasteful practice. If you’re in the car, they should have, at least, asked you to move prior to issuing a ticket.
Matthew Weiss
I received a ticket for an expired NY inspection while being out of the country
I would like to try and fight it, please let me know if this is ok to send in: – thanks
To whom it may concern,
Please be advised that I was out of the country when I received this ticket, and had it taken care of as soon as I was made aware of it
Please take this into consideration and dismiss violation
Thank you
I doubt that you’ll win. An inspection ticket cannot be cured by getting the inspection after-the-fact.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matthew,
I appreciate your advice. I was in my vehicle waiting for my wife, 5 feet from a fire hydrant. I ran inside to grab her bag, ran out, and now had a ticket in my windshield, traffic cop nowhere in sight. It was less than 4 minutes. My flashers were still on.
The ticket says I was 0 feet from the fire hydrant. I brought out a measuring tape and took a bunch of pictures, clearly showing that I was further than 0 feet (but still, of course, not 15 feet). Is there any ground for me to fight this on? Or should I just be paying the fine? (outside of any obvious errors in date/plate/vin # etc.)
Thank you!
Andrew H,
From what you write, I wouldn’t bother fighting it. You admittedly violated the law when your parked less than 15 feet from a fire hydrant. The fact that it was only a few minutes is irrelevant.
Matthew Weiss
I was given a ticket for parking in a No Standing Any Time zone, on the west side of Riverside Blvd in Manhattan between W62nd and W63rd st. The ONLY sign (which I honestly did not see) which seems to designate this area as such is located at the end of the PREVIOUS block, so when I turned left onto Riverside from 63rd there was no visible sign on the entire block (the west side of Riverside is one long continuous curb as there are no cross streets continuing west beyond it) Furthermore, on Riverside Blvd there are white lines painted that seem to designate “parking boxes”, in other words areas that are safe to park in. I, along with a dozen other cars, was parked in such a box, which extends 200ft after the intersection for the entire length of that block. Even if I were to have seen this sign, it seems like it would be reasonable to assume it only refers to the section of Riverside directly adjacent to the sign, opposite the end of 63rd street, where no such box exists. This assumption would further have been reinforced by the COMPLETE ABSENCE of any more “No Standing” signs over the following 200ft stretch of road containing the parking box. I feel like I have a good argument for unclear, insufficient or misleading signs. Do you agree, and if so how should I present this?
Marc G,
If there is one sign governing that block, then I believe it controls the whole block (unless another sign states differently). With that said, submit your argument and see what happens. I suggest you include photos that show the street signs, pavement markings, etc, and make sure that the photos can be put together to show the whole stretch. Good luck!
Matthew Weis
Received a ticket while parked at the train station. The ticket is for expired inspection. Was asked to appear in court but my ticket has no fine/fee written on it. What should I do?
Assuming your inspection was, in fact, expired and assuming the ticket was properly completed (see my post listing the required elements), you should plead guilty and pay the fine. It will be roughly $100 to $150.
Matthew Weiss
I have received two tickets for expired registration. My registration expired on the 8th of November.
Back Ground: I went online to renew my registration however it was block without providing a reason. I went onto the NYS site to see if I had any violations. It did not show any. I went to the DMV to renew in person, again I was informed there was a block and to go to the NY site and do a search. I left and attempted to search the NYS Site again and did not find a match. I went again to the DMV express and they informed me I could not complete my transaction there. Ultimately I went to a full service DMV and was able to identify the freeze and pay the fine and renew my registration. Will I be able to fight the tickets.
What is my best defense in order to have them exonerated?
Thank you in advance.
I cannot tell you what is your “best defense”. Further, because your registration was apparently expired before the tickets were issued, I didn’t read anything in your summary that suggests you have a viable defense. Sorry.
Matthew Weiss
Hi Matt,
I recently received a ticket and my vespa was towed for not properly displaying the plate. It was parked on Fulton street near William Street (East of William and on the north side of Fulton). The rule was 4-08(j)92)I fought the ticket and I won. It was dismissed for lack of required elements: “Due process defect – misdescription of vehicle’s registration plate number “. Does this mean I can recover the towing fee? I did not think about this before and I threw out the receipt from the tow pound but I have the credit card transaction record.
You can try and recover your towing charges given that you beat the case. Good luck!
Matthew Weiss
I received a $115 ticket for parking next to a fire hydrant. The hydrant in question is broken and was laying on its side next to the capped stand pipe when I parked my car there. Does the hydrant being broken give me any argument to fight this ticket?
Also, the Plate Exp. Date on the ticket is incorrect, the VIN# isn’t complete on the ticket, and the Meter # was left blank. Would any of those give me a chance to beat this?
The broken hydrant does not excuse your illegal parking. There are non-functional hydrants throughout the City that result in many tickets be issued every day. The expiration date may help but the other two arguments are worthless.
Good luck.
Matthew Weiss
On 11/19 I received a $115 ticket for parking in a No Standing anytime area in my residential neighborhood.
I’ve lived in my neighborhood–Forest Hills, Queens for over 17 years now and have always parked on this corner without a problem. All of a sudden this red No Standing sign appeared on a utility pole. The utility pole is 2.5 car lengths away from the corner. The arrow points toward the direction of the corner. It is in front of an apartment building—no entrances, no place of worship, no logical reason for this space to be designated a “no standing anytime” area. Consequently, many vehicles are being ticketed—no one in our neighborhood is used to this sign being there. Do you think that I/we have a solid argument here? Is there any way that I can research when this sign was put up and if it is in fact legally placed or a mistake? It seems so unnecessary in an already congested area. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
You have a bad argument. The sign restricts such behavior and you apparently violated it. If you don’t like the sign, then you should contact your local politician about it.
Matthew Weiss
Hi, I received a parking ticket for not being in the stall however, the stall area was confusing and so I thought I was in spot. This was in Nassau County….However, the officer left the VIN number, vehicle year and expiration date off of the ticket…do you I have a chance to beat the ticket?
The omitted year and expiration date may be enough to beat this ticket. Plead not guilty and give it a try.
Matthew Weiss
I was inside my car at a no parking area on Monday,(november 16th, 2015) . A traffic officer scanned my registration and started writing a ticket. I drove off without saying anything. I have a feeling the ticket will be mailed to me. What are the repurcussions? I want to fight the ticket because I was inside of the car and could’ve easily moved.
You can plead not guilty if and when you get the ticket and, of course, you should argue that you were sitting in the car.
Matthew Weiss