Two weeks ago, the title of this blog post would have been “Traffic Lawyer’s Wife Gets Traffic Ticket” but I decided to be nice and spare my wife the embarrassment. Well today, it is me who is embarrassed. (Not really, I have thick skin).

In bumper-to-bumper traffic on the westbound Long Island Expressway, I got impatient and allegedly used the accelerator lane to pass a bunch of cars on the right (note emphasis of “allegedly”). A nearby officer didn’t like my time-saving maneuver and pulled me over.
I was issued a ticket for Disobeying A Traffic Control Device (Vehicle And Traffic Law Section 1110a). This traffic ticket is a moving violation and carries 2 points. The fine is currently $50 plus an $80 surcharge.
To my readers, I promise to put my keen legal skills to work and beat this ticket. Stay tuned.

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3 Comments. Leave new
The vast majority of Texans have, at some point in their lives, received a ticket for a traffic violation. Unlike most other violations of the law, a traffic ticket doesn’t bear the same stigma of criminality and is often viewed as a minor offense that even the most law-abiding citizens may be guilty of on a frequent basis. However, don’t let the prevalence and the commonality of a traffic ticket fool you. Trying to resolve a traffic ticket in Texas is at best an annoyance, and at worst, a convoluted maze of red tape that can have you banging your head against the wall in no time. From the moment you see the red lights flashing in your rearview mirror and hear the dreaded siren, you enter the confounding world of Texas traffic law.
[…] a defense to my recent traffic ticket. Allegedly, I disobeyed a traffic control device. Click here for […]
[…] blogging since January 2009, and have never received as much feedback about a post as I have about Part 1 of this post. It seems everyone is amused by the irony of my mis-fortune (especially my […]