As I wrote a few days ago, I have taken the “training wheels off” this blog by writing more personal items. I will, of course, continue to write about vehicle…
In my last post, I talked about Ubertwitter and the virtues (or lack thereof) of a location-based status update. I wish I had waited one more day to post because…
It’s hard to keep up with the many Twitter applications and support sites which attempt (with varying degrees of success) to enhance the Twitter experience. (more…)
Poken Okay, I figured about this Poken thing. See my last post for how I got “poked”. Anyway, its a USB device for your keychain that allows you to share…
Last night, I attended the HARO happy hour. For those of you who don’t know HARO, shame on you. HARO is the brain child of marketing/PR guru Peter Shankman and…
Remove Those Training Wheels I’ve been blogging for a little over 6 months now and have enjoyed sharing news and tips relating to traffic and vehicle and traffic law. My…
The most common topic in this blog is DMV fines and fees. More specifically, the on-going practice of the DMV to raise fines, surcharges and other fees. Well, here we…
Texting While Driving As forewarned months ago, the New York Legislature is now just a signature away from enacting a law banning texting while driving. Both the Assembly and dysfunctional…
Typical Speedometers Are Notoriously Inaccurate The Wall Street Journal recently reported that speedometers are “notoriously inaccurate”. Typically, speedometers overstate a car’s speed by 3 to 5 mph. Of course, overstating…
Text your ticket to (516) 558-5586 or fill out the form below. We fight any New York State traffic ticket EXCEPT parking, red light and speeding camera tickets.